Chapter 458 Komamura Sajin

For Aizen Sōsuke, Mukuro really feels very sorry. As mentioned earlier, the two most important points of Shinigami are soul and Zanpakutō…

First of all, how the soul understands cannot be simply understood as spiritual power aptitude, spiritual power aptitude can only show that Reiatsu’s speed of practice does not represent anything else. The soul also includes the strength of the will, the strength of the soul… and many other things.

Aizen, first of all, is undoubtedly very good in spiritual power, but what is even more commendable is Aizen’s willpower! As Mukuro, who possesses the eternal Mangekyō’s various illusion abilities, he knows very well that if he wants to construct a perfect illusion, a strong will is necessary. Because every detail of the illusion needs to be controlled and constructed with mental will. What is the strength of the soul? Even things like Hōgyoku can bear…

As for Zanpakutō? Even Mukuro can only use one word to describe Kyōka Suigetsu…that is…pervert! The ability that directly affects the soul. From Mukuro’s point of view, it is definitely not inferior to Ryūjin Jakka in the hands of Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni! !

In the final battle against the Quincy, Aizen even used Kyōka Suigetsu to confuse the omnipotent friend Habach!

You must know that in the omniscience and omnipotent state, you can see through the future, but you can’t see through Aizen’s Kyōka Suigetsu. Of course, it is because you have too much contempt for Aizen Sōsuke.

But even so, the power of Kyōka Suigetsu is indisputable!

However, it is a pity that Aizen can’t realize that his strongest is Zanpakutō. He placed the hope of becoming stronger on Hōgyoku too much.

Actually want to rely on the power of foreign objects to break through the existing boundaries! I completely ignored Zanpakutō in his hands, so that he couldn’t recognize his heart, and called Zanpakutō’s real name. From beginning to end, there was no way to complete Kyōka Suigetsu’s solution. Even after the integration of Hōgyoku, even Zanpakutō was abandoned for a while!

Mukuro wanted to remind Aizen Sōsuke to see him after he realized the essence of Shinigami. Can you bring yourself some other fun?

But, it’s a pity…

Aizen turned a deaf ear. In this case, Mukuro is not in the mood to say anything. I’m not Aizen’s father, no matter what he does so much.

Anyway, no matter what Aizen does, he is just an actor on stage. And he is a viewer who is not too picky. As long as he can please himself, Mukuro doesn’t care too much about the plot…

As soon as Aizen left here, Hirako Shinji came over there.

“Yeah… isn’t this Captain Hirako Shinji? Isn’t it a sorority party between the seventh and fifth divisions today!? The captain came over as soon as the deputy captain was sent away.” Mukuro looked at Hirako Shinji and said jokingly .

Hirako Shinji smiled awkwardly, not daring to talk back. He knows very well what the consequences will be if he says something wrong.

“Principal, don’t laugh. I want to ask the principal about one thing.” Hirako Shinji hurriedly changed the subject.

“Well… let’s talk.” Mukuro smiled.

Hirako Shinji straightened his face and said, “Principal, did Aizen Sōsuke have anything to do with you just now? And how does the principal feel about Aizen Sōsuke? You once said that he would grow up to be a troubled Soul Society… …”

“Well… When did I say this? Captain Hirako Shinji, I tell you not to talk nonsense, and be careful I sue you for slander than the old man Yamamoto…” Looking at Hirako Shinji, Mukuro said with a smile.

“…” Hirako Shinji was speechless.

Very satisfied with Hirako Shinji’s expression, Mukuro said, “Don’t worry, Vice Captain Aizen just asked me for advice. Besides, won’t the old man Yamamoto bear it when the sky is falling? You are worried about your ass.”

“Sure enough, the principal still thinks Aizen has a problem, right?” Hirako Shinji caught a loophole in Mukuro’s words and hurriedly asked.


This time it was Mukuro’s turn to be speechless, looking up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle. I completely ignored the excited Hirako Shinji.

For a long time, Hirako Shinji, who could not get any useful information from Mukuro, had no choice but to return to the fifth division and continue to monitor Aizen Sōsuke.

Hirako Shinji left, and Mukuro was stunned for a long time. Suddenly he muttered to himself: “It’s been a long time since I went to the Mao Spiritual Academy to take a look. As the principal, I am really incompetent. Let’s go and see today…”

Thirty years have passed.

The Mao Spiritual Academy once again ushered in its principal. The Mao Spiritual Academy is a 20-year academic cycle. In other words, many students never met the principal of Mukuro from enrollment to graduation.

So this led to the current situation…

No one knew Mukuro, who just wore a death-tyrant outfit casually, but Mukuro didn’t think there was anything wrong.

Suddenly, Mukuro heard a loud noise…

“Komamura Sajin, what are you Tenten doing with such a hat!? Don’t you be afraid of heat… let’s see what you look like…”

“What are you doing! Stop it! Don’t lift the old man’s hat!”

With a dull roar, it is obvious that the sang-sang feeling in the voice can be heard, and it is obvious that the age of the person who makes the sound is not young. Mukuro was not curious about this. After all, the spiritual qualifications of the students who were enrolled by the Mao Spiritual Academy were not age.

Although spiritual aptitude is innate, so most of the students of the Mao Spiritual Academy are mainly teenagers, but it is not uncommon for them to be older.

And because the older Shinigami has a relatively small development space, generally those who have not reached the second-class spiritual power qualification will not be allowed to enroll. And the second-class spiritual power qualification, but it is very easy to become a seat officer in the squad!

So there is a saying in the Mao Spiritual Academy:

Rather to provoke education than to provoke the old man. Who knows, in a few years, the old man he provoked will become the seat officer of which squad.

On the side, a young man lifted the hat on the head of a man named Komamura Sajin…

Then, a group of people froze in place…

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