Chapter 645 Before departure

There is no wall in the world that does not show the wind. Especially when Kyoraku Shunsui drank, he dared to say anything…

As a result, almost all the captains of the Gotei 13th Division know Mukuro’s identity! After that, even Hirako Shinji and others were even more in awe of Mitarashi Mukuro, not to mention the team leaders like Hitsugaya Tōshirō and Byakuya Kuchiki.

Mukuro’s words and deeds are even treated like golden rules.

But fortunately, Kyoraku Shunsui, Jūshirō Ukitake… still treat Mukuro as before, otherwise Mukuro is not depressed yet.

But since then, Mukuro has also slapped Kyoraku Shunsui, this worthless mouth! If it weren’t for him to talk too much, where did so many things come from? But… Mukuro also immediately issued an order to forbid Soul Society to talk about his identity! Otherwise…think about it, the people of Soul Society see themselves in a respectful look, it’s not uncomfortable to die.

In “Hueco Mundo”, as long as the Menos Grande above Adjuchas was born. It will be led into the Xuye Palace via “Espada” at the first time!

Then, whether you like it or not, you will be under the control of the Xu Ye Palace!

At the same time, you must abide by the [Three Prohibitions of “Hueco Mundo”] established by Mukuro!

One: It is forbidden for Menos Grande above the Adjuchas level to swallow each other for no reason! Second: Menos Grande above the Adjuchas level is forbidden to sneak into or manipulate Menos Grande into the world! Third: Don’t invade Soul Society or attack Shinigami for no reason!

If someone violates the [Three Prohibitions of “Hueco Mundo”], they will be directly beheaded by “Espada”!

Of course, if an Adjuchas-level Menos Grande wants to evolve into a Vasto Lorde-level Menos Grande, it will naturally be inseparable from fighting and devouring each other! Nature cannot be annihilated, so when the “Espada Battle” is held every six months, another type of “Promotion Battle” is added! As the name suggests, it was set up for Adjuchas to strive for promotion to Vasto Lorde. In the “promotion battle”, Menos Grande of the Adjuchas level can release their nature to fight and swallow! Basically, a Vasto Lorde will be born in ten promotion battles.

Whether it is “Hueco Mundo” or Soul Society…because they are all under the control of Mukuro. So the war between the two sides almost disappeared! Soul Society will no longer send the “Hueco Mundo” expeditionary force once every three hundred years to “Hueco Mundo”, nor will “Hueco Mundo” suddenly invade Rukongai…

Whether it is Soul Society or “Hueco Mundo”…the strong are born more and more frequently.

And in this world, Mukuro will naturally not allow it to fend for itself.

Exclusive to this world, Mukuro has set up-the world mobile action team! With Urahara Kisuke as the captain, Tessai Tsukabishi and Shihouin Yoruichi as the deputy captains. As for the players… Kurosaki Ichigo, Sado Yasutora, Ishida Uryu, Arisawa Tatsuki.

Although it is only an action team, the combat effectiveness is definitely a terrifying level! The combination of several people is completely worth the small half of the Gotei 13th squad.

Their duty is to deal with all the supernatural things that happen in this world!

However, because Soul Society and “Hueco Mundo” are under the control of Mukuro! There are not so many bad things in this world. So on the whole… Kurosaki Ichigo and other people just hang a title.

As for the real world city located above the world.

Still a transcendent existence!

However, qualifying to set foot in the True World City is not as difficult as the previous Spirit Palace. As long as you have served as the captain of the Gotei 13th Division for more than three hundred years, or have Shinigami who has surpassed the Captain’s level of combat power, All are eligible for the right to live in the real world city for a long time! Even the Menos Grande of “Hueco Mundo” have accumulated more than 100 years if they served as “Espada”. Or Vasto Lorde, who can naturally become Arrancar, also has this qualification!

The reason for the selection of “Hueco Mundo” is shorter than the period of Soul Society. It’s all because “Hueco Mundo” is several times more cruel than Soul Society!

Because of the existence of the “Espada War”, being able to serve as “Espada” for more than 100 years, but it is several times more difficult than serving as the captain of the Gotei thirteenth squad for 300 years! So in the millennium, perhaps even longer, there will still be no people in the real world city.

But the real world city is a city, not a palace like the Spirit Palace!

The palace exists for a certain person. But the city is not, it exists to gather a group of people!

Therefore, Mukuro believes that the True World City will become full of voices one day!

At that time, the real world city will be able to give birth to a powerhouse with a higher level of strength! This will push the entire Shinigami world to a higher level!

Soul Society…

In the fourth division team house.

Mitarashi Mukuro and Unohana Retsu sat at the table, eating the usual but definitely delicious food on the table, and the atmosphere was a bit quiet.

After a while, Unohana Retsu put down the chopsticks in her hand. A loud voice broke the quiet atmosphere: “Are you going to travel far? Mukuro.”

“En!? Lie…how did you know!?”

Mitarashi Mukuro was a little surprised.

Hundreds of years have passed since the battle with Friends Habach. Mukuro’s control of his own power has also reached a peak level! And the time spent in the Shinigami world is not short… It’s time to continue the journey!

However, these things Mukuro did not say to Unohana Retsu.

Unohana Retsu just smiled faintly, and then said: “We have been together for such a long time, how can I not understand you? You always have a lot of thoughts lately, and I can guess some.”

“Really… As expected, it is Lie.”

With a helpless smile on Mukuro’s face, he nodded and said, “Well…I may be facing a long journey by 0.8. But time is only relative to me, for you…maybe even a short time. I haven’t been through it. So, Lie, you don’t need to worry.”

“No…because of this, I have to worry even more.”

Unohana Retsu looked at Mukuro bitterly, and said, “This is really unfair to you!”

Unohana Retsu’s feelings for Mukuro have obviously surpassed herself.

Mukuro said nothing. In my heart, I have already made up my mind… I must surpass the world of the heavens as soon as possible! Become the maker of the rules of the world, instead of being a follower…Let the entire universe of the heavens regard yourself as the ultimate core! By then, it will not only be Lie… Tsunade, Hinata, Hancock, Nami… No one will be separated from himself!

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