Chapter 636 Guards, all annihilated!

Gerard Valkyrie, Yaskin Nakluval, and Penida Pakaja, who stood by, all looked at Mitarashi Mukuro in horror… a hint of retreat was born in their hearts.

But when I think of the emperor of the invisible empire behind him, who can use his sanctity to deprive him of his power at any time…

This retreat was completely eliminated!

Gerald Valkyrie, Yaskin Nakruval, Penida Pakaja… the three of them instantly entered the state of the Eucharist!

Gerald Valkyrie!

The holy text is “M”-[Miracle]!

Gerald Valkyrie has the ability to manifest his own spiritual power. Turning a situation that is absolutely unfavorable to oneself into one that is beneficial to oneself is a “miracle.” Turn the damage suffered by the body into its own strength. The greater the damage suffered, the strength (including agility, defense, etc.) will increase proportionally, and the manifestation of strength is the huge body. Transformation is also known as the yardstick of God! When part of the body is damaged, it can still regenerate in a spiritualized state and strengthen the individual!

As the spirit king’s heart, he has such a miraculous power! If it weren’t for being taken away by Uhabach with sanctity. It is definitely an immortal existence!

Although Gerald Valkyrie has entered the state of Eucharist, he needs his own death to trigger it, but this is not an inevitable condition. The huge Gerald Valkyrie appeared on the streets of True World City! A protective mask showing only the eyes and part of the mouth appeared on the head, black lines extending to the arms appeared on the shoulders, the opposite black background and white lines appeared on the lower body, a pair of angel wings appeared on the back, a holy sword with a ray-like hilt in his right hand, and a left hand The sun sacred shield attached to the protruding cones, the overall image is like the god of war!

End Eucharist·The Power of God! ! !

The sword held by Gerald Valkyrie is called the “Sword of Hope”! Slashing… from the top of the great sword, an ultra-high concentration wave of spirits appeared and blasted towards Mitarashi Mukuro!

Yaskin Nakluval!

See you at the end of the Eucharist·The Poison of God! ! !

After Yaskin Nakluval entered the state of Eucharist, a large number of complex molecular structures appeared all over his body. A five-pointed halo of molecular structure appears on the top of the head, protective glasses are worn on the face, the shoulders are attached with overlapping molecular connection-like light wheels and double wings, the arms are floating with tiny poisonous spirits arranged regularly, and the limbs are covered with different numbers of knots. The wrist ring and the waist are molecular-shaped halo buckles that are turned into a short folded bow, and the sling pants and boots on the lower body are covered by spirits!

In this state, Yaskin Nakluval can quickly adapt to changes in poison. Ignore the surface changes of the poison and analyze the essence to generate immunity!

“Extremely poisonous ball!!!”

After the Eucharist, Yaskin Nakluval yelled.

The terrifying poison spread all over the space in an instant, swallowing Mukuro in. In the body of the extremely poisonous ball, there is a large area of ​​atmosphere containing lethal components, and it is difficult to move a single step. Every step you take will cause great pain, and even breathing will cause hypoxia! In conjunction with the molecular light wheel wings on the back of Yaskin, you can increase the concentration of poison gas and change the shape of the poison ball at will. No one can get out of this domain. It is a complete poison fortress!

Penida Pakaja!

As the left arm of the Spirit King, he himself possesses very powerful strength. Therefore, Uhabach only gave him the power of the corresponding holy characters, but did not endow him with the state of complete Eucharist!

However, because Uhabach had just given him “sanctification”, he obtained a large number of spiritual sons from it, allowing him to temporarily complete the state of Eucharist. At this moment… there are white feathered wings behind Penida Pakaja! In the state of the Eucharist, his ability to enforce it will be significantly enhanced!

The huge palm slapped Mukuro!

Contact evolution! ! !

The right hand of the Spirit King is holding [still]… and the left hand is holding [forward]! As long as any creature touched by it, he can obtain all the information of the thing connected with the nerve, and gradually evolve the nerve to the level of this thing.

Sword of Hope, Extremely Poisonous Ball, Contact Evolution…! ! !

The three Quintessences in the state of complete Eucharist, each displaying their own abilities. Launched his own offensive against Mukuro!

Although he is in the extremely poisonous ball, Mukuro’s body has been consuming the fruit of the sacred tree in the world of Naruto. The body has completely transformed a life class called a god, and even the cells in the body have become crystals! The poison invading the body can be completely repelled in the first place. What’s more, the poison produced by Yaskin was disturbed by the violent Reiatsu around Mukuro before it even touched Mukuro’s body. Broken, became the most basic atom!

Directly used his body to resist the spirit wave blasted by Gerald Valkyrie.

Flashed past Penida 363 Pakaja and grabbed his arm.

Mukuro’s gaze was placed on Yaskin Nakluval, and he said, “Well…you are the hapless one. Who told the remaining two… One is the left arm of the Spirit King, and the other It’s the heart of the Spirit King. Sure enough… the saddest thing without a background!”

After all, Zanpakutō in Mukuro’s hands is drawn to Yaskin Nakluval!

Zanpakutō crossed the death line of Yaskin Nakluval. The next moment… Yaskin Nakluval disappeared!

Even the space with the entire extremely poisonous ball disappeared!

At the same time, the lines of Tenseigan reincarnation appeared in Mukuro’s pupils…the circle shrank towards the center of the pupil. As if to bring the whole world into the eye pupils! But Gerrard and Penida were directly dissipated by Tenseigan, the reincarnation. In itself… it is the most primitive and pure form to be transformed again!

That is, the left arm of the Spirit King, and the heart of the Spirit King!

It is also the power of the origin of the world!

Tenseigan was sucked into the body through Mitarashi Mukuro’s reincarnation! So far…you Habach’s guards are all destroyed!

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