Chapter 391 prelude

Although it was the pirate who was killed by the Marine Wuhai forces, it was in the eyes of the people of the Pirate World. The credit for all this belongs to Marine, and Mukuro, as the Marine Marshal, naturally takes the most credit.

Whether it is fame or prestige, Marine has reached an unprecedented level!

And Mukuro’s prestige… also reached an incredible number… 37,789,964,568 prestige points! ! !

The prestige value of three final draws is already available! ! !

Forcibly resisted the urge to conduct the final draw, and did not conduct the final draw. Because Mukuro clearly knows that his power is now invincible in the Pirate World! ! !

Carrying out the ultimate lottery draw can only be said to be the icing on the cake for his current situation. And Mukuro also asked the system. With his current strength, if he descends into another world, if he wants to synchronize all his power into the world law of the descending world, he needs at least…325 million prestige points. value! ! !

Mukuro didn’t want to be the same as the Pirate World after arriving in a new world. Sora has the strength of a body, but can’t display it. It is enough to experience this feeling once.

Therefore, the prestige value of 320 million points must be preserved! And the remaining reputation value is not enough for a final draw…

And even if it is enough, Mukuro will not go to the ultimate prestige lottery stupidly.

Because the items extracted for ultimate prestige will be synchronized into the world they are in by the system. In other words, after descending on the next world, this thing extracted from the Pirate World…

It also needs reputation value to synchronize, which is completely cheating! ! !

Naturally, Mukuro won’t be confused about the accounts, and of course he won’t be stupid for the ultimate prestige lottery.

In a month…

Under the suppression of Marine’s armed forces, not only the Grand Line has no more pirate regiments. Even in the waters of the Four Seas, the four “Four Emperors” have each allocated a sea to carry out pirate suppression.

Kaido—— East Blue; Shanks—— West Blue; Charlotte Linlin—— South Blue; Whitebeard—— North Blue……

Although there are fewer pirates in the Four Seas than Grand Line pirates, I don’t know how many, and the difference in strength is also very large. However, the speed of the suppression was not as fast as that of the Grand Line pirates…Because the sea area of ​​the Four Seas was much larger than that of the Grand Line, and the Marine Armed Forces were divided into four groups, so the strength of the Marines was naturally reduced a lot.

However, more than two weeks is enough.

Marine’s armed forces have wiped out all the pirate forces with lightning speed!

Eight hundred years ago, the world of pirates was ruled by Celestial Dragons. The remaining people of the royal family of D scattered Devil Fruit over the entire sea at the end of the road. At the same time, pirates also quietly rose! ! !

In the eight hundred years, the power of pirates has risen and fallen, but it has never been cut off! ! !

Because the legend of Raftel…has been passed down to the pirates who went to sea, and this is also the place of pirates’ dreams.

It was not until the One Piece King Gol·D·Roger arrived in Raftel that the place of dreams was confirmed to exist. The sea is boiling… So the era of great navigation has come! ! !

Originally, in accordance with the trend of the times, Whitebeard would die at Naval Headquarters Ma Lin Vandor, and then because of his own death, he once again confirmed the authenticity of Raftel and opened a new era…


Because of the existence of Mukuro, all this has been changed… Raftel, the dreamland of the pirates, was ruthlessly destroyed by Mukuro. The pirates in the world were subdued by Mukuro, killed by the kill…

The pirate who survived for eight hundred years… was finally destroyed by Mukuro…

Marlene Vando.

In front of the Gate of Justice of Naval Headquarters…

Countless ships gathered, the first to be the Whitebeard’s New Mobile, but the flag raised on the mast was no longer the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It’s… Marine’s logo.

It’s just that in the lower right corner, there is a white mustache sign. Symbolizes… Marine Wuhai Force Whitebeard Fleet! !

“Ahahahahaha… Whitebeard, I really didn’t expect… we will be peers one day!” On the side of the Whitebeard fleet was a dog-headed warship, but it was an old dog’s warship Garp.


On Garp’s ship, Ace looked at the familiar and unfamiliar warship in front of him, with a complex look in his eyes, both sad and happy. What’s sad is that the Whitebeard Pirates has disappeared from now on; I am happy that I am also Marine, and it is very easy to see my father and former partners in the future.

“Koohahahahaha… I didn’t expect that I, Whitebeard, will become Marine one day!” Whitebeard smiled openly.

137 A month’s time, Whitebeard also wanted to open. What I am after is the feeling of being a family, as long as my family is still there, then I don’t need to care about my identity or anything.

Then Whitebeard looked at Ace and said, “Ace, do you want to come to my boat? It’s definitely more reliable than Garp, an old dog!”

Now it’s also Marine, so Whitebeard won’t care about anything…

“Whitebeard, do you want to fight!? Tell you, kid Mukuro has restored me to my youth. Now I, Haki, has broken the boundaries between humans and gods. I won’t be afraid of you when fighting!” Garp glared at Whitebeard, blowing his beard and staring. road. Whitebeard wants to take away his grandson again in front of his own eyes, how could Garp be willing.

“Okay, stop quarreling between you two!”

Sengoku of Buddha looked at the two people in front of him, with a helpless look on his face. The former opponent has now become a colleague. For Sengoku, this feeling… is really awkward.

But this is a decision made by Mukuro, and Sengoku will certainly not object.

Moreover, the current Marine, under the leadership of Mukuro, has grown to a terrifying level…

“Get ready! Next… But there will be an unimaginable battle!” Sengoku felt something faintly.

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