Chapter 649 Show up

Ulu was stunned… Gray was stunned… Even Dalioola, who had only ravages and disasters in his head, stopped his movements for a moment.

How did the person in front of me… appear! ? What are you doing here again! ?

Ulu was just stunned. But I didn’t think so much… I said, “I don’t care who you are, so hurry up and get out of here now. Dalioola is not something ordinary people can handle! Please help me take care of my disciple!”

With that, Ulu broke free. Mukuro grabbed his arm.

I was about to release [Absolutely Freeze] again, but was once again blocked by Mitarashi Mukuro’s shot.

“What the hell do you want to do!?” Ulu felt a little anxious.

If you don’t freeze Daliola as soon as possible… let it come closer. Then Ulu could not guarantee the safety of Gray and Leo. Because when he casts [Absolutely Frozen], Daliola can still move!

“Um… can’t you just listen to me to finish talking? As an ice wizard… why is your temper violent like a flame?” Mukuro scratched his head helplessly. Then he continued to speak indifferently, “It’s just one of the demons in the book of Jeff, even the gates of the underworld are not even the nine ghost gates. Doesn’t it need to be so nervous?”

Book of Jeff! ? …The gate of the underworld! ? …Nine Ghosts! ?

What are these things! ? Ulu said that he had never heard of…because he was far away from the Fiore Kingdom. Therefore, Ulu is not very clear about the dark guild, the world’s most evil black mage, Jeff, and other things or characters.

But… Ulu can tell a little bit.

It’s for the mysterious person in front of me. It is not very difficult to solve Daliola, it is even…very simple! ?

“Can you… solve Daliola?” Ulu asked.

The tone was a little doubtful. Ulu has a very clear understanding of his own strength! There is no objection to calling yourself the strongest wizard in your own country! Although it can’t compare to the strongest ten masters on this continent!

But Ulu firmly believes that he is only inferior to them. With such a strong self, there is no way to face Daliola! It can only be stopped by casting the ultimate ice magic at the cost of life. But the young man in front of him said that he could easily deal with Daliola. Could it be that he was one of the top ten sages! ?

But… how come you look so young! ? And… in my own impression, there is no such young Saint Ten!

Holy ten! !

It is also the holy ten great wizards, and the title of the ten most outstanding wizards on the mainland awarded by the Magic Council. The strength far exceeds that of the S-rank wizards in ordinary guilds! Especially the top four wizards, known as the Uranus of Ishgarh! It is a non-human-level wizard, with a strength far beyond the reach of the fifth-ranked Saint-ten wizard!

“Of course it is!”

Mukuro said simply and neatly. But the conversation turned fiercely: “But…why did I want to get rid of Dalio for no reason?”

A wicked smile hung from the corner of Mukuro’s mouth.

“You… don’t you see how much destruction Dalio brings to the surroundings!? He is an evil demon!”

“Oh.” Mukuro said lightly, “But what does it have to do with me!?”


A dull look appeared on Ulu’s face. Stepping faced Da Liola again, and said: “Then you don’t stop me from freezing it!”

As he said, he raised his hand and made a gesture of [Absolutely Freeze].

“No! Didn’t I say that? Passing away in the brightest time of life… but a great sin!” With that, Mitarashi Mukuro stopped Uru again. Then he looked at her with a smile and said.


“Ice Shape·Turning Big Lily!!!”

Daliola was in front of him. But Ulu has no time to argue with Mukuro. Make a fist with your left hand and punch it on your right palm! Mitarashi Mukuro’s body was surrounded by huge ice… and then attacked Mukuro at close range in all directions, without any mercy!

“This level of ice… but it’s of no use to me.”

Before Ulu’s attack touched Mukuro’s body, the terrifying magic power that agitated all over Mukuro’s body had evaporated and dissipated!

“This… such a terrifying magic power!?”

Ulu looked at Mitarashi Mukuro with horror on his face. Such a terrifying magic… it was the first time she felt it! Compared with my own magic power… it’s like the gurgling creek and the vast sea in comparison! There is no comparability at all! Maybe… Even the Saint Ten Great Sorcerers don’t have such a terrifying magic power! Such a terrifying magic power… It is naturally easy to be able to easily solve Daliola.

At this time, Ulu also calmed down.

Looking at Mukuro, he faintly asked, “What is your purpose!? What price do I need to pay to solve Daliola!?”

Ulu is not stupid. The person in front of him said so much to himself, and has been preventing himself from releasing [Absolutely Freeze], it must have his purpose. Although Ulu didn’t know, he had something worth plotting.

“Sure enough… Talking to smart people saves trouble.”

Mukuro snapped his fingers. Then he pointed his hand to Ulu and said, “I want you… to be my subordinate! How about it, do you agree?”


Ulu was stunned. Somewhat puzzled, he said: “Why!? You shouldn’t see my strength at all, right? Why do you want me to be your subordinate again?”

“Um… I just praised you for being smart. Why is this stupid again!?”

Mukuro shrugged a little helplessly, and said, “Although your current strength is very weak, what I like is your potential. On the ice road…you have an amazing talent that no one can match! No teacher You can reach the level close to Holy Ten. If you follow me. Within three years…you will be able to reach the level of the Fourth Uranus of Ishgarh. How about? Make your decision quickly.”

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