Chapter 723 Membership

After all, picking up Elisa… Mukuro disappeared in place. And Geral looked at Tengai Shinsei falling from the sky. The look on his face became maddening… and shouted: “No…I can’t lose! I want to build a free country!!”

Geral’s arms shuttled back and forth in the void, using magic to shape magic lines!

“Celestial Magic·Purgatory Broken!!”

Shattered Purgatory is Geral’s most powerful magic! A magical array that exudes dark waves from the four attributes of fire, ground, water, and wind! The magic of horror is enough to destroy the tower of the entire paradise. It is a forbidden magic!

But in front of Tengai Shinsei, all this was nothing but futile.

Hundreds of millions of tons of meteorites carry terrifying power, constantly magnifying in Geral’s eyes! Then it smashed… and defeated Geral’s magic circle!

Rumble! ! !

The sound of terror sounded in the sea near Carmo!

Hundreds of meters high waves shook the sea, and the ground was shaking…The huge magic crystal of the tower of the paradise had already turned into powder in the first time.

Magic Council ERA.

“This is the Magic Chamber!? Brother…Is it appropriate for me to go in!?” Elisa looked at the luxurious manor in front of her and said with some hesitation.

“There is nothing inappropriate, besides, you will come here often in the future,” Mukuro said.


Elisa was confused.

“Okay, let’s go in.” Mukuro stepped into the manor without explaining. Anyway, this guy Crawford Sim will definitely find a way to explain it clearly.

“Your Excellency First Member, you are back!”

Crawford Sim and a group of members of the Magic Council. But it had already been waiting at the gate of the Magic Council. Seeing Mukuro’s appearance, he hurriedly greeted him. She was flattering when she saw Elisa next to Mukuro. He hurriedly said, “Representative Elsa, hello. Thanks to your help in the Tower of Paradise incident this time, if it causes the resurrection of the Dark Wizard, Jeff, it will be a disaster for the entire magical world!

So in order to recognize your contribution to the magic world. You will succeed Senator Zickrein who was expelled from the Magic Senate… No, it should be Geralar, and become the new Senator of the Magic Senate. Congratulations, Miss Elsa. “Crawford Sim had just finished speaking.

“Member of the Magic Council!?” Elisa was taken aback, and it took a long time to react. He quickly refused and said, “No, no, no…Your Excellency the speaker. Elisa’s qualifications are so shallow, I am afraid that she can’t be qualified for the post of a magic judge!”

Grandma… I know you are not up to it.

But the god-tier next to him doesn’t think so! Even if it is not possible, he said that it must be possible!

Crawford Sim had to laugh with him: “Miss Elsa…You were originally an honorary member of the Magic Council, and you are a very good wizard. It is naturally reasonable to be a member of the Magic Council. Yes, qualifications need to be accumulated! Since the first congressman recommended it, there is absolutely no problem.”

“This…is it okay!?” Elisa still hesitated. He opened his mouth and said: “But I still have a lot of work tasks to perform in Fairy Tail, and I don’t have much time to spend in the Magic Council.”

“Don’t worry about that, Elisa.”

At this moment, Mukuro suddenly said, “Look at your brother. Although he is the first member of the Magic Council, he usually stays in the Garden of Quiet Spirits. As for the Magic Council, you can come or not. Besides… the fairy tail is the most troublesome magic guild in the magic world. After you serve as a magic judge, you can also take care of it.”

Hearing what Mukuro said, Elisa was a little bit suspicious.

The Magic Councillor is so easy! ? Can not help but cast his eyes on Crawford.

Seeing his eyes… Crawford’s mouth twitched slightly. The work of the Magic Judge is definitely not an easy task!

As the highest authority organization that manages the continent of Ishugar! There is no doubt that the power of the Magic Council is very large! Magic wizard power, Fez… the power to activate these horrible weapons! There is also the power to disarm any magic guild! It can even intervene in the regime of any kingdom on the continent of Ishugar! Therefore, the work of the members of the Magic Council-can definitely be called the hardest work in the entire Ishugar continent…

But this became very easy in Mukuro’s mouth. And in words… to fight Elisa for the status of a magic councilor. It seems to be just for convenience to wipe Fairy Tail’s ass! ? This is completely unnecessary! With your ancestor, I will give the Magic Council ten darings from now on, and dare not provoke Fairy Tail again!

Although there was a lot of complaints in his heart, Crawford did not dare to show it. He continued to smile and said: “It is indeed what I said to the first congressman. The work of the members of the Magic Council is very easy. Miss Elisa, you don’t have to worry about it… and after you become a member of the Magic Council, It is also very beneficial for Fairy Tail.”

“That… that’s all right.”

Elisa thought for a while and nodded reluctantly.

“Well, Speaker Crawford.” Mukuro said: “After the incident of the Tower of Paradise, I am afraid that the reputation of the Magic Council will plummet at 0.5.”

“Next… what are your plans!? To restore the reputation of the Magic Council.”

The status of the first member of the Magic Council is quite useful. Over the past ten years, he has accumulated hundreds of millions of prestige points for Mukuro [The prestige of Shinigami world has been accumulated slowly, mainly because there are too few people in the Jingling Garden] Mukuro naturally can’t sit back and watch the reputation of the Magic Council go bad.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Crawford looked sad, although the Paradise Tower was resolved. However, a lot of public opinion was left behind. For example, the launch of the magical elves, and the magical council actually lurked into the believers of Jeff.

“Your Excellency First Congressman. I think so about this…” Crawford Sim carefully explained his thoughts to Mitarashi Mukuro.

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