Chapter 708 Ruined Guild

As soon as he walked into the village on Garna Island, Mukuro was taken aback. He smiled and said: “Um…Elisa, why are you here!? Also, I said why I didn’t see the two troublemakers Naz and Hobby, it turned out to be tied up by you.”

In the central square of the village, Elisa is brave and brave in armor!

On the side, Naz and Hobbi, who were tied up with a rope, seemed a little pitiful. Obviously this is what Elisa did.

“Brother… Sister Ulu, why are you here?”

When she saw Mukuro, Eliza’s expression was obviously taken aback. When she returned to Fairy Tail after completing the mission, she heard the news that Naz and Hobby were going to perform the S-class mission, and then chased them non-stop. Miraje hadn’t had time to tell Eliza. Said that he had asked Mukuro for help.

“Milaj was worried about Naz and Hobbit, so he asked me to help them get them back. It just so happened that Ulu and I had something to come here.” Mukuro said with a smile.

At this time, Gray who was on the side suddenly said: “Obviously we have prevented Dalio’s resurrection and destroyed the 437 ceremony of Moondrop. Why are people here still like this!? Hurry up and get rid of it… Leo.”

“I have no idea.”

Leo’s answer stunned everyone.

Seeing everyone’s puzzled eyes, Leo explained: “We didn’t know there were villages when we came to this island three years ago. We didn’t interfere with the villagers, and they never looked for us. And…about I am puzzled that the drops of the moon have an effect on the human body, because during these three years, we have also been exposed to this kind of light! Our body has not changed in any way, I feel what is hidden in this village !”

Leo’s words immediately made everyone present nervous.

“Don’t worry, it’s actually nothing.”

Mukuro suddenly said, “Do you know why Garna Island is called the Island of the Devil!? Because this is the island where the devil lives!”

“Island where demons live!?”

Naz, Hobby, Gray…Even Elisa was stunned.

Mukuro did not continue to speak, but slammed into the sky with a punch. God air strike! ! The terrifying fist directly smashed the entire sky! The fascinating purple moon in the sky disappeared, and the clear white moonlight once again shone on the island of Garna.

“This…what the hell is going on!?” Naz and Gray were dumbfounded.

Mukuro opened his mouth and said, “This small island has always been shrouded in a film of evil. Um… it can also be said that the exhaust gas is produced by the drop of the moon. The exhaust gas crystallizes and covers the sky above the island, so the moon will change. It became purple. And after destroying the evil mask… the village will return to its original appearance, which is what they are now!”

“Evil… Devil!?”

Hubby said stupid cat with a look of dementia.

“The Evil Mask did not change their appearance, but tampered with their memories! [We will become demons at night] This kind of memory is inherently wrong. They are a kind of demons that can transform into humans. .Because of the memory disorder caused by the moon drop, I mistaken the transformed human form for his original appearance! However, this memory disorder only works on demons, not humans.” Mukuro opened his mouth to explain to everyone. road.

“What’s the meaning!?”

Naz and Hobby looked blank, obviously they didn’t understand.

“You two idiots!” Elisa said loudly: “The simple explanation… is that this time the task has been completed, understand!?”

“En!”, “En!”

Naz and Habi were busy responding, daring not to hesitate at all.

Then Elisa looked at the demon village chief and said, “The village chief. Because this time it was not the guild who officially accepted the commission. It’s just a group of idiots taking action without authorization, so we won’t ask for any compensation for this task. ”

“But this is not the rule of our Jingling Garden.”

Mukuro suddenly said to the side, “The village chief…can you use the key in the supplementary reward as our reward for the Garden of Silent Spirits this time?”

“Of course there is no problem.”

The devil village chief smiled and said.

Then he handed a key of the zodiac to Mukuro.

Mukuro didn’t have the slightest politeness, and took the key directly. Anyway, this thing is useless in the hands of the non-Astral Sorcerer. And it’s the reward for helping them, and it’s natural to accept it.

And asking for the key to the zodiac is naturally for Lucy.


“When you return to the guild, your punishment will be decided immediately. Although this matter, I think it can be taken lightly. But it is the guild leader who makes the decision, and I am not going to defend you, so you should be prepared to accept the punishment. “Elisa said coldly.

Obviously, he was still very angry at Naz and Gray for performing S-class missions without authorization.

“Punishment!? No…no!”

Naz and Gray glanced at each other. Then all swallowed hard… it seemed that something terrible was thinking of it. Nodding tacitly, she wanted to run away, but Elisa grabbed a man’s back collar with both hands.

Dragging to the ground, Elisa pulled them towards Fairy Tail.

“En!? What’s going on!?”

Elisa frowned suddenly and murmured in her mouth. Because she found that the people around seemed to be watching her group of people pointing and whispering something in a low voice, but when she looked over, they stopped talking.

But without taking a few more steps, Elisa stopped, her face gloomy and terrible!

“Our guild!! Who did this…!!!” Naz shouted angrily as he looked at the scene in front of him. The veins on his forehead are already violent.

The place of Fairy Tail in front of it had been smashed through by the huge iron pillar, and the plaque of Fairy Tail was also thrown on the ground, being trampled on randomly.

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