Chapter 465 Hollow event

No one expected that Tousen Kaname would suddenly violent, and Zanpakutō of Hirako Shinji and Muguruma Kensei had not yet been held in their hands.

What’s more, in this space that has lost all perception except touch…

The first is Muguruma Kensei, who is directly penetrated by Suzumushi in the hands of Tousen Kaname. Then Hirako Shinji was the same, too late to avoid it.

At the same time, a low groan sounded: “Shoot him! Shinsō!!!”

As the sound fell, a very slender Zanpakutō directly penetrated the bodies of Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō and Love Aikawa!

“To… why… why would you do this!?”

Although I can’t see or hear… But Muguruma Kensei knows Tousen Kaname must be nearby. He wants to know why, after all, Tousen Kaname is the fifth seat of his team…

However, what Muguruma Kensei waited for was not Tousen Kaname’s reply, but a familiar energy invaded his body…

This is… Void breath… How could it be in my body…

Not only Muguruma Kensei, but Hirako Shinji, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, Love Aikawa… and others are all in this state…

White matter appeared all over the body… gradually covering the whole body…

“Damn…virtual power…how could it appear in my body!? Who the hell is it!? Aizen…how did he do it!?” Hirako Shinji is the strongest among several people, but he is also restrained. Hollow couldn’t hold his body anymore.

Gradually, the tyrannical aura of Xu began to erode Hirako Shinji’s consciousness…

“It’s okay, yes. Unlock the barrier of Yan Mo’s Cricket.”

A flat voice suddenly reached Hirako Shinji’s ears. Hirako Shinji, who restored his vision, suddenly followed the prestige…

“Sure enough, it’s you… Aizen Sōsuke!!!” Hirako Shinji gritted his teeth and said with endless anger in his eyes, wishing to swallow Aizen directly.

Aizen smiled and said, “It was me… I never denied… Captain Hirako Shinji…”

“Aizen…you…how did you do it…you are under my watch all the time…how can you have the opportunity to lay out such a careful plan…” Hirako Shinji was really puzzled, even if it was about to change It’s imaginary, he wants to figure it out as well.

“You don’t need to know these. Besides… Don’t worry, such a good bait, I can’t bear you to die like this…” Aizen said with a faint smile.

Although I don’t understand, I want to continue to ask. But at this moment Hirako Shinji’s consciousness has been completely swallowed by the virtual soul…

Hirako Shinji and a group of eight people are all lying on the ground…

“Yo ha ha… As expected of the Aizen deputy captain, did you subdue the four captains and four deputy captains in an instant?” Ichimaru Gin said with a fox smile.

“Don’t be presumptuous, you and I have performed very well just now.” Aizen helped his eyes and said with a light smile.

Then Aizen continued: “Okay, let’s leave first. Calculating the time, it is estimated that Urahara Kisuke should be here soon… The layout below will also be expanded…”

Just as the Aizen trio left within a minute… Urahara Kisuke and Tessai Tsukabishi rushed to the scene. Looking at the eight Hirako Shinji, whose body was already hollowed out, Urahara Kisuke’s face looked very ugly.

“Tsukabishi Big Kidō, I’m sorry to trouble you.”

Looking at Tessai Tsukabishi beside him, Urahara Kisuke said in a deep voice.

“A mask similar to Xu’s body appears. Is this what you mean by Hollow?” Tessai Tsukabishi’s face was also very solemn, and then nodded and said, “Leave it to me.”

Tessai Tsukabishi knelt on one knee among the eight people, pressing his hands on the ground…

“Forbidden Technique·Time is forbidden!!!”

With the voice of Tessai Tsukabishi falling, the Hollow on the eight people including Hirako Shinji stopped instantly.

In order to cultivate the ability of time direction, Mukuro has studied this Forbidden Technique. The static time seems to be very powerful, and it confines the time in a certain area and space. However, it is very tasteless in practical applications, because in this area, a slightly violent fluctuation of spiritual power can break this balance of time.

Moreover, because the time flow rates of the two regions in the same world are different, these two conflicting time flow rates will cause permanent damage to the entire world. Not only that, but the caster will also suffer a certain degree of backlash.

Only Tessai Tsukabishi, who has been immersed in Kidō for thousands of years, can display it.

Tessai Tsukabishi stood up and said, “Well, their situation is under control for the time being. What’s next? Do you report this to the captain!?”

“No! No way!”

Urahara Kisuke refused without even thinking about it, looking at Tessai Tsukabishi with a puzzled face.

Urahara Kisuke smiled bitterly: “Now Hirako Shinji and the others are basically in a completely Hollow state. If the captain knows about it, they will definitely be handled by Central 46. With the thoughts of those stubborn old men 230, Hirako Shinji and the others I will definitely be put to death directly!”

“Then what are you going to do!?” Tessai Tsukabishi asked puzzledly.

Urahara Kisuke gritted his teeth and said, “Take them to the 12th Division first. I’ll see if I can heal them.”

“Are you sure?” Tessai Tsukabishi asked with a frown.

Urahara Kisuke thought for a while, and then said aloud, “50%…70%.” Urahara Kisuke thought of the Hōgyoku he had made by chance.

Hōgyoku, who can break the boundary between Shinigami and virtual, must be able to cure Hollow.

“Yeah.” Tessai Tsukabishi nodded. He and Urahara Kisuke have known each other for a long time, and he knows Urahara Kisuke’s character.

Urahara Kisuke said that it was 70%, and it must have been 80% or 90% certainty. Such a high degree of certainty is worth taking a risk.

“Forbidden Technique·Space Transfer!!”

In the area where time stops, transfer the target to the destination. Similarly, because it interfered with the spatial order of Soul Society, it was listed as Forbidden Technique.

Just when Urahara Kisuke and his team just took advantage of the space transfer and moved to the 12th division. Suddenly a voice rang: “Hi, Kisuke.”

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