Chapter 760 Demon Eye

“How is it possible!?” Hades’ pupils shrank suddenly. Looking at the unscathed Mitarashi Mukuro in disbelief, you must know that the destructive power produced by the Amaterasu Type 28 explosion is enough to directly smash a hundred-foot-high mountain.

The wizard in front of him uses his own body.

He abruptly took hold of his Amaterasu 28-style attack! At the very least, Hades had never seen anyone do it before.

“Who are you!?” Hades asked harshly.

Mukuro smiled, and said, “Mitarashi Mukuro… you probably have heard of it. Um… it’s because of the face you taught Urutia magic. Now give me the fuck, I can spare your life.” Indifferently, as if talking about a trivial thing.

“En!?” Hades frowned.

But he noticed Urrutia next to Mukuro.

Just now because all his attention was on Mebis, he didn’t notice Urrutia standing next to Mitarashi Mukuro.

Can’t help but look blankly. Looking at Urutia, he said coldly: “After the Devil Island Incident, I lost all your information. I thought it was your identity that was known by the Magic Council. I am going to wait until the Fairy Tail is resolved. Saved…Unexpectedly, you betrayed the heart of the devil and betrayed me. Urrutia, don’t you want to complete the magic world, don’t you want to see your mother again!? Have you forgotten who raised you? When you grow up, who taught you magic and brought you up!?”

Staring at Urutia, Hades questioned with a gloomy expression.

“I…” Urrutia opened his mouth. There was a complex look in his eyes. It is true that the heart of the devil is the dark magic guild.

Hades is indeed a cruel character.

But there is no denying that Hades did raise Urutia her. And taught the lost magic of the arc of time so precious.

“Hades…this is the first time I have seen such a shameless person like you. The Institute of Magic where Urrutia was sent to. Do you think I don’t know!? That’s the devil’s. The outer base of the heart!?” Looking at Hades, Mukuro suddenly said.

“How do you know!?” Hades’ pupils shrank suddenly.

The Institute of Magic that Urudia was sent to by Ulu back then was one of the outer bases of the devil’s heart. It was precisely because of receiving reports from his subordinates that the Institute of Magic had sent a baby girl with exceptionally strong magical aptitude. After seeing Urrutia, Hades ordered his men to conceal Urrutia’s situation from Uru, falsely claiming that he had died. And personally designed Urutia to see Uru teach Gray and Leo the scene.

He appeared when Urrutia was desperate, and raised and taught her.

But this matter is top secret among top secrets! Even in the heart of the devil, no one knows except for himself. And all the people at the Academy of Magic were killed by him. Because Hades knew very well, if this matter was known to Urrutia. Then it is not as simple as losing a purgatory seven dependents!

Mukuro smiled and said, “The Magic Council can stand for 400 years on the continent of Ishurgar. It’s not just for eating. Besides, a country’s magic research institute. It’s unexpectedly caught by a ten-year-old man. The girl was completely destroyed. This kind of thing…think about it and you can guess that there must be a pusher behind it. And who the pusher is… It goes without saying. Look at the last vested person, it’s clear at a glance.” Mukuro’s face A smile appeared on it.

Hades showed anger on his face.

He can clearly hear the mockery in Mukuro’s words.

It’s like mocking myself as mentally retarded.

“Hades…is that really the case!? Did you do all this!?” Urrutia was beside him, looking at Hades with a cold expression.

“Yes, so what!?” Hades knew that things had been revealed. And there is no point in continuing to hide it. He said with a stern look and stern: “It was me! Guided you on the right path. Let you know how great Jeff is… for allowing you to pursue the essence of magic, so you should thank me!”

The more Hades said, his look became more and more ferocious.

And Urutia became more and more angry!

“Death to me…Ice Shape·Rose Garden!!!” Without hesitation, Urrutia released his magic directly to Hades. But as Hades said, Urrutia’s magic is all taught by him.


Hades released a chain of magic.

All the thorny ice released by Urrutia was smashed, and the chains continued to invade Urrutia!

“Leave it to me.” Mukuro suddenly appeared in front of Urrutia who looked a little panicked, then grabbed Hades’s magic chain with one hand, and said with a smile. Then he used his hand, but it broke the chain in his hand.

“Damn it!” Hades also understood. Mukuro is definitely not a simple opponent. He took off the blindfold on his right eye.

There was an eye pupil emitting a scarlet light!

The magic of darkness is revealed from it! At this moment, Hades’s magical power suddenly rose to a level! Infinitely close to Jeff…that is, infinitely close to the terrifying magic power of the abyss level!

“Hehehe… let you see.”

“After falling into the darkness, what kind of magic power did I gain?”

The magic of horror was vented from Hades. Such a terrifying magic power… it directly blocked the sunlight in the sky, and the churning sea water was churning. Even Mebis, who was on the side, couldn’t help but looked at Hades in amazement.

“Darkness · Amaterasu Hundred Styles!!”

Hades’s most powerful offensive magic. Surround the target with a seven-fold spell formation and produce a huge explosion! Without opening the eyes of the devil, he can easily smash Makarov’s strongest defensive magic circle-the defense of the Three Pillars God.

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