Chapter 701 Intervene

Magic Council, Fiore branch. Compared with the Magic Council headquarters located in the center of the Ishogar continent, the Fiore branch looks more magical! Set up a magical building in a forest of rocks!

Elisa and the frogman walked in the Fiore branch together.

Suddenly, Elisa stopped… and frowned because she saw a familiar figure. Immediately, he said in an unusually angry voice: “Ziklein!!! So that’s it… these are the ghosts of you.”

It was Geral…He was leaning on a stone pillar at the moment, embracing him with his arms around.

“Your Honor.”

Seeing Geral, the frogman immediately knelt down respectfully.

Looking at Elisa, Geral smiled and said, “You say that…but it makes me so sad. I have been defending you Fairy Tail, but those old men are afraid to provoke me. When things go wrong, I want to pass all the responsibility to others, and I want to find a scapegoat.”

Geral seems to be more interested as he speaks.

“To shut up!”

Elsa stopped Geral.

His eyes were staring at Geral, his eyes were full of hatred…mixed with regret!

“Forget it…it’s not a big deal to come to you before the trial, it’s just…” Geral’s head came close to Elisa’s ear. He whispered: “Just don’t tell this group of old men about that…or it’s not good for everyone.”

“rest assured.”

Elisa looked at Geral and said coldly: “I didn’t ask my brother to help me solve the tower of the paradise, because I wanted to solve you personally! And now…it doesn’t take long, you are in the paradise. Wait for me in the tower! Soon…I will find you!”

After all, Elisa walked directly into the review room.

Géral was completely ignored. Because of Mukuro’s existence, Elsa’s feelings for Geral are not like the original.

Geral’s mind disappeared…

And the true body far in the tower of the paradise. I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling!

Magic Senate, Fiore branch, Senate courtroom.

“Defendant Elisa Shukalert! In the Iron Forest terror incident a few days ago, you were suspected of partially damaging the railway in Ohibana and completely destroying the Kuruji Station! This series of vandalism, according to witnesses Statement… The suspect is a female wizard in armor. The other is a man with short black hair.

According to the preliminary judgment of the Magic Council… the female wizard in armor is you! Elisa Shukalert of Fairy Tail! What about the other man, who is it! ? The suspect Elisa Shukalert asks you to confess this person quickly! ”

“Sorry… this series of sabotage acts were caused by me alone.”

As soon as Elusa’s voice fell, another voice rang outside the courtroom door: “Are you looking for another suspect? I’m here to surrender.”

Hearing this voice, Oge, who was sitting in the position of chief, was taken aback…a cold sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant!

This voice…he only heard it once in his life!

But it will be unforgettable for a lifetime! ! !

How can it be! ? I must have heard it wrong. How could that person appear here… But in the next moment, the expression on Ouge’s face was dull. Looking at the silhouette of the person entering through the door. Swallowing hard…something stuttered and said: “The… Your Excellency… First Congressman, why are you here!?”

The person who came in at this time was the last person he didn’t want to see!

Mitarashi Mukuro! !

The first member of the Magic Council! !

“How…Is the first member of the Magic Council. Am I not eligible to participate in the Council of Magic Council!?” Mukuro asked rhetorically.

The first member! ?

At the moment when Ouge’s voice fell. Whether it was Geral or Urutia, everyone’s eyes were on Mukuro.

Ajima and others are in awe, but Geral is more confused and curious…

As for Urutia… but it was an inexplicable throbbing heart! !

“Yes! Of course you can.” Hearing Mukuro’s words, Oge shivered inexplicably… he almost softened his legs without being scared. Then he stood up hurriedly and said respectfully: “The first congressman, come and sit here. If the speaker is not here, you should preside over the council.”

“Well… this is not necessary.”

Mukuro smiled and said, “Are you asking Elisa just now, who is the man who caused this series of sabotage with her!? Well… Then I will tell you now… It’s me… Hurry. Click on the sentence to be pronounced. Let me hear what kind of crime I committed and what sentence I will be sentenced to!?”

“Brother…you are here.” Elisa said.

“Yeah. I just came over to see… When did the magical world now become 340 that will be judged after destroying a dark guild!? Then count it…I destroyed so many dark guilds back then. Oh… It is estimated that ten lives are not enough for me to die. Right… Your Excellency the Second Senator Ogle.”

Mitarashi Mukuro looked at Ouge and said with a smile.

When I heard Elisa calling Mitarashi Mukuro’s brother…Oge almost got scared to pee. The expression on his face was about to cry… He really wished that time could turn back. Then he fiercely took a few big mouths when he gave the order to arrest Elisa. Can’t avoid it… I actually took the initiative to provoke this evil star.

When I heard what Mukuro said again…Oge was already completely pale.

Although none of Mukuro’s words are strong. But… the slight questioning attitude in his tone had already scared Oge to death.

“This… about this…”

Ough’s brain at this moment… can be said to be a blank space, he doesn’t even know what he should think about in his mind. Can’t help looking at his colleagues around him for help, but at this moment, no one can care about him! Even Yagema, the good old man in the Magic Council, just sighed…let him ask for his own blessings.

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