Chapter 744 Dragon knight

“Quick…Bairo. Find me the “Dragon Knight” mecha! I’m going to kill the Damn it wizard myself.” Faust said grimly.

“But… but that is forbidden armor!” Bairo hesitated.

Faust snorted and said, “Huh! I can’t manage these things now… If you don’t kill this magician of unknown origin. Then the plan of infinite magic will be shelved. I absolutely don’t allow this. What happened! Needless to say… Go ahead and find me the “Dragon Knight” mecha. I will dispatch myself.”

“Yes… Your Majesty.” Bairo responded.

Because of Pansa Lili’s act to save Extania. Exeters also accepted Lili again. As the queen, Shagut also solemnly apologized to Pansha Lili and told everyone that he did not actually possess 16 very powerful magical powers.

Xia Lulu was also very happily talking with her mother.

Mukuro smiled and said, “Okay… now we will go to rescue Elisa and everyone. Then, we will eliminate the entire magic of Edras!” Mukuro said. His eyes penetrated the space and looked into the distance.

Floating in the air… is a huge magic crystal that is over a hundred meters tall.

Just as Mukuro was about to rush over, suddenly a mechanically unique vibration sounded into his ears. Followed by a loud roar!

Everyone’s eyes on Extania were attracted to the past.

“Then…what is that!?”


I saw a huge steel behemoth appeared in people’s sight, the streamlined body shone with cold luster! The overall appearance is a fusion of the Tyrannosaurus and Alien that Mukuro knew in his previous life!

At this time, because of the fierce battle just now.

A huge rock at the bottom of Extania Float Sky Island fell down. And it happened to hit the mechanical Tyrannosaurus that was speeding up!

Tyrannosaurus did not dodge or slow down… it was just a punch!

The huge rock block was directly crushed by a heavy fist!

The speed of Tyrannosaurus was faster again. In the next moment, it had appeared on the land of Extania. He just moved his feet randomly, and stepped on a few people to hug the trees of the same thickness. The Tyrannosaurus looked around, and finally put his gaze on Mukuro’s body, making a metal rubbing sound: “It’s you!? An unknown wizard, hindering this king’s plan to create unlimited magic power. And kill this king’s magic war force and detain this king’s magic war captain, how do you want to die!?”

“I don’t even dare to show my face, my words are so arrogant!”

Mukuro sneered. Because Mukuro knew very well that in the armor of this mechanical tyrannosaurus, it was Faust, the king of the Kingdom of Adras.

“Damn! You despicable, petty fellow!!”

As the lord of a country, Faust heard that Mukuro despised himself so much.

Enraged in an instant, he shouted ferociously: “I want you to feel the fear of nightmares! Let me die! Disappear in this world! Then in hell, confess your sins of daring to blaspheme this king! ”

“Black Sky Dragon Magic Diffusion Cannon!!”

The Tyrannosaurus mechanically opened its mouth suddenly, revealing a very dark barrel.

Then, the pitch-black barrel suddenly exploded with dazzling black light! The magic of horror quickly gathered in the barrel, and soon reached a terrifying level.

boom! Finally, the dazzling laser was spit out from the mouth of Tyrannosaurus mechanical!

It slammed straight in the direction where Mukuro was! However, with such a terrifying attack, Faust’s goal was not just to kill Mukuro.

But want to eliminate everyone present.

Including his own son, Mistgang is Geral. Fawster knew very well that Mistgang had betrayed him long ago. Because if it hadn’t been for Mistgang’s use of magic to suppress it in the Atlans world, the super subspace magic “soul” would have been activated long ago. If it weren’t for him, his own plan of creating unlimited magic power might have already been completed.

“The Eighty-Eight of Hadō·The flying dragon strikes the thieves and shakes the sky and thunder cannon!”

A bright blue light blasted out from Mukuro’s hand, and greeted the black sky dragon magic diffuser that the Tyrannosaurus blasted towards him.

Boom… the two collided together!

The bright blue flying dragon hit the thieves and the sky-shaking thunder cannon swallowed the black laser in an instant, and then continued to bombard the Tyrannosaurus mechanically.

“how come!?”

Faust widened his eyes and watched the scene before him.

He couldn’t believe that the attack of the mechanical Tyrannosaurus, which he had always regarded as invincible, was directly defeated when facing the magic of this mysterious wizard! ?

“The king’s mechanical tyrannosaurus is invincible! I’m going to tear up your family 823!”

Faust’s roar came from the Tyrannosaurus. Then the entire mechanical tyrannosaurus turned into a black streamer and bombarded Mitarashi Mukuro.

From Faust’s point of view, since a long-range magical energy attack, it can’t cause any harm to the mysterious wizard in front of him. Then close the distance and start the battle! Its own mechanical Tyrannosaurus is forged from the hardest stainless steel in the world in Adras. Even a ten-meter-thick steel plate can be directly punched through! !

The wizard in front of him was just flesh and blood. With just one punch, Tyrannosaurus’s fist can hit him. Then he will become a pool of flesh in an instant!

“Dragon!? Stop kidding.”

A sneered expression appeared on Mukuro’s face. Disdainfully said: “This kind of scrap copper and rotten iron, you dare to call it a dragon!? Don’t laugh off my big teeth! Look at your appearance… it seems that you have confidence in this group of scrap copper and rotten iron. !? Then let me defeat it.”

With that said, Mukuro flew over to meet him.

The surrounding Mistgang, Elsa Netvolka, Pansa Lili… are all dumbfounded at the moment, is it possible that Mukuro wants to fight against this steel monster! ?

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