Chapter 425 Spike

Mukuro blinked, a little confused about the situation in front of him. Hey hey hey… the plot shouldn’t be so developed! What, is it going to be an acting performer?

After stepping back a few steps, Mukuro said, “Go on, I’m just a soy saucer…”

For this kind of opponent in front of him, Mukuro really can’t get any interest in it.

However, the nine obviously did not intend to let Mukuro go. One of them said fiercely, “Huh! Mitarashi Mukuro, you are not qualified to stand with us at all! You are the one who rolls down. Let us beat you up. Throw it away! Choose for yourself, Kyoraku Shunsui Jūshirō Ukitake, are you two going to stop us?”

While speaking, he took a provocative look at Kyoraku Shunsui and Jūshirō Ukitake.

If it is usually because of the face of Kyoraku Shunsui and Jūshirō Ukitake, everyone still doesn’t want to provoke Mukuro. But now in the ring, everyone is an opponent, so naturally there is no need to worry about so much.

However, Kyoraku Shunsui’s reply surprised them.

I saw Kyoraku Shunsui gloating and said: “You are free, if you can help me beat up this guy Mukuro, I invite you to drink in an izakaya.”


The nine were dumbfounded.

On the sidelines of the battle arena Nishiji Karasuma saw a scene on the arena. He couldn’t help laughing and said, “Ahahaha…Even his best friend has abandoned him. This Mitarashi Mukuro really failed as a man. I am afraid that he will be defeated directly! Captain Uzhihua, don’t forget it. Our bet!”

“Naturally not.” The smile on Unohana Retsu’s face grew brighter.

The Shihouin godsend soldier on the side raised his eyebrows and had contact with Kyoraku Shunsui. Naturally, he knows Kyoraku Shunsui’s character. There are not many people who are considered friends by him, and he would not have such an attitude towards his friends.

And… Listening to Kyoraku Shunsui’s tone is more like a joke among friends.

Could it be that this Mitarashi Mukuro is not as mediocre as usual! ? Instead, he has retained the horrible talent when he enrolled! It’s just that it didn’t show up in front of everyone! ?

If this is the case, it would be interesting…

Kuchiki Yin Ling frowned, and he also saw something unusual.

He has never liked Mukuro.

When he first entered the Mao Spiritual Academy, Mukuro beat the Kuchiki’s servant. Although it is only a subordinate, Mukuro is also just a poor man. Such behavior is simply a provocation to the dignity of the Kuchiki family! Had it not been for that time, Yamamoto Motonyasasai Shigekuni would visit Kuchiki’s house in person. It took some benefits to let myself give up the pursuit of Mitarashi Mukuro.

I thought that Yamamoto would accept him as an apprentice. In his conversation with Yamamoto at that time, Yamamoto also expressed his meaning in this regard. But for some reason, Mitarashi Mukuro did not become Yamamoto’s apprentice in the end.

Even afterwards, he performed mediocrely at the Mao Spiritual Academy. So Kuchiki Silver Bell almost forgot the existence of Mukuro. But now it seems that the truth is not like this…

Let’s talk about the ring.

Seeing Chunshui’s gloating face, Mukuro’s mouth twitched. Said with a faint smile: “If this is the case, I won’t let you go to the izakaya for a few months…”

“Ah… Mukuro, listen to me…”

Kyoraku Shunsui, who was addicted to his mouth, suddenly realized it. It seems that I am dying…Thinking about my experience in the past twenty years, I can’t help but feel aroused all over my body, hurriedly preparing to explain.

The conversation between Mukuro and Kyoraku Shunsui completely ignored the nine people on the side.

The nine people are also genius students from the Mao Spiritual Academy. He has never been so ignored, only to see one of them yelled: “Humph! Go to death!”

Said that Zanpakutō who was in his hand cut off at Mukuro, and the rest of the people also attacked Mukuro one after another.

“Pay attention to Kidō of Mitarashi Mukuro, especially the Shuanglian Canghuo he can give up singing. Try not to stop using Shunpo! Then it’s best to get close before attacking! Also, pay attention to Hadō, Black Coffin, No. 90 !” Tessai Tsukabishi shouted loudly. Maybe others may despise Mukuro, but he will not…

Because of Grandmaster Kidō, he knows the horror of Black Coffin better than anyone!

Although it is only the Hadō on the ninety, its power is absolutely comparable to the Hadō on the ninety-five! It is also the most difficult Hadō in Hadō except Hadō Five Swirling Dragons of Destruction, No. 99!

“Tessai, you really value this guy too much. Black Coffin’s chanting and chanting are so long, before he can finish the chanting. We can get rid of him, it is impossible that he can give up the chanting and release Black Coffin, What a joke!” The remaining eight people sneered at this, obviously not taking Tessai Tsukabishi’s words to heart.

Mukuro suddenly laughed.

“Hadō Ninety Black Coffin!” A few words suddenly spit out softly.

The one who rushed to the front was directly struck, his body was wrapped in a black light curtain like a coffin, and then countless black long swords pierced the black coffin!

The moment Black Coffin appeared, the entire training ground fell silent…

Only a heavy breathing sound was left.

The remaining eight students who attacked Mukuro were also stunned.

After a while, it was Tessai Tsukabishi who broke the weird silence, swallowed hard, and said:

“Cheat… deceive people… 5.5 Give up the chanting and release Kidō on the ninety!”

This is Kidō, number ninety!

Even if it is the captain-level combat power, it does not mean that it can be released when released. This is to have a terrifying talent for Kidō, let alone give up singing and release Kidō No. 90! The Soul Society as a whole has such abilities, and only Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni and the deceased predecessor Kidō grow up.

The Black Coffin light curtain disappeared, and one body fell heavily to the ground.

The breath has become inaudible, if it weren’t for Mukuro’s control of the black long sword, he hadn’t pierced the person’s vital parts. I’m afraid he died in Black Coffin long ago.

“The assessment is suspended! Your Excellency Genryuzhai, I don’t think Kidō of the Black Coffin level should appear in the team assessment!”

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