Chapter 571 Companion and burden

Urahara store.

Kurosaki Ichigo looked anxiously at Urahara Kisuke and asked, “The clogs hat…How is he doing Sado!? Why haven’t he woken up yet!?”

Shihouin Yoruichi in the form of a black cat next to him suddenly jumped up high.

The cat’s paw patted Kurosaki Ichigo’s head. Yelled: “Idiot! How could it be possible to wake up so soon after such a serious injury has been bandaged!?”

“Then Sado, when will he wake up!?” Kurosaki Ichigo asked.

Urahara Kisuke spoke and smiled: “Kurosaki don’t worry, although Sado’s injury is serious, but the vital parts like the heart are not damaged. So there is no danger to life.

As for when he will be able to wake up… Brother Sado’s body is now in an instrumental state, so there is no way to tell. It may be a while, it may be a day, it may be a week, I’m sorry, Kurosaki brother. ”

“Oh…thank you.” Kurosaki Ichigo’s spirit is obviously not very good.

At this moment, a teasing voice sounded: “Well… the yellow-haired boy. See if your mentality is not very good.”

The speaker is Mitarashi Mukuro who has arrived.

What Mukuro likes is the sky, the earth, the hills under Urahara Kisuke…there are all these, the big and somewhat outrageous basement.


“Why are you here!?”

“Mr. Mitarashi!? You…” Kurosaki Ichigo’s face was also very surprised, he didn’t expect Mukuro to follow him. But when I saw the people behind Mukuro. But the whole person was stunned, and said dullly:

“Long Gui!? How come you come here!?”

“Idiot!” Arisawa Tatsuki strode directly to Kurosaki Ichigo’s body and punched him on the head. Loudly: “Asshole, you didn’t tell me about Shinigami!” After speaking, he seemed to be puzzled, and gave Kurosaki Ichigo another fist.

“Shinigami!? How did you know Ryuki!?” Kurosaki Ichigo asked.


Arisawa Tatsuki gave a cold snort, then glanced at Mitarashi Mukuro. He said, “Ms. Mitarashi told me.”

“Mitarashi… teacher!?”


“Longgui…You have worshipped Mr. Mitarashi as a teacher!?”

Kurosaki Ichigo, Urahara Kisuke, Shihouin Yoruichi are all unbelievable. Especially Urahara Kisuke and Shihouin Yoruichi, both of whom have a deep understanding of Mukuro… Originally they were shocked when Mukuro accepted Rukia as a disciple. Unexpectedly, Mukuro would accept disciples again, and most importantly…

The target of accepting disciples is still a human! ?

Although Kurosaki Ichigo doesn’t know much about Soul Society, how did Mr. Mitarashi violently beat Aizen in front of him. He has a deep memory… It can only be described as horror!


Urahara Kisuke said with a smile, without feeling anything.

Shihouin Yoruichi’s complexion on the side was a little uncomfortable. I think back then, she had to work hard to become Mitarashi Mukuro’s disciple. The Shihouin family also tried their best, but in the end it was empty.

In the past few decades, Mukuro has even accepted two disciples.

Rukia and this Arisawa Tatsuki.

Whether it is spiritual aptitude, family background behind him, or the degree of hard work. Shihouin Yoruichi asks himself that he is no worse than anyone!

“Huh…what a lucky guy.” Shihouin Yoruichi murmured.

What does it mean to be accepted as an apprentice by Mitarashi Mukuro! ?

It means that in the entire Soul Society… you can do whatever you want without restraint, no one dares to say half a “no”. Just like Rukia once and now, she is definitely the uncrowned princess of Soul Society!

“Principal, is there anything you come here this time!?”

Urahara Kisuke asked. He still knows Mukuro’s character…nothing will never come.

“Come here to borrow your basement. I want to give special training to my new apprentices. Hurry up and get ready. Get ready to call me.” Mukuro didn’t mean to be an outsider at all, and sat down cross-legged.

“Um… OK.”

Although helpless, Urahara Kisuke dared not refuse Mukuro’s request.

“Special training!? Longgui…what are you doing!?” Kurosaki Ichigo on the side suddenly raised a few pitches.

“Of course I went to “Hueco Mundo” to rescue Orihime.” Arisawa Tatsuki said.


Kurosaki Ichigo directly retorted: “Orihime…I will save it. You and Sado don’t go!”

Hearing Kurosaki Ichigo’s words, Long Gui’s face looked a little ugly. Displeased: “You don’t need to worry about my affairs, “Hueco Mundo” I will definitely go.”

“But, Long Gui you…”

Kurosaki Ichigo wants to say something more. However, Mukuro interrupted him directly and said, “Kurosaki Ichigo. It seems that you don’t trust your companions anymore? The companions who were able to trust each other in the past are now regarded as cumbersome by you! ?”

“No! No! I’m just afraid they get hurt.” Kurosaki retorted hurriedly.

“No…that’s it. Because the difference in strength between yourself and your companions has grown…so you think they are weak and need protection. Right?”

Mukuro asked.

“Well, it’s like this. Is there anything wrong?” Kurosaki Ichigo nodded and answered as expected.

“What’s wrong!? Haha…”

Mukuro looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a disdainful face and said, “Then, you can ask Longgui and the curly-haired kid lying on the bed. I believe they… can give you a pertinent and satisfying answer. ”


Arisawa Tatsuki didn’t speak, and kicked Kurosaki Ichigo directly in the face, kicking Kurosaki Ichigo far away, which is regarded as showing his position.


Kurosaki Ichigo, who fell heavily to the ground, has not yet stood up. Suddenly a very weak voice rang in his ears: “Kurosaki…do you already consider us a burden?” It was Sado Yasutora who was seriously injured, and Mukuro rescued him with a touch of yang.

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