Chapter 618 Resurrection

Ichibei Hyōsube couldn’t even realize what was going on, and the terrifying air wave came to him!

The appalling Reiatsu ravaged the entire Spirit Palace.

The stone pillars on both sides of the Omotesando in the Lingwang Palace faintly couldn’t bear such violent Reiatsu, making a creaking sound. The sky in the Spirit Palace was also gloomy. The entire Spirit Palace is giving people a feeling that it will be overthrown in the next moment!

How can it be! ?

There is such a terrifying Reiatsu in this world! ?

You know, even the former Spirit King… is not so scary! And the Spirit King… can represent the will of the entire world!

Could it be that the Shinigami named Mitarashi Mukuro in front of me… is even more powerful than the Lord of Souls! ?

What made Ichibei Hyōsube more frightened was the twelve pitch-black spheres floating behind Mitarashi Mukuro!

Don’t forget that his ability is to control everything in the world [Black]. So when I saw the black Truth-Seeking Ball floating behind Mukuro…subconsciously, Ichibei Hyōsube wanted to use his Bankai to control it.

However, when his spiritual power just touched the surface of the black sphere. Ichibei Hyōsube instinctively felt a kind of death that seemed to freeze his soul 440!

“The Spirit Palace… is it going to be overthrown this time!?”

Whether it is Kirinji Tenshiro, Shudara Senjumaru… or Nimaiya Wangyue…or Hikifune Kiryu, at the same time, this thought was born in my heart.

“What are you…what are you doing!?”

Ichibei Hyōsube asked harshly. But the tone at this moment…it gives people a feeling of being strong on the outside and doing the same.

Obviously… Ichibei Hyōsube at this moment is timid. Because the power of Mitarashi Mukuro oppresses himself, it is as horrible as suffocation!

“Are you… scared!? Ichibei Hyōsube.”

Looking at Ichibei Hyōsube, Mitarashi Mukuro said lightly. Did not conceal the contempt in his words.


Ichibei Hyōsube felt the trace of fear rooted deep in his heart. Indeed…this is called fear…I haven’t felt this way for many years…but then endless anger rose in my heart!

As a dependent of the Spirit King… The leader of Shinigami…

How can I feel such a fear! ?


Ichibei Hyōsube roared loudly, and then the heavy Zanpakutō in his hand swung violently towards Mitarashi Mukuro.

The pitch-black mausoleum and tombstones formed by Taisha Mausoleum in the surrounding area seemed to be transformed into a ghost at this moment, and the distorted pitch black attacked Mitarashi Mukuro. It seems to be preparing to swallow Mukuro directly into the tomb!

However, Ichibei Hyōsube’s attack was like a plume of smoke…

Before I came into contact with Mitarashi Mukuro, I was already torn apart by the violent Reiatsu in the Mukuro Six Paths mode!

“How can it be!?”

Ichibei Hyōsube froze. He couldn’t believe his strongest offensive, and he couldn’t cause the slightest harm to Mitarashi Mukuro…No! This is all… it is impossible to connect to Mitarashi Mukuro at all!

Moreover, not turning Tai Sha Ling is a move that I nurtured with the power of the Spirit King!

How can anyone resist… the power of the entire world! ?

“Why… can’t you believe it!?” Mukuro looked at Ichibei Hyōsube with a faint smile: “Tell you one thing… In your eyes, the supreme spirit king… has been taken by me more than a hundred years ago. Killed!”

The Spirit King… was killed! ?

Hearing words like Mitarashi Mukuro, Ichibei Hyōsube was obviously a little confused.

However, Mukuro did not give him time to think. With a single hand held out of thin air, the original black Truth-Seeking Ball behind him began to change his form! A long sword crossed and twisted appeared in Mukuro’s hands!

Sword of Wish-Sky Marsh Spear! ! !

Mitarashi Mukuro’s weapon in Six Paths mode. Infuse your own desire and willpower to show the form!

As long as Mukuro’s mind remains unshakable, there is absolutely no possibility that the Ammanuma Spear will break!

Looking at Ichibei Hyōsube, Mukuro said faintly, “Since the Spirit King is dead…then you who have been empowered by the Spirit King…go down to the funeral!”

In the words, the sky spear in Mukuro’s hand has pierced Ichibei Hyōsube’s chest!

Then, under the power of Truth-Seeking Ball itself, all the matter and energy that come into contact with it will disappear in smoke!

Ichibei Hyōsube’s body… not even debris left!

However, Mukuro did not choose to stop directly. Ruoyouruwu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he murmured: “Hyōsube…Ichibei.”

As Mitarashi Mukuro’s voice fell, a blood-red body condensed in the void in front of Mukuro. Then… reunited to become Ichibei Hyōsube! This is the most essential power of Ichibei Hyōsube-the power of “name”! After his death, as long as he is called his name, then he will be able to come back to life!

On the contrary, if you call his name before resurrection, it will weaken his strength after resurrection. Even if there are too many shouts, it will not be able to resurrect again!

“How do you… know my abilities!?”

Ichibei Hyōsube only had fear in his heart this time. You know… the ability to resurrect is his ultimate secret!

Together with the other four people in the zero division are unknown. And… he has never died, and he has no chance to show his ability, so no one in this world knows it at all!

How… Mitarashi Mukuro will know…! ?

However, Ichibei Hyōsube can no longer tolerate too much thought.

Because the sky spear in Mukuro’s hand has pierced Ichibei Hyōsube’s chest again, Ichibei Hyōsube died again after his resurrection!

After several reciprocations…

After this resurrection, Ichibei Hyōsube was extremely weak! He could feel…this was his last resurrection. If he were killed again… then even if someone called his name millions of times, he could not be resurrected!

[Lao Na, I’m sorry, every reader, I’m so big, but I went home from other places to celebrate the New Year in the past few days… The update on the train is extremely unstable. But now it’s alright, Lao Na has returned home. The update is resumed today, and the fourth watch is going… Crazy codewords! ].

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