Chapter 706 Desperate Urrutia

“The arc of time!? Don’t be paranoid…” Halfway through, Urutia stopped. With a slight change of expression, he said, “Your Excellency, it is not easy for you to want the arc of time. As long as you are willing to join our devil’s heart, I will definitely offer it with both hands.”

“Join the devil’s heart!?”

Looking at Urutia, Mukuro smiled and said, “Sorry… I am not interested in joining the Dark Guild at all.”

“That’s a pity, I can’t make the arc of time…”

Before Urutia’s words were finished, Mukuro used God Pro to appear in front of her.

Urutia was shocked. Although the tone of voice was very relaxed when talking to Mukuro, her attention had already been placed 120% on Mukuro’s body. And he was able to suddenly appear in front of him! ?

Could it be that he also has control of Lost Magic! ?

Mukuro glanced at his head slightly, his face was only a few centimeters away from Urutia.

Urutia could feel the breath of Mitarashi Mukuro’s nose on his face, his face turned red involuntarily, and 16 ripples in his heart.

Mukuro smiled slightly and hooked Urrutia’s chin with one hand.

He opened his mouth and said: “No…you will, you will teach me the arc of time. Remember what I told you last time in Fiore’s Magic Council? Last time you didn’t believe it, So this time I brought Ulu here.”

“Mother…Ulu!? How could it be possible!?” Uludia’s eyes widened.

“Don’t believe it!? Then you can go and see for yourself, right in the ruins.” Mitarashi Mukuro stood up straight. Take a step back and look at Urrutia with a smile.

Looking at Mukuro, Urrutia looked a little hesitant.

But in the end, he took a deep look at Mukuro… gritted his teeth, turned and ran towards the ruins. Even if there is only a slight possibility! Urrutia didn’t want to let it go, because she missed her mother so much.

The land of relics.

“Ulu…you are not dead!? It’s great…it’s great.” Leo howled like a child, venting his inner emotions.

“Don’t cry, Leo.”

Ulu looked at his two apprentices with a smile on his face.

But suddenly, the smile on Ulu’s face was stunned. There is no reason… the instinct of the body drove him to turn around. Looking at the entrance of the ruins, long dark wine-red hair, blue eyes, and a white robe! Ulu was sure that he had never seen this girl, but he didn’t know why… but he felt very familiar! Tears fell involuntarily, and subconsciously shouted:


Immediately, he said with an eager look: “Is that you… Tia, is that you?” Ulu was already in tears when he spoke.

In response, Ulu ran directly to Uludia.

But Urutia shook his head and kept moving back. It seems to be deliberately avoiding Ulu, who pounced on her…At this moment, all of Uludia’s eyes are filled with sad despair! Urutia ran over with hope.

What a surprise it was when I saw Ulu!

But just when she wanted to call Ulu’s name… she was stunned. Because the scene before her made her feel familiar!

Ten years ago, in that piercing winter. I escaped from the Magic Institute… When I thought I had finally found my mother, I was hiding behind the big tree, but I saw a bright smile on Ulu’s face. An apprentice. It’s exactly the same as what I see now!

Urrutia seems to have returned to her heart ten years ago, which despair completely invaded her!

“No…you are not my mother, don’t call my name!” Urrutia shook his head, muttered, and couldn’t help backing back.

“You are Tia… Tia.”

How can Ulu’s mood at this moment be simply expressed with surprises!

All this is like dreaming… My daughter is still alive! ? The person Mukuro said was very important to him, should I say Urrutia… This guy, I didn’t tell myself sooner!

But when I saw Urrutia shook his head and backed away. Ulu’s expression was a little panicked. I couldn’t help asking: “Tia…I’m a mother. Tia…Don’t you know me? When we were young, we practiced ice magic together.”

“To shut up!!”

I heard Ulu mentioned when I was a child. Urrutia trembled and shouted excitedly: “You are not worthy to call me Urrutia, you are not worthy of being my mother. Abandon me to the Academy of Magic…but I am having fun with my apprentice. Living…not even your own children! I don’t have a cold-blooded mother like you!”

Hearing Uludia’s words, Ulu’s expression became silent.

It’s 413! In these ten years…

Urrudia didn’t know how much he suffered in the Academy of Magic, but his mother didn’t even know at all.

And Urutia saw Uru’s expression like this.

But he thought that Ulu had acquiesced in abandoning himself. I couldn’t help but shouted loudly, “Ulu!!! You have to pay for the thing that abandoned me when I was a child! The shape of ice-the rose garden!!!”

Inherited from Ulu, Uludia naturally has Penultimate’s ice magic talent.

The shape of ice-the rose garden! ! !

It is also Urutia’s strongest offensive and defensive magic!

In an instant, countless thorns and roses bloomed in front of Urrutia. The sharp thorns pierced Ulu’s body directly.


A mouthful of blood was spit out from Ulu’s mouth. Looking at Uludia, Ulu’s eyes were full of kindness and he said, “Tia…I didn’t abandon you. The people at the Academy of Magic told me that you died because you couldn’t bear the magic in your body. I’m sorry… …I don’t deserve to be your mother, I should find you at the Academy of Magic.”

But Ulu vomited another mouthful of blood, and his face became paler.

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