Chapter 517 Desperate Rukia

As in the plot, Kurosaki Ichigo’s [Knot] and [Pakuto Sleep] were completely destroyed by Byakuya Kuchiki, and then Rukia directly drew a line with them in order to protect Kurosaki Ichigo. Then Rukia was taken away by Byakuya Kuchiki.

And Kurosaki Ichigo was also rescued by Urahara Kisuke…

Soul Society.

Rukia, who was captured, did not even go through another trial. Central 46 directly issued the final disposal result…

The sinner, Rukia, seriously violated the laws of Soul Society.

Seven days later, he was sentenced to death by Sōkyoku!

After the results of Rukia’s treatment came out, the entire Soul Society was surprised. Sōkyoku capital punishment, this is arguably the heaviest punishment of Soul Society!

Of course, except those who are imprisoned in Hell. The pervert in the middle is entirely because Soul Society’s punishment cannot kill them. And no one has been sentenced to death by Sōkyoku for hundreds of years! Even Kurotsuchi Mayuri, who caused the death of several Shinigami because of his research on the soul, was only sentenced to being thrown into the maggot nest!

And now.

Rukia was temporarily imprisoned in the prison of the sixth division…

“Are you going to be so awkward forever? Rukia. You will collapse if you don’t eat.” Renji looked at Rukia and said.

“I’m not awkward. It’s just that I’m not hungry, the vice captain.” Rukia cast a face and Renji said.

Seeing Rukia’s contemptuous expression on his face, Renji instantly exploded. Yelled: “Ah? What do you mean, Rukia!? Do you have any opinion on me as the deputy captain!? Although it is a bit weaker than you, I also turned on Shikai!”

“How dare I.” Rukia looked ignorant: “I left for two months, and you worked so hard to become the deputy captain. I admire that it’s too late. Also, your eyebrows are really great. Personality, Your Excellency Vice Captain!”

“You come out for me, I am going to chop you!” Abarai Renji furiously said.

“Did the results of my execution come out?” Suddenly, Rukia calmed down, and then asked abruptly.

“No…not yet.”

Abarai Renji’s look was a little unnatural, he couldn’t bear to tell Rukia that her treatment resulted in the death penalty of Sōkyoku!

“It’s already out, Rukia.”

Suddenly, a faint voice came over. Then only heard the footsteps of da, da, da…, Mitarashi Mukuro appeared at the door of the prison…


Rukia’s eyes lit up.

Looking at Rukia, Mukuro looked regretful.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said: “Rukia, regarding your verdict, Central 46 has given the final result…”

“What… the result.” Rukia had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Mukuro’s next words almost didn’t cause Rukia to collapse directly: “Judgment: Rukia was sentenced to Sōkyoku capital punishment! Execution in seven days!”


Rukia’s eyes were dull, and she called out. She did not expect that the result of her final execution would be so serious! In her opinion, although she violated Soul Society’s regulations, it was also a last resort.

In addition, as the deputy captain of the 13th Division of the Guardian, he should have a certain immunity. Under normal circumstances, he was sentenced to one hundred years in custody.

No more than three hundred years!

And 300 years of punishment for Shinigami, who is at the rank of deputy captain like Rukia, is a very heavy punishment, but it is not desperate. After all, during the execution, not only can you continue to hone your spiritual power, but you can also apply to be incorporated into the “Hueco Mundo” expeditionary army to offset the penalty period!

However, now he was directly executed by Sōkyoku! ?

And after seven days, it will be directly allowed to execute. There is no room for relaxation at all!

“Teacher, is there no way!?” Rukia’s eyes showed desperation, and then she cast her last hope on Mukuro.

Mukuro said nothing, just shook his head.

Rukia nowadays, although I don’t know how many times it is stronger than in the plot! However, I don’t know how much the difference between Xinxing and the original plot is. Mukuro admits that this is his own reason, because he is too protective of the calf, so Rukia has vaguely become the uncrowned princess of Soul Society! Although it is not to say that it is rampant, but it is definitely what you want to do…

By the time Mukuro discovered this, it was too late.

Because from the bottom of her heart, Rukia has regarded Mukuro as her own dependence, and it will not be effective if she just talks about it.

However, you said that you want Mukuro to throw Rukia directly into “Hueco Mundo” for training, or to put Rukia into the hell for training! ? Mukuro is reluctant to let Rukia suffer this crime…

Aizen appeared. With such a good backer, if Mukuro doesn’t make good use of it, then he is really a fool… without letting Rukia leave Soul Society. And it can sharpen Rukia’s temperament in a short time…

Therefore, Mukuro can only say four words to Aizen…

Nice job! ! !

At this time, Abarai Renji on the side was anxious. He said hurriedly: “Don’t do this, Rukia. Captain Kuchiki has applied for a commutation from Central 46. As the head of the five nobles in the Soul Society of the Kuchiki family, it must be fine.”

As soon as Renji’s words fell, Rukia hadn’t given birth to any hope yet.

Here, Mukuro spoke and said, “It’s useless. Byakuya Kuchiki’s application for commutation has been rejected by Central 46.” 1.6

“…” Renji on the side was a little desperate.

Rukia’s look is the same.

He completely lost all his spiritual power. Without the support of strength, people’s hearts will be somewhat empty. And now that he has received such a blow, it can be said that the current Rukia is completely dead!

Seeing Rukia like this, Mukuro let out a sigh of relief.

It’s a success!

At the same time, I feel fortunate.

Fortunately, I was lazy and didn’t reveal my position in Soul Society before. Otherwise, Rukia’s intelligence can definitely see something.

Mukuro left the prison of the sixth division.

And as soon as I got out of the prison gate, I was stopped by Byakuya Kuchiki…

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