Chapter 762 Plotting the gods

“In this world, there is actually someone who can offer you a condition that you can’t refuse. I’m really curious about this person.” Akunorokia said suddenly.

“I can take you to see him.”

Jeff looked at him and said suddenly.

“En!?” Akunolokia frowned slightly, somewhat puzzled. But I don’t know what Jeff means. But after thinking about it, Akunorokia didn’t think he could have a stronger presence in this world.

Unless it is the resurrection of the legendary gods!

But even four hundred years ago… the era where the dragons crossed and crossed.

The gods are just like legends, living in myths, not to mention this time when even dragons are legends.

“sure no problem.”

Akunolokia nodded and said, “I can meet this person with you if I am satisfied. I can consider cooperating with you. Of course… If that person upsets me, I will I tore him directly.”

“Then go.” Jeff said with a smile.

Town of Magnolia.

The Garden of Quiet Spirits.

After the incident on Sirius Island, Elisa is also forgiven Mukuro. Regarding the affairs of Miraj and Netivoka, it was a turn of the eye. And because of Netvoka, Elisa got into Mukuro’s bed one night. And that night, Netivoka also showed no signs of weakness… followed by Elisa.

The wonderful taste in it is not enough for outsiders.

Because of Elisa’s example, on the night of the next day… Urrutia sneaked into Mukuro’s room. But what made Uludia blush to the root of her neck…Uludia discovered Ulu.

Mukuro was not polite, and directly rectified the two of them on the spot!

In a room next to Mukuro. Wendy was holding Xia Lulu, her face full of unhappy. She said and answered: “Xia Lulu…Do you think Big Brother doesn’t like me anymore!? Recently, Big Brother doesn’t sleep with Wendy anymore.”

“…” Xia Lulu felt helpless.

Mrs. President has been very busy lately…Xia Lulu thought in her heart. But her mouth could only comfort Xia Lulu. Can’t tell Wendy the truth. At the very least… it will take a few more years.

The days of Gentle Township soon passed by a few months.

What makes Mukuro feel a little surprised is that Fairy Tail hasn’t made much noise these days. At this moment… Mukuro just remembered. In the original plot, Fairy Tail encountered the attack of the black dragon Akunorokia on Sirius Island… and then under the protection of the super magic released by Mebis—the “Fairy Ball”, which gathered the beliefs of everyone. It caused the entire Sirius Island to sink into the depths of the sea, and then it took a full seven years before it resurfaced.

But because of Mukuro’s intervention.

Makes the development of the plot somewhat unrecognizable.

The battle on Sirius Island has not yet begun… the entire Sirius Island is gone, and Akunorokia has no chance to appear at all!

In other words, these seven years are a blank period in the plot.

Could it be that we should wait another seven years! ? Wait for the development of the plot… Finally, can you discover the secrets of the gods in this world! ? This is a waste of time. Go to the Western Continent to catch Jeff, and torture him! ? But it doesn’t make much sense, except for the immortal curse imposed by the god Anxelam!

In other respects, Jeff did not have any contact with God.

Mukuro frowned and thought, it was not his style to sit and wait.

“What’s the matter!? Mukuro…what’s thinking!?” Ulu couldn’t help asking, looking at Mukuro’s frowning face.

“Gods! The gods of this world!”

Mukuro scratched his head in anguish. He opened his mouth and said, “It seems that I have completely lost track of this world.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ulu was shocked.

She didn’t expect Mukuro to turn his attention to this legendary existence! At the same time, a strong sense of pride could not help but rise in my heart! This is his man… Then he thought for a while and said: “Did gods ever exist!? If they existed, then… can you use the eclipse gate of Lucy’s house to return to that era!? Wouldn’t you be able to see the gods!?” Ulu thought for a while, but made his own suggestion.

Hearing Ulu’s words, Mukuro’s eyes suddenly lit up.

That’s right… Since the gods have disappeared in this era. Then… it’s not enough to go to the time they are in. In this way, not only can you witness the gods of the monster tail world, but also clarify the mystery of the disappearance of the gods.

“Haha…Ulu, you are so smart.” Mukuro kissed Ulu. Then he was ready to use God Pro to go to the Hatfield family in the royal capital.

“Mukuro…” Ulu stopped him.

“What’s the matter!?” Mukuro asked with some confusion.

Ulu hesitated. Then he said: “The gods… are you sure!?”

Hearing what Ulu said, Mukuro was taken aback. Then he smiled. Walked to Ulu’s body and stroked Ulu’s short hair. Said: “You man… but the strongest person in this world! It’s just the gods, don’t worry. Remember to take good care of the Garden of Quiet Spirits, if there are no accidents, I will be back soon. Hmm… Don’t tell Elisa and others about this, just say that I go out to practice and will be back soon.”

“En.” Ulu nodded.

Then Mukuro injected a lot of pupil power into Ulu’s pupils.

It can even guarantee that Ulu is not afraid of Jeff at all. Then he disappeared in place…the next moment he appeared in the Hatfield family in the capital.


Lao Na: Don’t worry, you will definitely not make up enemies that are not connected to the world of Fairy Tail. Including the mysterious man who teamed up with Jeff and Akunorokia. Everyone can take a guess…Just go and vote, brothers! After all, the world of Monster Tail is almost over.

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