Chapter 758 Gravity Showdown

“Have you defeated three Purgatory Seven Dependents one after another!? Really very strong… On the continent of Ishugar, I am afraid that you are definitely not a general one. Report your name, and I am in the hands of Bluenote Sturga. Never kill the unknown!”

At this time, Blueno specially walked out with a negative hand, looking at Mukuro and said.

“Ha ha……”

Hearing Blueno Te’s tone, Mukuro was a little bit dumbfounded. Looking at Blueno Tetsu with interest, he said, “Mitarashi Mukuro.”


Hearing Mukuro’s words, Blueno raised his brows, and seemed to be very interested in Mukuro. He opened his mouth and said: “The first member of the Magic Council!? The guild leader of the Quiet Spirit Garden!? Is that Mitarashi Mukuro among the top ten mages!?”

“Um…it should be me.” Mukuro said with a shrug.

“Very good!” A hideous look appeared on Blueno Te’s face.

Seeing Mukuro said in a harsh tone: “I have always wanted to find a chance to kill a Saint Ten Sorcerer for fun. It just so happens that you can satisfy my wish… and you are also the first member of the Magic Council. Surely. Kill you…My name is Bluenote Sturga. It can resound throughout the continent of Ishurgar again, hahahaha.”

Bluenote Stega!

The deputy commander of the devil’s heart is known as the Great Sorcerer who never grows wherever he goes. The character is extremely cruel and warlike! Used to be a Sorcerer directly under the Kingdom of Fiore, but in the Cabrian War, because he brutally annihilated the kingdom led by Lieutenant Colonel Gera alone and was the most elite Sorcerer’s Blue Dragon Company, he was wanted by the Kingdom of Fiore. !

The magic that you control is Lost Magic·Gravity! The tendency of objects that can manipulate the masses to accelerate and approach, so that the objects accelerate to the center of the earth in proportion to their own weight… The magic is also extremely terrifying!

“Lost Magic·Gravity Invasion!”

Blueno took advantage of Mukuro’s unpreparedness and directly displayed his magic!

Around, whether it was Makarov or Urutia, they felt their bodies sank suddenly. I just felt like I was carrying a heavy burden on my body.

“What a terrifying gravity magic! Unless it’s a fairy law… Otherwise, I will definitely not be his opponent!”

Makarov looked at Blueno Te, his eyes full of jealousy.

And Mebis, who was standing next to Makarov, looked mixed with worry. It wasn’t that she felt gravity. As a soul body… Mebis naturally couldn’t feel gravity. But she knows the source of Lost Magic·Gravity better than anyone. Because Precht liked to study all kinds of magic. So Mebis gave all the magic he learned from Jeff to Precht.

Among them happens to be the lost magic of gravity!

The reason why Lost Magic is called Lost Magic is because it is magic that has been lost in the long river of history!

It is basically a magic that can no longer exist in this world! In Mebis’ calculations, the magician named Bluenote in front of him used the gravitational loss magic. There is a 97% chance that it is related to Precht!

Mebis was worried that his former companions might have really plunged into the darkness!

What surprised Blueno was that.

Under the application of his terrifying gravity magic, the Mitarashi Mukuro in front of him… unexpectedly, his expression has not changed, and his clothes have not even collapsed in the slightest!

“How is it possible!?” Bluenote’s eyes showed fear.

Mukuro tilted his head and looked at Blueno Tetsu, and said, “What’s impossible!? With such a small amount of gravity, are you massaging me!? That’s really hard work for you… As a reward, I let You can see what is the real gravity.” As he said, the reincarnation Tenseigan in Mukuro’s eyes flashed with a strange glow.

Reincarnation Tenseigan·Repulsion·Gravity Space! ! !

It’s just a very pure repulsive force, pressing from the air to the ground!

Boom… the earth shook! ! !

If you look at Sirius Island from the sky at this time! You will find that it seems that the entire Sirius Island has shrunk several times in a sudden! Actually otherwise… It’s just that the repulsive force exerted by Mukuro on Sirius Island is too terrifying! The land of Sirius Island was forced directly into the sea level, so the visual effect was that Sirius Island became smaller…

And after this terrifying gravity was applied to Blueno Te’s body, it directly pressed him on the ground, and he couldn’t even lift a finger.

“See… this is the real gravity magic. How!? Have you learned it? By the way… I remember you should have another trick! Concentrate all the gravity infinitely to one point, and then the gravitational force collapses to form a black hole. Swallow everything… right!? Didn’t use it… You should be unwilling to look at you.” Looking at Blueno Te, Mukuro said with a smile.

Suddenly, Mukuro’s conversation turned: “Unfortunately…I would do this too. Why not? Please come and appreciate it for me!? How about it.”

Under the pressure of gravity, Blueno couldn’t speak at all.

I can only open my eyes and watch Mukuro’s movements. I saw Mukuro put his hands together, and then suddenly spread his palms apart.

Between his hands, a small black ball appeared.

Planetary Devastation! ! !

Looking at the pitch black ball that appeared in Mukuro’s hand, Bluenote’s eyes showed a look of horror! This kind of power, Blueno, is really familiar. The effect produced by the infinite concentration of gravity at one point 0.5 is absolutely terrifying! Moreover, the feeling of the pitch-black ball in front of him is definitely countless times more terrifying than the horror he unleashed!

Mukuro released his palm and let Planetary Devastation float slowly into the air.

At the same time, the gravity exerted on the ground is removed.

Suddenly, the entire land of Sirius Island was tossed… the giant tree was uprooted, and the tens of meters of boulder floated into the air without the force of gravity.


sweat! Brothers, Lao Na writes about the anime world… All Game of Thrones is out. There is also a fan who writes a certain novel. It’s not just that it’s not as simple as not recommending it, it’s going to close the book directly, Lao Na is a little bit embarrassed… dare not write.

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