Chapter 767 Before the end of the war

Anxelam spoke suddenly. However, all the gods present were stunned…not much weaker than Anxelam! ? In other words… the strength is at the same level as Anxelam! ?

Does such a terrifying monster still exist in the world! ?

You must know that Anxelam is synonymous with invincibility in the eyes of the gods! The gods who died in the hands of Anxelam definitely exceeded three digits!

Although it is the same as Tadla, Poulos and Kuronos, they are also called the three main gods of the gods!

But Anxelam, its strength definitely surpasses the two of them! Even being called the King of the Gods is not an exaggeration. It’s just that he still has scruples… so Anxelam did not come to the throne of the king of the gods.

“Hey… Isn’t the strength just weaker than you?”

Kuronos suddenly said unceremoniously: “It’s so easy to kill Taedra Harpoulos. I’m afraid you can’t do it either… Anxelam. What’s more!? You can guarantee it. Did he try his best when he was fighting Tadra Upros!? In my opinion… he is stronger than you!”

“Kronos!?” Anxelam glared at Kronos.

The anger in his eyes is about to burn Kuronos! As an extremely arrogant god, Anxelam didn’t even allow anyone to be comparable to him… let alone allow someone to be above him.

“What!? Am I wrong!?”

Kuronos said with a smile. As a god who controls time…Among the gods, he is the only one who is not afraid of Anxelam. Although in terms of frontal attack methods, Kuronos is even inferior to Tatra Harpoulos. But Kuronos’ method is the strangest among the gods!

If Kuronos is hidden in the cracks of time.

Then even Anxelam, there is nothing to do with him!

“Hmph! If it wasn’t for fear of my strength, why did he only appear now!? Could it be that he popped out of the stone!?” Anxelam forcibly pulled out one that he didn’t even believe. Reason.

Kuronos no longer stimulated Anxelam.

Instead, he said indifferently: “Okay. Rather than arguing about the strength of this unknown enemy here. It’s better to think more about how to solve him… since he mercilessly beheaded. According to Taedla Harpros, he has no fear of our gods at all! He is definitely an undoubted blasphemer… And so powerful! If you don’t get rid of him one day, you will be all of us one day. God’s greatest threat.”

“The blasphemer must be killed!”

“How can the gods be killed by lowly beings!”

“He must be killed!”

The entire temple of the gods was agitated. As gods, they have no father and no mother… They are the life forms conceived from heaven and earth in the early days of the birth of this world. A total of 1,296 gods have been bred between heaven and earth. Since then, no gods have been conceived. This is why when they saw Mukuro, they didn’t think it was a newly bred god. In this eternal time limit, the gods have fallen.

But none of them was caused by the gods fighting with each other…No god died for other reasons. And in the world, there has never been a living body that can be compared with the gods!

“Then who will kill him!?” Kuronos asked.

Suddenly, all the gods were silent. You look at me between each other, I look at you. But none of them volunteered to stand up…Although they are arrogant and arrogant, none of the gods are fools. The gods who have lived for thousands of years at least… But one is more treacherous and cunning than the other!

This is a stronger existence than Anxelam.

In the end, the eyes of the gods fell on Anxelam again. The meaning is obvious, you are the strongest, of course you are on.

Seeing the gazes of the gods, Anxelam was so angry.

“You…what do you mean!?” Anxelam said coldly: “Am I your nanny!?” Anxelam’s voice suddenly increased several times: “You caused it. You want me to solve the disaster for you!? You have to be clear… what he tramples on is the majesty of our gods! He deserves to be judged by all of our gods! I propose to enable that thing. Then give this blasphemer to Kill directly.!”

The gods all looked at Anxelam in amazement.

“That thing… isn’t necessary.” Suddenly, among the gods… a weak voice came out, denying Axelam’s proposal.

“Yes, it’s not necessary.”, “It’s a waste at all!”, “Unnecessary.”

A lot of echoes among the gods. But Anxelam sneered: “Really!? If you don’t think it is necessary. Who said… Whoever said it will kill him.”

Upon hearing Anxelam’s words, the gods shut up in an instant. Although using that thing will deplete the life source of the gods. But this is also good to die… and Kunolos on the side also said: “I agree with Anxelam’s proposal.”

“Agree.”, “Agree.”, “Agree.”, “Agree.”…

Axelam and Kuronos, the two gods standing on the top of the gods, agreed, and the remaining gods were not long-sighted.

Mukuro walking on the continent of the gods.

Naturally, I don’t know that the gods are plotting a conspiracy against them, but even if they know it, they won’t care. Because for Mukuro…Isn’t the time to travel to the world eight hundred years ago just to fight even more powerful enemies! ?

If even the gods were defeated by himself, it would be meaningless to come to this age! ?

“The mind is numb… There is no way at all.” Mukuro muttered while looking at the human beings in an inferior town that he had saved.

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