Chapter 704 Devil’s Island

When the fairy tail wizards heard this news, they were first stunned…After a meeting, they reacted and started talking:

“It’s Hobbit!?”

“In other words, Naz and Hobbit are on the mission!?”

“These two idiots!!”

“Go and perform S-level missions casually!”


“This is a serious violation of the rules of our guild. They will be kicked out of the guild when they come back, right, old man.” Laxas looked at Makarov and said, “By the way, it’s just the kind of three-legged cat’s kung fu. I still want to do S-level missions, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back…hahaha.”


Miraj stood in front of Laxus and said angrily: “You know the consequences, why don’t you stop them!?”

“I just saw a gust of wind blowing, a cat tore a piece of paper and ran away. How did I know it was a hobbit. How did I know that Naz was going to do an S-class mission!? Yo…it’s been a long time. I saw your expression like this.”

Laxus picked up the cigarette in his mouth and looked at Miraj with a smile.

“Oops…Which piece of paper is missing!?” Makarov asked.

“The cursed island…Garna Island.”

“It’s the Devil’s Island!?”

Makarov was shocked. Then he looked at Laxus and said, “Laxus, go and bring them back to me!”

“What a joke!? I’m about to start working now. The magician who can’t deal with my own troubles is not worthy of staying in our guild, right?” After that, Laxus just tore it on the second floor. After signing a power of attorney, he left.

Looking at the leaving Laxus…

Miraj hesitated and ran out of the fairy tail.

The Garden of Quiet Spirits.

“Milaj, why are you here!? Uh, what happened!? Why do you feel so upset!?”

Looking at Miraj in front of him, Mukuro asked.

“Mr. Mitarashi, I want to ask you a favor.” Milaj said hesitantly.

“What’s the matter… Miraj!? Now that you have spoken… Then whatever it is. Even if you want the stars in the sky… I can help you pick them off.” Mukuro looked at Miraj with a smile Said.

Hearing Mukuro’s words…Milaj flushed slightly, and she couldn’t help but flustered. However, she also knew that it was not time for random thinking… and quickly told Mukuro about Naz and Habi who were going to perform the S-level mission.

“Well, I understand.” Mukuro nodded and said with a smile: “It turns out that it was Naz the fire dragon who got into trouble again.”

“En.” Miraj nodded with some embarrassment.

“No problem, I happened to be planning to go to Garna Island.” Mukuro said, “I will definitely bring the fire dragon back to safety.”

“Mukuro, why do you insist on calling me this time.” Ulu was puzzled.

Looking at Ulu, Mukuro smiled mysteriously. Said: “Because… on the island of Garna, there is someone who is very important to you.”


Ulu asked quickly.

For some reason, Ulu’s heart was throbbing inexplicably.

But Mukuro obviously didn’t mean to answer Ulu, just shook his head… Let’s leave the meeting between mother and daughter to them.

Garna Island, the land of relics.

“Leo, stop. Ulu…she’s still alive.” Looking at Leo in front of him, Gray persuaded loudly.

“Hehehe… Are you talking about this pile of ice cubes!?”

Leo looked at Gray with a grim face, and asked loudly: “In your eyes…Is it true that even ice is life!? That’s ridiculous…Gray. Then let me replace Ulu Education. Educate you…Ice Shape·Ice Eagle!”

When the voice fell, a lifelike ice crystal giant eagle attacked Gray.

“Damn it, ice shape·ice shield!”

Gray gritted his teeth, and an ice shield appeared, blocking Leo’s attack. At the same time, he said loudly, “Leo, don’t understand it wrong. I mean Ulu is really alive now. Ten years ago…I lied to you, but Ulu didn’t use Absolute Freeze. Come to seal Daliola. Daliola was frozen by Mitarashi Mukuro, one of the top ten mages, and he took Ulu away afterwards!”

Leo was taken aback when he heard Gray’s words.

Immediately the expression on his face became even more hideous, and he said sharply: “Grey! Until now, do you still want to lie to me!? How could it be that the ice that has sealed Deliolar is not absolutely frozen!? I have exhausted everything. No way to unlock this piece of ice! Apart from absolute freezing, how could there be such a powerful ice magic in this world!?”

At this moment, the thumb-thin water column fell on the ice-bound Dalio La.

Seeing such a scene, Leo’s face showed ecstasy.

“The ritual of the Moon Drop has begun, and Daliola’s ice is about to melt. The matter has reached this point, and you can no longer stop it! Do you know how long I have waited for today!? In the past ten years, I summoned my comrades to collect information… Only then did I know the existence of this island, Garna… the island where the light of the moon gathers. The drops of the moon gathered by the magic circle can melt any frozen magic !”

Gray remembered the question he asked Uludelliola a few days ago whether he would unblock it. Ulu answered himself: There is absolutely no way in this world that can melt the ice crystals formed by the freezing of Mitarashi Mukuro!

And the terrifying shadow Mukuro left in his heart!

At this time, it became Gray’s confidence in Mitarashi Mukuro!

Looking at Leo, Gray shouted loudly: “Leo, just look at it… There is absolutely no way for Delioola to be melted away!”

“Ahahaha…Gray, how come you still…”

Halfway through the conversation, Leo was stunned.

Because the water droplets of the moon flowed down the ice-covered body of Dalioola, but Dalioola showed no sign of melting.

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