Chapter 507 The plot begins

Bustling streets, people come and go. Rukia was lying on the ground in a coma, but no one could see it until night fell again…

It’s time for school.

The middle school students who had left school around walked in groups.

An orange-haired middle school student seemed very out-of-group. He carried a schoolbag on one shoulder and put his hands on the back of his head.

Kurosaki Ichigo! ! !

As the offspring of the combination of Quincy and Shinigami. There are multiple powers of Shinigami, Quincy, and Void in the body at the same time… The entire Shinigami world has been Kurosaki Ichigo alone throughout the ages, and it sounds tall and tall.

At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo also noticed Rukia in a coma.

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned and thought for a while.

“Hey…” Kurosaki Ichigo sighed.

Then he looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, and he stepped forward and carried Rukia up.


Rukia woke up with a pale face and murmured: “Am I still alive!? What kind of enemy was the one who attacked me. But it is certain that the enemy must come from “Hueco Mundo”. Hue!? Where is this place? !?”

Rukia looked at the tables, chairs and benches around him, as well as the bed on which he lay.

I was a little confused. This is not the place where I just fought, but I didn’t think much about it. Rukia muttered to himself, “Forget it. I don’t have time to think about it. Let’s go back to Soul Society and talk about it. “Hueco Mundo” has such an enemy. , You must tell the teacher as soon as possible.”

But Rukia was stunned.

Because at this moment, he couldn’t even mobilize a trace of spiritual power. Moreover, the hell butterfly disappeared.

The signal linker with Soul Society has also become a waste.

In other words, I don’t have any contact information with Soul Society at all. It doesn’t matter… The disappearance of Shinigami at the deputy captain level… I believe it will soon attract the attention of Soul Society… Then someone will come to this world to find themselves…

Suddenly, Rukia was stunned.

Because she thought of one thing, that was her mission this time: to stay in Karakura Town for five years.

In other words, even if he didn’t have any contact with the Gotei 13th squad in five years, he would just be deemed to be the mission and everything was normal. In other words, if you expect someone from the Fan team to find yourself, it will be five years from now…

Now, it’s really over!


Rukia frowned and murmured, “It’s close…”

Although it is difficult to mobilize the spiritual power in the body, this does not mean that Rukia has lost the perception of spiritual power. And at this moment, in Rukia’s perception, there is an imaginary head rushing in this direction very quickly…

“Near…near your head. I kindly saved you. But you want to approach our safe!?” Kurosaki Ichigo said angrily.

“You…you…can see me!?”

Rukia looked surprised, obviously feeling very puzzled that the orange-haired kid in front of him could see him.

“Of course, I can see the soul. At school today, I saw you lying on the street alone and brought you back.” Kurosaki Ichigo said.

“I am Shinigami…”

Rukia told Kurosaki Ichigo some information.

Kurosaki Ichigo crossed his arms and said with an impatient look: “You mean you worked so hard to get rid of the evil spirits from that [Soul Society! Place, come here!? Forget it! I’ll just believe you once. Bar.”

“Yeah.” Rukia nodded.

It was at this time that Kurosaki Ichigo violently violently said, “Come on, idiot!”

“Oh!” Rukia’s face was dull: “You…you can see ghosts, but you don’t believe in the existence of Shinigami!?”

“Of course!” Kurosaki Ichigo said, “I’m sorry, I haven’t seen Shinigami when I grow up. Who would believe in things I haven’t seen before!” Kurosaki Ichigo, you don’t want to play this set for me. He looked at Rukia with a tricky expression.

Kurosaki Ichigo continued, “You can prove it to me!?”

“Um…” Rukia was dumbfounded…

Because Rukia found that after losing a body of spiritual power, there was no way to prove this problem to the orange little ghost in front of him.


A deep and somewhat terrifying voice came to Rukia and Kurosaki Ichigo’s ears.

“What sound!?” Kurosaki Ichigo was visibly taken aback.

“Oops!” Rukia’s face became unusually ugly, and said, “It’s imaginary! Now I don’t need to prove it to you…”


Suddenly, a scream came over!

Kurosaki Ichigo’s face suddenly changed, and he blurted out, “No, it’s Yuzu’s voice!” Then he opened the door and rushed out. And Rukia, who has completely lost his spiritual power, has no time to stop him.

“Goooo…” Kurosaki Ichigo swallowed hard.

Looking at the huge emptiness in front of me, I couldn’t help but secretly said: I thought the “evil” in the octopus-head girl’s mouth had a human appearance, but I didn’t expect it to be a monster! Damn, what am I afraid of! ?

“Xu, is also the evil spirit in your human mouth, do you believe it now?” Rukia’s voice came from behind Kurosaki Ichigo.

“Aren’t you 2.1 Shinigami? Why don’t you go and eliminate it soon!?”

Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo snarling at him. Rukia looked helpless and said, “Sorry, I have lost all my spiritual power now. And due to physical reasons, I am not good at White Hits, so there is no way to destroy it now.”

“so what should I do now!?”

Kurosaki Ichigo felt a little at a loss as he looked at the imaginary who was about to attack Natsuki.

“I can see, hear, and even touch my body as Shinigami. I have never seen a person with a high concentration of soul like you before. Void is in this world to devour the soul of a high concentration of soul. Wandering. I think his target is probably you. But there is only one solution to this situation…”

“That is… to make you Shinigami!”

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