Chapter 319 Hawkeye vs Zoro

The contemptuous words reached Crick’s ears, and Crick’s rage instantly aroused: “Who! Dare to talk to me like Crick, do you want to die?”

Crick followed his reputation and saw a young man in his twenties sitting on a side table with a knife and fork in his hand, eating the steak on the table elegantly. It was Mukuro.

After chewing gently, swallowing the steak in his mouth, Mukuro put down the knife and fork in his hand.

Looking at Creek, Mukuro said with a playful look: “Um… Pirate Admiral Creek, do you want to be imprisoned near the seabed prison? Or do you want to be killed by me?”

“Huh! Arrogant kid, go to hell!”

Crick laughed ferociously. At the same time, the firepower of dozens of muskets on his body was concentrated on Mukuro, the tongue of fire spurted continuously, and countless bullets poured into Mukuro!

“He must not be able to dodge such a dense bullet!”

“Yes, he dare to provoke Pirate Admiral Creek!”

“It’s a pity!”

Just when the surrounding chefs and diners dared to be a pity for Mukuro, a strange scene happened!

Countless bullets were one meter away from Mukuro’s body…all stopped!

“This…how is it possible!? You…are you the legendary Demon fruit power!?” Seeing this scene in front of him, Crick swallowed hard and took two steps back subconsciously.

Mukuro reached out and grabbed a bullet, played with it casually, looked at Crick with a playful expression, and said: “You don’t even know Devil Fruit. You still have the guts to break into the Grand Line. I don’t know. Are you pathetic or pathetic.”

“Um… I decided, let’s kill you here, because it would be too much trouble to escort you to the Great Undersea Prison. After all, I am still on vacation, but I don’t want to deal with official business.” Mukuro said lightly.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Crick’s face flashed angrily: “What a joke! Want to kill you, Uncle Crick, me!? Delusion!”

As he said, Crick raised his hand to the position of his shoulders, and the two shoulder pads were directly pulled off, and then quickly closed together, pulling out a handle to form a big gun!

“Go to hell! Boy, my war gun weighs a ton! With the power I wield, even the hardest rock will shatter!” Crick said, the war in hand The gun is heavily sensational towards Mukuro!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The wooden pillars in the restaurant shattered one after another, and they did not bring any obstacle to Crick’s big gun. Seeing that his big gun was about to hit Mukuro’s body, Crick showed a cruel smile on his face!

Immediately… your own big gun can smash the head of this arrogant kid in front of you!

“Ahahahaha… Devil Fruit’s capable people are nothing more than that, didn’t they still die in the hands of this uncle…”

The words were only half-talked and stopped. Seeing what happened before him, Crick looked a little dull, his pupils slowly dilated, and his mouth muttered: “How…how could it be possible!?”

I saw that Mukuro blocked the attack of Crick’s Great Gun with just one finger!

“Is there only this level?”

Mukuro’s eyes showed a trace of pity for the weak, and he faintly said: “If it is only limited to this, then I am sorry, give me…Go to hell…”

God air strike! ! !

The real deep blue Chakra fist hit Crick directly, and then continued to blast backwards!


I only heard a violent explosion on the sea not far away!

In an instant, a huge wave tens of meters high raged on the sea. Bharati was struggling in the waves. It seemed that there was a possibility of being beaten into the seabed by the waves at any time!

And the huge battleship of Creek, which was originally docked next to Bharati, happened to be on the path of Shenkong bombardment, so it turned into a pile of waste wood, floating on the sea!

Looking at the entire restaurant that was almost completely destroyed, Mukuro was a little helpless. He looked at Zip and said, “Sorry, boss, for making your restaurant like this, I will compensate you according to the price.”

“No… it doesn’t matter, thank you for driving away Crick for Bharat,” Zepp said hurriedly.

Give Zep even more courage, he didn’t dare to let Mukuro pay for his loss, not to mention just resting the hull, which is nothing to Bharati who often fights.

at this time……

On the sea near Bharati.

A small coffin-sized and styled boat with four green candles lit around it is drifting towards Bharati.

And the person on the boat is Mihawk, the Hawkeye, who is known as the “world’s largest swordsman”!

I saw Mihawk, who was still indifferent, but when he saw the huge dark blue fist that appeared suddenly, his eyes widened, he stood up suddenly, looked at Bharati not far away, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and his mouth was full of war. Murmured:

“Finally meet again! Mitarashi… Mukuro!”

Not only was the eagle eye seeing Bharati, but the chefs on Bharati also noticed the boat that floated by: “Boss, there is a weird boat approaching us soon. There is an eagle-like eye on the boat. man!!!”

“The eagle-eyed man… is that man!?”

Zoro, who was leaning on the wall lazily, trembled when he heard the chef’s words, but rushed out in a daze.

“Huh… what happened to Zoro?”

Luffy was taken aback, looked at a tall and thin young man with short hair and asked, it should be the navigator Luffy had found.

“The eagle-eyed man? It should be Dracule Mihawk, the world’s number one swordsman! I heard Zoro tell me, that’s his goal to go to sea!” said the tall and thin young man.

“Oh, then let’s go and see.” Luffy ran outside as he said.

For the scene where Zoro challenged Hawkeye, Mukuro’s blood burned for a long time back then. Now that I have come to the world of One Piece, how can I miss it?

And then on Mukuro, a huge remnant left by a creek battleship not far from Bharati.

Hawkeye VS Zoro! ! !

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