Chapter 755 Desperate Flame

“Zancro!?” Urrutia exclaimed beside Mukuro, apparently recognizing the identity of the young man who appeared before him.

Devil’s heart.

The Seven Dependents of Purgatory——Zankeluo! ! !

In the heart of the devil, there are seven super wizards who have been carefully cultivated by Hades and then taught the lost magic. They are collectively referred to as the Seven Dependents of Purgatory! Any one of them has a strong strength comparable to that of the top ten magicians!

Urrutia was one of them, and the first of the seven dependents of Purgatory!

And the young man with blond hair and red eyes who appeared at this time was also one of the seven dependents of Purgatory. Take control of the Lost Magic-Destroying Magic! Like Naz, he is the Sorcerer of the Destroyer of Flame. But what was ejected was black flames.

A flame that even Naz, who is a dragon-slayer slayer, can’t swallow!

“En!?” Zankeluo was obviously taken aback when someone called his name. Could not help but look at the past. It was a woman with a white hair band, long black and red hair, blue pupils, and Zankeluo’s appearance was somewhat familiar.

“Urutia!?” Zankrow was a little uncertain.

Because Urrutia was definitely a witch in his cognition.

As for the pure-looking and gentle-eyed woman in front of her. Zankeluo couldn’t equate Urrutia with the Urrutia he knew.

“Where is Hades? Where is he!?” Urrutia asked.

Zancroft looked wary. Instead of answering Urrutia’s question, he questioned it aloud: “Urutia! Since the Devil’s Island incident, the guild has not been able to contact you at all. The leader thought you were in an accident. Nothing. Thinking of… you are mixed up with the so-called wizards of the Guild of Light.

If the leader knew about it, it would be extremely angry! However, you have no chance to see the Hades leader again. I will kill you here! Then take your head off, then I will become the head of the new purgatory seven dependents! ”


Saying that, Zanke Luo began to laugh wildly.

As the Slayer of God Slayer above the Slayer of Dragon Slayer. Zancro’s personality is perverse and extremely arrogant. The strength is also one of the best among the purgatory’s seven dependents, and has always been uncomfortable with a woman in Urutia as the head of the purgatory’s seven dependents. Had it not been for Hades, Zankruo would have challenged Urutia and seized the head of the seven dependents of Purgatory.

“You are Zankeluo!? Sorcerer of the Flame Destroyer!? Discuss it… you leave the Destroyer Magic, and I will keep you for your life. How about?”

Looking at Zankero, Mitarashi Mukuro said suddenly.

“Who are you!?” Zankrow frowned.

Then he didn’t wait for Mukuro to speak. A hideous smile appeared on his face. Said: “Whoever you are, give me hell.”

“God Destroying Magic… Flame God’s Wrath!!!!”

Zankroh took a deep breath. The magic around Zankeluo was sucked into his mouth like a swallow. Then there was a pause for a second… Zancro spit out black flames! Attacked Mitarashi Mukuro and Urutia.

The anger of the Flame God and the roar of Naz’s fire dragon are somewhat similar.

However, the level of God Extinguishing Flame is higher than Dragon Extinguishing Flame, and the anger of Yan God is naturally stronger than the roar of Naz’s Fire Dragon.

The terrifying black flame hit Mukuro.

It swallowed Mukuro and Urutia in an instant.

A grinning smile appeared on Zankeluo’s face, and he was swallowed by his own flame of God Destruction. He didn’t think anyone could escape!

So he turned his gaze to the giant Makarov [Zankeluo couldn’t see Mebis], and said, “Master has a giant magic. You are the fairy tail guild leader Makarov. Okay. What? Are you scared to be stupid!? Ahahaha.”

Makarov looked at Zankeluo with pity.

Even he had a certain degree of certainty to resist the flame of Despair that had just been released in Zankeluo. Makarov doesn’t think Mukuro will have anything to do.

“Hehe… kid, do you know that you are irritating me.”

At this moment, a cold voice came into Zankeluo’s ears. The position of the sound… is precisely the flames of God Destroying that is burning fiercely.

Zankeluo’s eyes showed a look of horror!

Actually not dead! ?

I saw the burning flame of God Slayer suddenly gave birth to a Uzumaki… and then all was absorbed into Mukuro’s eye pupils. Mukuro stood in place with her arms around Urrutia, and even the clothes on her body did not leave any traces of being burned!

“How is it possible!?” Zankrow couldn’t help exclaiming.

Inexplicable fear grew in his heart, and he took two steps back subconsciously.

“Nothing is impossible. Now I’ll give you another choice…the god-destroying magic stays, and then let me maimed you, and finally save your life.” Mukuro said lightly.

“Damn it, Damn it… Damn it!”

Mukuro’s tone was so indifferent. It became a great insult to Zankeluo’s ears. The expression on his face couldn’t help becoming more and more ferocious.

“Yan Shen’s Dinner!!!”

The angry Zanke Luo no longer has the slightest reservation! Exhaust the magic power of your whole body and release your strongest magic! Banquet of the Flame God-creates a huge and terrifying fireball of the God, and then surrounds the enemy until it burns everything out.

“Really, since you are looking for death… then I will fulfill you.” Mukuro’s patience has been exhausted by Zankeluo, and his expression is getting colder and colder.

At the same time, the lines of Tenseigan reincarnation appeared in his eyes again.

“The black flames… are also black flames! Then let you see what is the real flame of despair.”


Reincarnation Tenseigan’s pupils focused on the Yan God’s dinner, and then he saw the huge God’s fireball in the sky actually burning! No… or it was gradually swallowed by another, darker flame.

Zancro’s expression was sluggish… couldn’t believe the scene before him. His own flame of God Extinguishment, but the flame above the flame of Extinguishing Dragon!

How can there be flames that can override it!

Amaterasu is a flame that never extinguishes, and it can burn everything. In an instant, he swallowed the Flame God’s dinner party completely, and then under the guidance of Mukuro’s pupil power… Pursuing the magical aura of the Flame God’s dinner party, he continued to invade Zankeluo’s body.

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