Chapter 345 Final sea

“What’s the matter!?” Charlotte Linlin was a little annoyed.

Everyone in the BIGMOM Pirates group also looked surprised, and they dared to disturb her mother while she was eating dessert! Baron Dandan doesn’t want to live anymore?

There is a law on the BIGMOM Pirate Ship, although there is no explicit stipulation, but it is ironclad!

That is……

Don’t bother her while mom is eating dessert!

This is a law that the entire BIGMOM pirate group has used countless lives to verify. Baron Dandan isn’t too mindless, why…today! ?

Baron Dandan didn’t want to, but there was no way.

If you don’t report, you will die even worse!

“Mom… Just now Tyro from the Kaido Pirates’ “flood” called the worm. Said Kaido Pirates will do their best to launch an attack on Naval Headquarters! I hope my mother can also participate. And said…”

Having said that, Baron Dandan hesitated.

“What did you say!?” Charlotte Linlin looked impatient.

“Say… if mother does not participate, then the alliance with us will be terminated. At the same time… at the same time we will treat mother as an enemy!” He gritted his teeth, and the baron said with his eyes closed.

“What!? That guy Kaido actually said that!?”

“Damn it! Dare to threaten me!”

The angry Charlotte Linlin directly overturned the huge table with desserts in front of him to the sky. As the most brutal and ferocious of the “Four Emperors”, when did Charlotte Linlin receive such a threat!

The look at Baron Dandan was also a bit unkind.

“40-year life extraction!!!”

Paramecia Devil Fruit——Soul Soul Fruit! ! !

This is the ability of Charlotte Linlin as the “Four Emperors”! As a person with the ability of soul and soul, Charlotte Linlin has the ability to deal with people’s life and soul at will! Let the soul reside in various things to personify it, but not put it in the corpse and the human body other than yourself.

Charlotte Linlin’s huge, fat palm slapped Baron Dandan, who was full of despair and did not dare to resist the slightest. Not resisting is just being drawn for forty years of life.

And if you resist…

It would definitely be taken out of all lives directly!

Moreover, as a long-legged human, the life of Dandan Baron is slightly more than that of normal humans, so even if forty years of life are taken away, there will still be a few years of life.


Charlotte Linlin has completed the extraction of the life of the Dan Dan Baron.

In an instant, the appearance of Baron Dandan looked as if he had been several decades old, his face was covered with wrinkles, and his figure became rickety. Looks like a dying old man.

Then Charlotte Linlin directly threw the life of the extracted Dandan Baron into his mouth like a snack.

He chirped a few times.

Charlotte Linlin seemed to be in a better mood, and suddenly smiled: “Whitebeard… Kaido… 80% of the redheads will also participate. It seems that Marine will be out of luck this time! Jie Jie Jie Jie… In this case, then I should have gotten a kick! And… Kaido, you dare to threaten mother and me like that. Don’t let me find a chance, otherwise…Jie Jie Jie Jie…”

A piece of sea on the Grand Line…

Ten thousand meters above the sky…

There is a small island with a diameter of hundreds of meters…

“Roger… Roger… How could that fellow Roger have children!” The burly old man with long golden hair resembling a lion’s mane, with a rudder stuck in his head, looked at the newspaper in his hand, unbelievable. Look like.

Golden Lion—— Shiki!

Captain of the Flying Pirate Group! !

Lion Fruit capable person! ! !

Together with Roger and Whitebeard, they are the three legendary pirates before the great pirate era! As a pirate, the dream is not to reach Raftel to become the pirate king, but to become the ruler of the world!

Twenty years ago, Shiki couldn’t believe that Roger, who was considered his opponent, would be arrested, so he single-handedly entered Naval Headquarters to confirm… After killing a large number of Marines, he learned from Sengoku and Garp that Roger would be arrested. Will be publicly executed in East Blue’s Logue town, Shiki thinks that is the biggest insult to Roger before his death!

In order to prevent Shiki from causing trouble during the execution of Roger, Garp and Sengoku fought at the same time. After destroying nearly half of the entire Marlene Vatican, Shiki was captured and imprisoned in the sixth place of “Imperton” in the Great Undersea Prison. Layer-Eternal Hell!

However, Shiki, as a hero, didn’t sink.

In order to escape from the Great Undersea Prison, he actually chopped off his feet bound by the seastone fetters, and then escaped the Great Undersea Prison with his feet using “Sakura Ten” and “Wood Dry” as prosthetic limbs!

He became the first prisoner of “Imperton” to escape from prison in 800 years!

After a while, Shiki slowly reacted to God.

Looking at the head of Ace in the newspaper in his hand, there was an inexplicable look in his eyes, and he murmured: “Roger… failed to convince you to conquer the world with me, but my biggest regret! Then… let your children come. Replace you!”

When the big pirates in the world are all about to move…

The initiator of all this…

Our protagonist…


But 1.9 is laying leisurely on the deck of his battleship!

The final sea!

It is indeed the most terrifying section of the entire Grand Line waters!

Even in this section of the sea there is no existence of Sea Kings, because there are terrifying deep sea tornadoes all the time deep in the seabed. Enough to strangle any Sea Kings!

And the huge waves surging on the sea even have a height of thousands of meters, and the force of the slap is enough to shatter the peaks! The howling gust of wind, if calculated according to the number of levels, can be counted as level 20 or more!

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and all thunder pillars a few meters thick fell down!

But Mukuro’s battleship was driving in it, completely ignoring the tyrannical surroundings! Just like when sailing on a calm and waveless sea.

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