Chapter 798 Come

“If the legendary Super Saiyan does appear, it will be a headache.” Frieza said with contempt for Badak. As the frozen clan in the universe…the Frieza clan can be traced back to Zild, the cosmic pirate.

Even among the Frozen Clan, Frieza is definitely a genius. He has a strong combat power since he was born, and he has never practiced. He controlled about 70% of the territory of the Seventh Universe with an absolutely powerful force. Because of Frieza’s cold and merciless style…the entire universe called him the emperor of evil and was frightened by the news. Frieza and his party members did all illegal things in the universe. After they massacred the inhabitants of a planet, they sold the planet to high bidders. He also brought all the powerful people on the planet he invaded under his command.

The only fear in Frieza’s heart is the Saiyans.

Because in the spread of the Frieza clan. There has always been a warning: you must be careful of the golden arrogant Saiyan.

That is, Super Saiyan!

In order to prevent future troubles, Frieza wanted to slaughter the Saiyans!

“I can’t spare you!” Badak growled. At the same time, the fighting power of the whole body was agitated, and the blue energy bomb formed in the hands of Badak and threw it at Frieza.

“Well, it’s time to light the beautiful fireworks.” Frieza chuckled lightly. At the same time, he threw the golden death energy in his hand towards Badak. Death energy bomb! ! ! Frieza’s usual moves are enough to annihilate the entire planet.

At the same time, the death energy bomb was thrown out gently.

Frieza’s death energy bomb easily swallowed Badak’s energy bomb, and at the same time it swelled frantically in the air.

But Badak, who saw this scene, had already been sluggish.

The Saiyans around are also the same. This is the first time they have seen Frieza, who is the king of the universe, take action. The Saiyans originally thought that with the power of the whole clan, there was still a slight possibility to resist Frieza’s rule.

But when he saw Frieza release the death energy bomb.

Everyone is desperate… this kind of power is simply beyond the reach of any Saiyan. They watched the death energy bomb rapidly expand. Then swallow them…but no one noticed that before the death energy bomb swallowed Badak, the space suddenly twisted, and then he sucked Badak in.

After devouring all the Saiyans, death energy bombarded the planet Vegeta.

The bright golden light bloomed suddenly.

Planet Vegeta, together with the proud and militant Saiyan clan… Since then, has disappeared in the vast universe.

Saiyans are only a few people left.

“Cut… golden arrogant Saiyans!? Super Saiyans?! These are just legends. From now on, there will be no Saiyan clan in this world. No one will threaten me Fli The reign of King Sa.”

When Frieza turned around and was about to leave, she was suddenly taken aback.

His gaze turned to the position occupied by Vegeta.

At this moment… it’s just a void.

But with Ephrisa’s eyesight, he could clearly see the void a million kilometers away, and a figure stood out of thin air. How can this be? !

Looking at the endless starry sky around, Mukuro was a little speechless. He grinned and said, “The system…you are too unreliable. I actually threw me directly into outer space. Even if I use God Pro to find a living planet, I don’t know how much time it will take. Okay. Synchronize my power into this world and tell me where this world is.”

With Mukuro’s state of life, living in outer space is naturally without the slightest problem.

“Ding… the power is completed simultaneously.”

“This is the world of Seven Dragon Balls. Good luck to Host.”

After speaking, the system was silent in the depths of Mukuro’s consciousness… No matter how Mukuro shouted. The system just puts on a posture that I’m still standing still. “Your uncle, System. You haven’t told me where is this place yet!? How should the earth go.”

The background of the Dragon Ball world is the entire galaxy. The earth is in the northern galaxy… If the system throws itself into the southern galaxy… Mukuro’s ability to rely solely on God’s presence may not find the coordinates of the earth for thousands of years. Moreover, it is actually the world of Dragon Ball. As soon as he had drawn the lineage of Saiyan, he was sent here by the system. Really… freedom is doomed in the dark. But when I thought of controlling the origin of the world in the Dragon Ball world.

Mukuro only felt a wave of powerlessness, and hit his whole body.

He shit!

This is the Dragon Ball world.

Let’s not talk about the existence of the whole king who can destroy the twelve universes with a single thought. Even the god-tier officials, priests, gods of destruction under the king… These are all the powers that can destroy Mukuro with a single thought, super terrifying level. Even Buu, Sharu… opponents of this level, Mukuro, are not sure to fight against them. Going forward…It is estimated that even Frieza does not need to be a final transformation, a second stage transformation will be able to completely torture himself. Although Mukuro’s combat power is fully utilized… but it is only capable of destroying a planet. When converted into combat power, it’s only two to three hundred thousand. But if you count the hole cards of the Eye of Straight Death, it definitely breaks a million.

Even if it is placed in the entire universe, it definitely counts as the number one person.

As long as it does not run into the existence of Frieza’s 1.2 horror rating.

So Mukuro thinks that self-protection is not a big problem.

Moreover, although the system is unscrupulous, Mukuro does not believe that the system will throw himself into a position that has nothing to do with the plot.

At this moment, Mukuro’s cold hair suddenly stood up.

Because he perceives a super terrifying breath, he is quickly approaching himself. Mukuro even has a hairy feeling.


Some people would say that I lowered the protagonist’s combat effectiveness, I won’t talk about anything else… Turtle Immortal’s combat effectiveness of 139 points, bombing the moon… Think about this, the protagonist’s combat effectiveness is still low! ? I feel a little bit taller. Twenty to thirty thousand is suitable.

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