Chapter 442 No hook

Since the Longteng Temple family was expelled, the remaining four nobles have also been shocked. In the Soul Society where the spirit king is not present, Yamamoto Genryusai is the authoritarian!

Words are like laws!

Even the Kuchiki family dare not go beyond!

It is precisely because of this that the incident of Kuchiki Xianghe happened, Kuchiki Silver Bell will immediately clear any relationship with Kuchiki Xianghe.

“Father… Father… You…” Kuchiki Xianghe was stunned. Immediately, he looked at Mukuro and Kyoraku Shunsui with a grim look, and said sharply: “I know, my father must have been forced by Soul Society, then I will kill them now!”

“Whisper, Muramasa!!!”

Kuchiki Kunghe directly Shikai his own Zanpakutō without even thinking about it!

On the side, Kuchiki Yinling’s face was even more ugly. Kuchiki Xianghe’s words, with such an excited expression, he is almost complicit in being taken down.

“Desolate this world, Bai Lan!!!” Kuchiki Yinling didn’t hesitate, and directly Shikai his own Zanpakutō.

The white blade has the same color even the handle.

Zanpakutō of Kuchiki Silver Bell… Bai Lan!

097 is Zanpakutō belonging to the ice system, Shikai can control the temperature within a range of hundreds of meters around it. It can drop the temperature to sub-zero Baidu in an instant, and it will not be affected in any way within this range.

“It’s cold…”

Kyoraku Shunsui shivered involuntarily and said.

But Kuchiki Yinling dropped the temperature of the surrounding area to minus Baidu in just a short time!

Kuchiki Silver Bell is an old guy, although he almost doesn’t make any moves in Soul Society. But being able to survive for thousands of years proved his strength. In the Gotei thirteenth team, it is definitely the third strongest behind Yamamoto and Unohana Retsu. Both Kyoraku Shunsui and Jūshirō Ukitake are far inferior to him.

Kyoraku Shunsui wrapped his body up and down with spiritual power to warm him up. But seeing Mukuro who didn’t react at all on the side, he couldn’t help muttering:

“What a monster…”

Don’t say it’s just one Baidu below zero. Even if it is one hundred degrees lower, it will not have any effect on Mukuro. Unless it is absolute zero, which can freeze for time, it may still cause some troubles for Mukuro.

Kuchiki Silver Bell also fought with Kuchiki Silver Bell… Under this terrifying low temperature, Kuchiki Silver Bell’s movements were greatly affected, but after a few moves against Kuchiki Silver Bell, he was fully in place. Under the wind.

Seeing the two fighting together, Mukuro frowned, and for a while, he muttered to himself: “So that’s it, is it influenced by Zanpakutō Muramasa?”

Although I saw Kuchiki’s silver bells have been suppressing Kuchiki’s ringing river, but couldn’t attack it for a long time, and even failed to grasp several very deadly opportunities. Mukuro thought it was Kuchiki Yinling who released the water, because this kind of mistake would never happen to Kuchiki Yinling. However, upon closer inspection, Mukuro found that this was not the reason for Kuchiki Silver Pro.

In the perception of Kagura’s heart, Mukuro could clearly find that a layer of imperceptible spiritual power is flooding Kuchiki Silver Bell’s body. The aura of this spiritual power is exactly the same as that of Kuchiki Xianghe’s Muramasa!

“Did you deceive Kuchiki’s five senses? The abilities are similar to those of Aizen’s Kyōka Suigetsu, no…no, Kuchiki’s ability to squeeze the river only uses spiritual power to tamper with the spiritual power fluctuations in the surrounding space, so it can only Maintain the deception of Kuchiki Silver Bell for a short time.

Aizen’s ability is to directly use vision and then act on the soul level, so it can achieve long-term effects. Looking at it this way, Aizen’s Kyōka Suigetsu is a bit more powerful in deceiving the five senses! But Kuchiki’s ability to ring the river is more like the pommel horse clan in the Naruto world.

However, the power of Zanpakutō, Muramasa, is not only reflected in the five senses of deception. It’s the more weird solution! ”

Seeing the two fighting fiercely, Mukuro couldn’t help but think of it. It was at this time that there were new changes in the battle situation…

Seeing a chance, Kuchiki Xianghe withdrew and jumped out of the battle group. Holding Muramasa with one hand, standing in front of him, loudly said:

“Kunjie! No hooks!”

After the solution, the Zanpakutō in the hands of Kuchiki Xianghe did not change much. But beside Kuchiki Xianghe, there appeared a man wearing a white robe with a pale face, but with thick dark circles under his eyes.

It is Kuchiki Kōhe Zanpakutō’s body-Muramasa! !

“My father, I’m sorry.” Kuchiki Xianghe said to Kuchiki Silver Bell. Then he looked at Muramasa beside him and said, “Come on.”


The pale Cunzhen nodded. Then, staring at Zanpakutō in Kuchiki Yinling’s hands, his lips floated slightly, not knowing what he was talking about.


Suddenly, Kuchiki Yinling’s complexion changed drastically, and he wanted to interpret it. But it was too late, and a figure suddenly appeared beside Kuchiki Silver Bell, holding a Zanpakutō exactly like Kuchiki Silver Bell in his hand!

The appearance of the figure and Kuchiki Yinling are also eighth similar.

But it was a hideous look, and the gaze at Kuchiki Yinling was full of resentment. This figure is the body of Kuchiki Zanpakutō summoned by Muramasa. But at this moment, he has already betrayed Kuchiki Silver Bell!

“I am enslaving me every day. I want to end this day! Go to death. Kuchiki Silver Bell!” The knife in Zanpakutō of Kuchiki Silver Bell stabbed Kuchiki Silver Bell beside him.

It was so sudden that Kuchiki Yinling didn’t have time to react at all.

“Be careful, Captain Kuchiki Silver Bell!” Kyoraku Shunsui suddenly yelled: “Seventy-three Bakudō·Shanjing!!!”

Kyoraku Shunsui rescued Kuchiki Silver Bell.

“Huh! Can’t wait to die? Now it’s your two’s turn. Muramasa, get them out of me!” Kuchiki Ginling said coldly, looking at both Chunshui and Mitarashi Mukuro.

“What to do, Mukuro!?”

Kyoraku Shunsui looked flustered.

It was also the first time that he saw Kuchiki Xianghe’s 卐解. Although I was mentally prepared, I didn’t expect it to be so weird, without any signs.

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