Chapter 750 Jerf

The people on Sirius Island who are undergoing the assessment of the wizards may not have felt the magical power of Jeff’s breath of death. But it doesn’t mean that Mukuro’s reaction is so slow. The moment Jeff’s death hunt invaded, Mukuro perceives… this evil magic full of death and despair, not the first time he perceives it.

Seven years ago, in front of the Eclipse Gate… Mukuro also felt it once.

It’s just that it is not as strong as the magic power of today, but the essence of the breath is the magic power of the same root.

Four hundred years of years really made you stronger!

I hope you… don’t let me down!

“Tia, you and Mebis will stay here first. I’m going to meet someone.” Mukuro looked at Urutia and said.

“Who!? Elsa!?” Urutia didn’t care, and asked casually.

However, what Mukuro said left Urrutia completely astonished. I saw Mukuro smiled, and slowly spit out three words:


Then when Urrutia and Mebis were in shock.

Disappeared in place…

Urrutia’s expression was a little confused, but Jeff had been pursuing it for more than a decade. Find him and complete the big magic world. This is what Urrutia has always longed for.

However, suddenly Urutia gave a relieved smile.

Pursue Jeff on his own, hoping to complete the great magical world. Isn’t it just to be able to see my mother again! ? Now I am not only living with my mother. He still exists by his side…Jerf! ? The big magic world! ?

These have become insignificant things for Urrutia.

“Jeff!? How could he be here!?”

Mebis’ face changed.

She has studied with Jeff’s side, but she knows better than anyone what Jeff’s knowledge of magic is so profound, and how terrifying is his magic! Although the strength of this wizard named Mitarashi Mukuro is also very terrifying. But Mebis doesn’t think Mukuro has the strength to fight Jeff. After all, Jeff’s strength… has reached the level of the abyss of the magic way! Except for Jeff, no one else in this world has reached it!

But Mebis didn’t know how to measure Mukuro’s strength by the level of magic power. Then Mukuro has definitely surpassed the level of the abyss of the magic way!

Standing still for a long time, Jeff was silent. After a while, he sighed. Ready to leave Sirius Island. Because he knows that if he continues to stay, he is likely to see his younger brother-Atelias Naz Doragnil! It’s not the time yet, it’s not the time to meet him.

“Where are you going…Jerf, it’s been a long time.” Just as Jeff turned around, a voice suddenly sounded behind Jeff.

Hearing this voice, Jeff paused, and the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly. Even after four hundred years…

But for this voice, Jeff is still etched in his heart.

Four hundred years ago, across time and space… that represents the slash of death!

Cut off his right arm directly!

Turning around, Jeff looked at the figure in front of him. Slowly he said, “Mitarashi Mukuro.” Although I only met Mukuro, it took less than half a minute. What’s more, four hundred years have passed. But Jeff will never forget this voice, this appearance… and the name Mitarashi Mukuro!

“I thought that after four hundred years, you would forget me.”

Mukuro smiled and continued, “Is it because of the arm that was cut off by me? I’m really sorry, I can’t heal it.”

Mukuro shrugged, spreading his hands, expressing his helplessness.

The arm severed by the eye of death. Even if Mukuro uses the power of Yin and Yang to escape, there is absolutely no way to heal it. After all, what was cut off by the Demon Eye of Straight Death was the “fruit” of Jeff’s existence of an arm, even though Mukuro forcibly shaped an arm into it like a void creation.

But as long as the “fruit” of the broken arm exists on Jeff’s body, the reshaped arm will still be broken! Unless this “fruit” is completely eliminated. However, with the current strength of Mitarashi Mukuro, Rao couldn’t do this at all.

“who are you!?”

Looking at Mukuro, Jeff asked the question that had been buried in his heart for four hundred years.

You know that during these four hundred years, the first three hundred years… Jeff has been looking for the traces of Mitarashi Mukuro, even the surname Mitarashi. But I searched for it for three hundred years. Jeff didn’t find any clues.

In the past 100 years, Jeff has been active in the Western Continent.

But it will take a long time to find Mitarashi Mukuro’s traces on the continent of Ishurgal, and there is still nothing to gain… until ten years ago.

Mitarashi Mukuro appeared out of thin air.

Jeff was naturally overjoyed… he immediately wanted to find Mukuro to end his life. Because when Mukuro cut his arm, Jeff had a strong instinct. This ability to sever one’s arm can definitely kill oneself!

But Jeff found out. At this time, my self… but it was born with a retreat.

Lost the courage to face death!

For Jeff, there is still an obsession that cannot be eliminated.

That was his younger brother, Atelias Naz Doragnir. Even if one’s own life ends, it can only end in the hands of one’s own younger brother, and absolutely can’t be taken by others!

Jeff did not expect that he would meet Mukuro on Sirius Island.

“Me!? Didn’t I tell you… My name is Mitarashi Mukuro. Now that I met you today, I will help you and put an end to your immortal curse. No thanks.” Looking at Jeff, Mukuro faintly He smiled and said.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Jeff’s face became solemn.

“Hadō Ninety Black Coffin!” Looking at Jeff, Mukuro spit out a few words.

In an instant, the pitch-black Black Coffin wall wood trapped Jeff in it, and then the sky full of black sharp blades inserted straight into Black Coffin!

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