Chapter 786 Conspiracy is first revealed

“It is estimated that since then… the old fellow Volod will be able to board the seat of the head of the four Uranus of Ishgar.” Mukuro smiled.

“Is it stronger than Celestial Serena?” Kildas exclaimed.

“God Serena!? Hmm…it shouldn’t be stronger than him, but it’s almost the same. But Serena has defected from the continent of Ishurgal. Now he is serving as the tenth guardian of the Albares Empire. One of the two shields. By the way, when the war starts, the two of them will definitely have a chance to fight. At that time, they knew which was strong and weak.” Mukuro said with a smile.

It was at this time that the transformation that happened to Volod Sinken ended.

And Volod Sinken no longer looked like a tree man.

Although his face is slightly old. But the skin has returned to human skin, and the hair is no longer clusters of green leaves.

“Chairman Mitarashi, thank you very much.” Volod bowed deeply to Mukuro.

Mukuro just waved his hand and said, “It has nothing to do with me, I just said something casually. You can make such a change because of your own strength.” That being said, if there is no wake up from Mukuro, It is estimated that even if Volod Sinken died of old age, his strength would only stagnate and would not undergo such a big transformation.

Volod Sinken shook his head, and 513 said seriously:

“In the future, President Mitarashi or the Garden of Jingling will have any needs. Volod Sinken will never push and will do his best to complete it.”

Although Volod knew it was just a sentence.

But if this sentence is spoken from different people, it will have different effects. If it wasn’t from Mukuro’s mouth, then Volod Sinken would never care, and would just think it was nonsense. But this word came out of Mukuro’s mouth… then it won’t be. There must be a little magic in it.

And because of this, Volod Sinken’s strength has undergone this transformation.

“Then you do your best to give me a violent beating of the god Serena guy.” Mukuro said casually: “Next we are going to conquer the gate of the underworld.”

A corner in the depths of the continent of Yixugar.

Towering a black and white castle.

“Jerf…how are everything prepared!?” On the black and white throne, sat a man who wrapped himself in a black and white robe. A pair of ruthless eyes were revealed… Jeff, who stared at the throne, asked coldly.

“The ones made in the past seven years… plus those left over from before. A total of more than 90,000 roots have been completed. Of these, 20,000 roots are spread across the continent of Ishurgal. Twenty thousand roots are spread across the Western Continent. The remaining fifty thousand roots are scattered all over the sea.” Jeff replied. Then he seemed to hesitate and frowned. He asked: “My lord…does it really have to be so extreme!? This will cause immeasurable damage to the entire world.”

“Shut up, Jeff.”

The man on the throne seemed to be very angry. Angrily said: “Jerf, don’t forget your own identity, don’t question my decision!”

“Yes, my lord.” Jeff said with a bit of sullenness.

“Humph!” the man on the throne snorted coldly. Then he looked at Jeff, a young man with white hair and dark skin. He opened his mouth and said: “Akunorokia, after the battle with Mitarashi Mukuro at the gate of the underworld and the Twelve Shields of the Saints. You will take the opportunity to attack him. By then, you will detonate all the things that you have placed.”

“Yes. But I am not his opponent. I can only fight for one minute at most.” Akunorokia said coldly: “Moreover, after the matter is completed. You must follow the agreement and take all the Dragon Slayers. Give it to me and let me kill.”

Watching Akunorokia call you directly, not an adult. The eyes of the man on the throne showed an imperceptible killing intent. But it was well concealed. Even Akunorokia, who had instincts, didn’t notice it. Frowning, the throne man opened his mouth and said, “Don’t worry, it’s just a few ants. Whatever you do.”

“Jerf, do you have any questions.” The throne man looked at Jeff.

After a moment of silence, Jeff said, “My lord, in one minute. Detonating everything shouldn’t be a big problem.”

The man on the throne nodded and said, “That’s all right. As long as I kill Mitarashi Mukuro, then what you promised will be done naturally. Okay, I’m going to prepare too, be sure to shoot and kill directly. Mitarashi Mukuro.” After speaking, his body disappeared.

Both Jelf and Akuloloki fell silent.

After a while, Akunorokia laughed and said, “Ahaha…Jerf. I didn’t expect you to become a running dog one day.”

“What about you!?” Jeff looked at Akunorokia and asked rhetorically.

Hearing what Jeff said, Akunorokia stopped laughing. Looking at Jeff, he said coldly, “I’m not the same as you. Since the body began to become dragons four hundred years ago…my life has only the last meaning, killing all dragons… …And kill all the Dragon Slayers. If it weren’t for you… Jeff! Take the opportunity to send the five Dragon Slayers to the era four hundred years from now. I would have done it four hundred years ago. My mission.” As he said, Akunorokia looked at Jeff more and more angrily.

“Don’t forget, you are also a dragon slayer.” Jeff said coldly.

Akunorokia’s expression turned gloomy. Finally, he said: “Don’t worry, there will never be another dragon slayer surviving in this world.” After all, Akunorokia didn’t say anything, and turned around and walked out of the castle.

Then he changed directly into a black dragon and flew into the distance.

“Doing this…Is it right!?” Jeff murmured, looking confused.


Lao Na: A witty reader, who has already guessed the last enemy. But what kind of waves the process is, we need everyone to watch.

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