Chapter 771 Slaughter like a dog

And just when the final chapter of the gods appeared. Floating behind Mukuro, the incomparably dark world gleaming with gold and blue electric lights · The Truth-Seeking Ball spun wildly. At the same time, he moved from behind Mukuro to in front of Mukuro, and then all the twelve world Truth-Seeking Balls gathered on Mukuro’s right hand, just in an instant!

Then burst out an extremely bright golden light! ! !

Golden wheel revolving bursts! ! !

This is the ultimate pupil technique of Tenseigan, Samsara! No… this time it should be said that this is the ultimate pupil technique of the reincarnation pupil! But it was the first time in the world of Monster Tail, it showed its world-destroying splendor! ! !

Golden Wheel Reincarnation Life Burst VS Gods Final Chapter! !

There is no sound in the collision between the lights! !

However, this does not mean that the collision between the two is not shocking! !

On the contrary, there was no sound at this time, but it was even more shocking! The whole world was silent at this moment.

At this moment, there are no other colors in the world!

Only gold and white!

The golden golden wheel revolves and explodes! !

The final chapter of the white gods! !

The two 420 rays of light do not give in to each other!

When confronting each other…but the difference is that the gods who urged the final chapter of the gods are all pale in comparison at this moment. The weak gods have almost exhausted all their life origins, and can no longer continue to provide the slightest magical power to the magic circle smelted from the world origins below their bodies. Although Axelam and Kuronos were better, they couldn’t last longer.

On the other hand, Mitarashi Mukuro has electric lights in his eyes, without the slightest sense of fatigue!

“It should be… over.”

Suddenly, Mukuro slowly spit out a few words.

Then the magic power exuding from the whole body suddenly became more terrifying by three points! Feel the magical power exuded by Mukuro.

Anxelam’s eyes were filled with terror and fear!

He… how could he still have such a terrifying magic power! ? Could it be that when he had been confronting the final chapter of the gods, did he still retain his strength! ? How can it be! ? How can there be such a terrifying monster in this world! ?

Thinking of this, Anxelam’s eyes couldn’t help being filled with despair.

Even Anxelam was desperate, not to mention the other gods. The reason why they have been able to persist until now is that they have a hope! Hold on again… hold on again, and the final chapter of the gods will be able to eliminate the blasphemer in front of you.

For the gods, Mukuro finally increased his magic power by 30%.

It was the last straw that crushed them.

The final chapter of the gods who lost the defense line of the soul is also weak by three points.

It was at this time that the golden wheel resurrected and exploded to destroy the dryness and decay… it directly overwhelmed the final chapter of the gods! Blasted to the center of the magic circle formed by the origin of the world. That’s where Anxelam sits!

Piercing the magic circle, Anxelam also turned to ashes.

Although defeating the final chapter of the gods, Mukuro’s offensive did not stop. Mukuro’s right hand dropped suddenly. Cut the magic circle under the gods into two halves! The dazzling golden light is everywhere, and the gods can’t open their eyes at all!

The golden wheel revolving burst into the air, and then cut to the continent of the gods! The endless golden strands do not know how far they extend. Anyway, with the eyes of the gods, there is no way to see its end! Finally… the golden wheel reincarnation exploded and touched the ground. Furthermore, he cut deeply into the ground, from in front of Mukuro to behind him.

What appeared in the eyes was an extremely deep and terrifying crack! !

If you look at the earth from tens of thousands of meters above… then you can see a scene that shocks anyone or a god to the point of speechlessness!

The continent of the gods was cut open by the reincarnation of the golden wheel!


There was a dull roar from every corner of the earth. The cracks cut by Mukuro are gradually getting bigger. The continents of the gods, which were originally integrated, were directly divided into two continents by Mukuro’s golden wheel reincarnation.

The sea water poured into the cracks, and the distance between the two continents was getting bigger and bigger!

Many more land is directly submerged by sea water!

Seeing such a scene, the eyes of the gods are completely silent. This terrifying power…the blasphemer in front of them is more like a god than them…a god who destroys the world! And Mukuro, who stood quietly in mid-air, smiled faintly.

Ryūjin Jakka in the sealed state appeared in his hands.

God is coming! ! !

In the next moment, Mukuro was already on top of the broken magic circle. The Ryūjin Jakka in his hand is just a light stroke on a god. The gods didn’t even shout, and they fell directly to death, weirdly tight!

If anyone notices Mukuro’s eyes at the moment!

You will find that it is no longer the pupil of the world·reincarnation!

But another pair of blue eyes!

The Eye of Death! !

The magic eye of horror that can kill everything!

Every time Mukuro slashed, it would take away the life of a god! Although Mukuro’s slashing speed is not very fast, it is not slow. Basically, it can maintain the frequency of two or three swings per second, which means that two or three gods will die in Mukuro’s hands every second.

Slaughter God is like killing a dog! ! !

In just a few minutes, in Mukuro’s eyes, there was no more surviving god. However, Mukuro frowned slightly, and suddenly a scornful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Faintly said, “Are you suspicious of my IQ…or do you think I can’t count!? Except for Anxelam, who was just killed by the blast of Golden Reincarnation. There are also eight hundred and sixty-two gods. , But I only slashed eight hundred and sixty-one knives!”

“I’m not blind…the god of time-Kuronos!”

As he said, the blue light in Mukuro’s eyes suddenly brightened. At this moment, Ryūjin Jakka in Mukuro’s hands was also cut down. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a sparse and ordinary knife, and even the speed of swinging the knife is very slow.

However, it was just such a cut… but it cut the time directly.

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