Chapter 357 Strong sour fruit

The dark green mucus exudes a pungent, strong acid smell, permeating the entire bay. Whether it’s a Marine or a pirate, smelling this smell feels extremely uncomfortable, as if the whole person is about to be corroded.

This is the Devil Fruit ability of Five Elders!

Strong sour fruit!

It sounds like a very ordinary Paramecia Devil Fruit, unlike Shock Fruit, Flesh Fruit, Poisonous Fruit…These Devil Fruits, as long as they are taken, they will soon have a strong combat power. However, there is no garbage ability in the world of One Piece, only those with garbage fruit ability!

-Kun is missing, the protagonist of Luffy is still taking Rubber Fruit, dare you say that it is not strong?

Without Devil Fruit’s awakening state, only relying on his own development of Rubber Fruit, defeated Doflamingo in String-String Fruit’s awakening state!

The strong sour fruit was actually developed by Five Elders, a round-faced white hu, to an unimaginable level of third awakening!

It can be said to be tough to the point of horror.

Looking at the two groups of dark green slime that hit him, the instincts trained in countless battles made Whitebeard clearly perceive… if he was hit by this slime, he would definitely die!

“Give me…shatter it!!!”

Whitebeard greeted him with both fists, and endless shocks poured out from his fists! In conjunction with the earthquake field, endless cracks appeared in the bay!

“Jie Jie Jie… My corrosive erosion is not so easy to resist! The state of the third-degree Devil Fruit awakening is compared with the state of the second-degree Devil Fruit awakening… It is simply a sky… and an underground one. !”

A round face and a white Hu Five Elders have a confident look on their face.

Concussion VS Corrosion and Erosion! ! !

The imaginary scene where the dark green strong acid group was scattered and splashed by the shocking force did not happen, after colliding with the shocking force of Whitebeard!

The strong acid group has changed its form strangely!

Actually… melted into the cracks Whitebeard blasted in the space! ! !

After a few seconds, half of the strong acid group the size of the Mobile Dick penetrated into the cracks in the space, leaving nothing behind.

Even the entire bay can no longer smell a strong acid, as if the strong acid group had never appeared before.

Seeing this scene, the entire battlefield was stunned.


“Isn’t that the same for Five Elders!?”

“Five Elders…Is this defeated by Dad!?”

Just as the pirates on the battlefield were all talking about it, Whitebeard’s face suddenly changed and he shouted, “Hurry up! Get away from the Moby Dick!!!”

“What’s the matter, daddy!?”


Most of the pirates are still in a daze, don’t know what Whitebeard means.

Whitebeard didn’t care to explain so much.

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis! Even when he was fighting Roger and Shiki alone, he didn’t have such a strong feeling.

Stretching his hands to the sides beside him, Whitebeard slammed outward!

The pirates on the Mobile fell into the bay one after another.

Then Whitebeard thumped his fists to the sea again, and two huge waves rushed out from both sides of the hull. Pushed the pirates who fell into the sea away from the Mobile.

“Father, what are you doing!?”

“Almost dead in the sea, I am a capable person!”

While the pirates were all talking about it, one of them had a better look and suddenly pointed at the sky above the Mobi Dick and shouted: “Look, what is that!?”


“What’s wrong!?”

I saw that the sky above the Moby Dick gradually turned dark green, and drops of strong acid fell.

It dropped on the deck of the Mobi Dik without any obstruction, the strong acid penetrated the deck of the Mobi Dik directly, and then dripped into the sea!

Suddenly… the sea around the Mobike was dyed light green! Soaked in this kind of sea water, the hull of the Mobile was corroding at a speed visible to the eye!

Just a few drops of acid, diluted in the ocean, can be said to have been diluted hundreds of millions of times!

It still has such a corrosive ability!

“Jie Jie Jie… My strong acid can corrode any material, even in space… I can still corrode it!” Five Elders, a round-faced white hu, looked at Whitebeard and smiled contemptuously.

And the frequency of strong acid dripping in the sky is getting faster and faster, and hundreds of small holes the size of water droplets have been corroded on the entire Moby Dick!

If this continues, the Moby Dick will not be guaranteed! ! !

Whitebeard gritted his teeth and looked at the dark green sky. The strong acid solution seemed to pour down at any time!

Armament Haki! ! !

The dark armed color poured out from Whitebeard’s raised arm, without any reservation! Directly in mid-air on the Mobike, a large black plate with a length of several hundred meters and a thickness of several meters appeared!

It was at this moment that the dark green strong acid poured down from the sky, and poured onto the pitch-black pan where Whitebeard condensed, without the slightest leak.


Hearing this sound, Whitebeard’s expression changed. What kind of acid is this? ? Even the energy composed of Armament Haki can be corroded.

The strong acid group and Armament Haki cancel each other out, and a large white mist appears, but it is the thing that emerges after the strong acid corrodes Haki. It is also very corrosive!

“Oops! The rate of corrosion is much faster than the rate of release of my Armament Haki! It’s over…”

Whitebeard’s complexion is not much better, he is standing on the Moby Dick, if the acid pours down, the first unlucky person is himself!

But let himself abandon the Moby Dick, Whitebeard couldn’t do it.

“This level of power is not something you can deal with alone… Newgate!!!”

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