Chapter 387 End the era of pirates (part 2)

Whitebeard Pirates! ? The redhead’s heart stunned! Sure enough, both himself and Charlotte Linlin were threatened by Mukuro. Then Whitebeard, who is also the “Four Emperors”, naturally has no reason to avoid it.

“It seems that next… there will be a big battle!”

The red hair couldn’t help sighing, but he personally participated in the battle for the top! How powerful is Whitebeard, red hair naturally knows nothing better!

Maybe it’s not as good as the monster Mitarashi Mukuro!

But in the eyes of myself and others… it is definitely a terrifying monster! ! !

“Master Kaido! A boat is coming by in the distance! It’s… it’s the Whitebeard Pirates!!!” A sudden panic roar interrupted the red hair’s thinking. Can not help but frown and look at the black pirate flag, a white cross-bones with a crescent moon and white beard skull pattern printed on it, it is the Whitebeard pirate group…

“Hey… Kaido, how long are you sure of staying under Whitebeard!?” The red hair scratched his head, looking at Kaido with a solemn expression and asked.

After taking a look at the red hair, Kaido said, “Although I am stronger than you, I still haven’t exceeded that limit! Against Whitebeard, if he doesn’t use Conqueror’s Haki, which breaks the boundaries between humans and gods, then we will be evenly matched! ”

Having said that, Kaido suddenly stopped talking.

“What if the Whitebeard guy uses it?” The redhead didn’t react for a while.

Kaido didn’t speak, just glanced at the red hair.

The contempt in the eyes is clearly visible…

Only then did the red hair react, scratching his head a little embarrassedly, and said, “That…ahhahaha… I accidentally asked nonsense, ahhahahahaha…”

“Huh! Even if he is Whitebeard no matter how powerful it is!? Seven hundred strong men who are close to Marine Admiral level combat power, even if they use the human sea tactics, I will kill him! People who dare not to obey the orders of the marshal are not qualified to live. In this world!” Kaido said with a sullen expression.

“Seven hundred powerful men approaching the Marine Admiral level…!?”

The red hair was a bit tongue-in-cheek, and couldn’t help looking at the person standing upright on the battleship without expression. There was a glimmer of suddenness in the eyes, and the shock that could not be eliminated! You must know that every person who is close to the Marine Admiral level is a big pirate with a reward of more than 300 million Baileys if it is placed in the New World!

How many pirates above this level in New World? Shanks, who is the “Four Emperors”, is of course very clear. In New World, there are absolutely no more than three hundred such strong people! ! !

And there are 700 people here in Kaido! ?

What does this mean! ? Red hair is naturally very clear! It’s almost mass-produced combat power near the Marine Admiral level! But how does Kaido do all this! ?

First of all, Haki’s practice is impossible!

Before the physical strength and mental vigor reached a certain limit, he decided that he would not be able to cultivate Haki. Fortunately, the strength of the body is that the Iron Body in Marine Six Styles is a very effective exercise technique! However, there is no more systematic training method in Pirate World for something mysterious and mysterious like spirit and spirit!

In this way, Kaido is able to mass produce this kind of powerful combat power. Apart from the devil fruit, there is nothing else in this world!

But… Seven hundred Devil Fruits are still Devil Fruits on the battle side… Let alone Kaido, the newly formed Marine Wuhai unit! Even the Naval Headquarters standing behind the Marine Wuhai troops can’t get so many Devil Fruits! Even 300 pieces of Devil Fruit can’t be taken out!

Then where did Kaido get so many Devil Fruits! ?

really! ?

“Fake…fake…could it be…man-made Devil Fruit!?”

Looking at Kaido, the red hair couldn’t help but exclaimed. An almost fantasy-like possibility appeared in the red hair’s heart!

“Well, that’s right! This is the man-made Devil Fruit army under the Marine Wuhai Army! More than five years ago, the adults had instructed me to start researching man-made Devil Fruit.

After more than five years, a total of more than 1,200 man-made Devil Fruits have been developed, most of which are based on the “Three Disasters” under my command. So after taking Devil Fruit, after a period of familiarity. You will be able to have a strong combat effectiveness!

But Damn it’s… In the battle for the top, the man-made Devil Fruit army of Marine Wuhai troops directly damaged nearly 500 people! ”

Kaido looked a little bit resentful at the end of the talk. He had always been bitter about the more than five hundred people who were capable of man-made Devil Fruit who died in the Naval Headquarters… Kaido has always been bitter.

Just when Kaido explained to the red hair.

A roar suddenly sounded from the sea: “Kaido! You bastard, get out of here!!!” You can feel the slight vibration of the space in the sound!

Whitebeard’s pirate group, head-on to the bay! ! !


Accompanied by Whitebeard’s roar, the entire sea shook. Hundreds of meters of huge waves churned up on the sea, and the entire sea was surging violently! ! !

Turn upside down! ! !

This is the power of Whitebeard! ! !

“Kill me! Kaido!!” As Whitebeard’s voice fell, cracks like glass shattered suddenly appeared from Kaido’s head.

Then… Kaido’s body was directly divided into two! ! !

Shocking field! ! !

Feel free to control the vibration anywhere in the field! However, it is a powerful person at Kaido’s level. The perception of danger has reached a very sensitive point!

It is also the second degree of Devil Fruit awakening, if you only use Devil Fruit’s power. Whitebeard can’t control Kaido naturally! Kaido doesn’t evade because… these attacks are… useless to Kaido!

Turning into a cloud of black and purple goblin energy, Kaido’s body has recovered as before, and it is completely impossible to see that it was just a fatal attack!

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