Chapter 587 Conquer Starrk

There is no path to the release of Amaterasu, the pupil power will be transmitted directly through the line of sight, and then the black flame that “absolutely impossible to escape” will be released at the focus of the eye! When the target is not burned to the limit, it will never go out!

“What is this…ahhh…damn, what is this!?” Baraggan Louisenbairn yelled in pain, “Starrk, help me put it out!”

However, Coyote Starrk, who hadn’t waited aside, stepped up to help. Baraggan Louisenbairn’s voice calling for help lowered…

“Quick… come and save me… I am… the king of “Hueco Mundo”.”

“I am… the king of “Hueco Mundo”…”

The Amaterasu displayed in the state of Mukuro Samsara Tenseigan is naturally not comparable to Uchiha Itachi or Uchiha Sasuke!

The power of Amaterasu is definitely dozens of times more terrifying!

In just a few seconds, Baraggan Louisenbairn was burned out!

Even the slightest ashes could not be left! Once the king of “Hueco Mundo”…the terrifying Skeleton King! ! !

Fallen! ! !

“It’s terrifying…Should we run away quickly!? Starrk!?” Liliette Gingerbuck, the gun in Coyote Starrk’s hand suddenly made a sound. Although it was in the state of returning to the blade, Lili Nite’s consciousness did not disappear.

“How is it possible to escape at this time… Although I will not avenge Baraggan’s death, it is after all Aizen-sama’s order. It should still be executed.” Coyote Starrk said lightly.

“Then what are you going to do!? Starrk.”

After a pause, Liliette said uncertainly: “Are you… are you going to use that trick!?”

“Yeah…otherwise I don’t have the slightest way.” Starrk said.

“But…” Liliette wanted to say something.

But it was directly interrupted by Coyote Starrk, and resolutely said: “Nothing but… are you ready!? Liliette.”

“Then… we’re going to fuck… Liliette!”

As soon as the voice fell, thousands of white lights suddenly appeared from Kotaya Starrk’s body! After each white light fell on the ground, it turned into a white wolf. In an instant, there was an extra pack of wolves behind Starrk!

This is the true ability that Kotaya Starrk has after returning to the blade!

Soul division! ! !

Kotaya Starrk can divide his soul into many fragments, and each fragment can transform into a fierce wolf. Every wolf is as familiar as Starrk’s compatriots, and it is also an independent weapon that will explode after biting an enemy!

And because packs of wolves are divided into souls, they will pass through physical attacks like flames when they encounter physical attacks!

Like a wolf-shaped missile, the warheads of those wolves are both Coyote Starrk and Liliette Jinjiebuck, the same consciousness!

“Go on… Starrk.”

Coyote Starrk said lightly.

The pack of wolves behind suddenly rushed towards Mitarashi Mukuro and bite! The power of wolves is definitely the most terrifying! The power that each wolf exploded when it exploded… is definitely several times more terrifying than Wang Xu’s flash…

However, this is really not enough in front of Mitarashi Mukuro.

Mukuro holds Zanpakutō in his hands, just in a sealed state. Every time Zanpakutō lifts, or falls… a wolf disappears.


It’s as if it never existed.

A blue-green light appeared in Mukuro’s pupils… It was the power of the Demon Eye of Death! Under these eyes, even time can be killed. Not to mention it’s just a shard of Starrk’s soul…

In a moment, nearly one-third of the pack of wolves had been slaughtered by Mukuro!

“Starrk…what should I do now!? I can feel that the “Starrk” killed by this Shinigami has completely disappeared.”

Liliette in the form of a musket said anxiously.

“It seems that there is no other way…” Starrk seemed to have made a certain decision, his tone a little firm and determined.

“Are you crazy!? Starrk.”

Liliette, who has the same consciousness as Starrk, naturally knows what Starrk wants to do, and the panic is clearly audible in her voice: “If we lose so many soul fragments at once, we will die! And we may not be able to kill. The Shinigami in front of me.”

“So what?” Starrk said lightly, “At least…now we are no longer alone…and we can repay Master Aizen.”

“…” Liliette was silent.

After a long while, a little unwilling to say: “Okay… as you like.”

“Thank you… Liliette.”

A smile appeared on Coyote Starrk’s face, and then he wanted to explode all his soul fragments.

Even if you can’t kill this Shinigami, 360, it’s okay to cause serious damage.

However, it was clear that Coyote Starrk’s ideas fell through.

Because Mukuro stopped Coyote Starrk’s movements. When the pupil technique Distinguished Heavenly Gods was activated, it instantly changed Starrk’s deep consciousness.

The expression on Coyote Starrk’s face was noticeable. Then, he looked around with a puzzled look…

When I saw Mukuro, my expression suddenly became very nervous.

“My lord… subordinate, I just…”

Coyote Starrk remembers that he was still in a fierce battle with Mitarashi Mukuro, and he even detonated his soul!

What were you doing just now! ? It’s… unforgivable!

“It’s ok.”

Mukuro waved his hand, and then continued: “Alright… the loss of the soul just now, I am afraid you will not be able to recover in a short time. Well… I will help you.” As he said, the power of Yang Dun was poured into. Starrk’s soul nourishes his soul.

“Teacher… him.”

Rukia looked a little dumbfounded at the side, as for the others…the same.

Mukuro didn’t explain too much, but smiled. He opened his mouth and said, “Yeah…I tell you something. Aizen…is presenting in Karakura Town.”

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