Chapter 317 who is he! ?

Pulling the boat to the side of the boat bay, Mukuro and Nami boarded Bharati.

“Is this the sea restaurant Bharati? It’s beautiful! Although it’s in East Blue, it’s my first time here.” Nami looked around, looking very curious.

“Guest, please come with me.” A waiter stepped forward and said respectfully.

Because the sea restaurant Bharati even has a certain reputation on the Grand Line, some big pirates or Marine generals often come to eat with hidden identity, so the waiter on Bharati dare not neglect any customer. .

“Yeah, okay.” Mukuro nodded with a smile, and replied.

Then the two walked into the restaurant under the guidance of the waiter.

Just sitting down, a young man with curly eyebrows and yellow hair came to Nami with a assorted fruit plate and said softly: “Beautiful lady, I am the assistant chef Sanji here. This is a free dessert for you. Please taste…”

Sanji talked to Nami on his own, completely ignoring Mukuro on the side. Mukuro was full of black lines.

Suddenly, a furious voice came over: “Cook! What kind of rice are you cooking here!? There is a bug in my soup! Damn it!”

The rumbling voice sounded…

Mukuro followed the prestige, but frowned, because Mukuro knew the person who made the noise. Naval Headquarters Captain Hobodi was so-so, and his hand with steel gloves smashed the table with one punch.

“Excuse me, what happened?”

Sanji walked to the front, looked at the food all over the place, and asked with a slightly unhappy expression.

“What a broken restaurant is this! There are bugs in the soup, I need you to give me an explanation!” Hobodi said, looking at Sanji with a cold expression.

He put the bugs in by himself, just to retaliate against Sanji, who just kept him from getting off the table.

Sanji didn’t answer Hobodi’s question. Instead, he stared at the plate and food that had been broken by Hobodi, and then said for a while: “If there are bugs in the soup, can’t you just pick them out? Why waste food! ?”

With that, Sanji’s voice became colder and colder!

Sanji, who used to be trapped on an isolated island with Zhepu, knows better than anyone how valuable food is and does not allow anyone to waste food in his eyes.

“I’m a customer who pays to eat. You are too arrogant to be a cook!” Hobodi said angrily.

“Can money… fill your stomach?” Sanji asked Hobodi with a cold expression on his face.

The tip of the needle is to the Maimang!

The contradiction between the two is on the verge of breaking out!

“Stop! Hobodi, forgive him!!!” Hobodi’s female companion.

“Quick! Go and stop Sanji! Assistant chef, stop!” Barati’s chefs.


Sanji kicked Hobodi directly in the face, and Hobodi flew out upside down, hitting a pillar on the side.

Looking at Hobodi, who was kneeling on the ground with blood on his face, Sanji said coldly: “Being right with the chef on the sea is equivalent to suicide! You remembered it for me…absolutely… No food is wasted…”

“I…I want to contact Naval Headquarters…destroy this damn pirate restaurant!!!” Hobodi suddenly raised his head and looked at Sanji yelling angrily.

“You said… Are you going to destroy this restaurant?”

Sanji looked at Hobodi with a plain expression, but his voice was endlessly cold! The restaurant built by the old man Zepp devoted all his efforts, he will never allow anyone to destroy it!

“If that’s the case, then I’m here… I will kill you first…”

Sanji raised his right foot high, and fell suddenly in the direction of Hobodi’s head! As long as the fierce kicking skills hit, Hobodi will never have a second possibility except for his death!

“Asshole, stop me!”

Zhepu walked out from the direction of the back kitchen at this time, and saw Sanji’s kicking skills about to drop, and his eyes were cracked and roared.

How could Zep not be anxious, anyway, Hobodi was also the captain of Naval Headquarters. If Sanji kills Hobodi, he will definitely receive a wanted reward from Naval Headquarters, and he will also dispatch a general-level Marine to arrest him!

Don’t talk about Sanji, even oneself can’t resist it, after all, his strongest right leg has been used up!

But now it is too late!

“Okay, stop. Although Hobodi was wrong first, it is our Marines after all… What’s wrong, we should also be punished by Marine!” A voice faintly sounded.

Sanji’s feet dropped suddenly and stopped in midair.

No matter how hard Sanji tried, his feet couldn’t fall anymore.

I couldn’t help feeling astonished. Following the prestige, the person who made the noise was the man among the two people I had just received.

Hobodi also looked in the direction of the sound, and when he saw Mukuro’s face clearly, he couldn’t help but shook his whole body. As a member of Naval Headquarters, how could you not know Mukuro!

Thinking about what I did just now, I simply lost the face of Naval Headquarters, and they were all seen by Bailong Admiral.

Thinking of this, Hobodi couldn’t help turning pale.


Hobodi was interrupted by Mukuro just as he wanted to speak. He didn’t want to be deprived of his identity right now, and said indifferently:

“Well, Hobodi, you will be 2.2 Seaman Recruit from today. I hope you won’t make this kind of mistake again, understand?”

For Hobodi, Mukuro doesn’t have too much ill feeling. In the plot, in order to save his pirate friend Hypnosis, Shi Zangao, but voluntarily downgraded to Seaman Recruit, it can be seen that his nature is not bad.

“Yes…yes, my lord!”

Hopodi breathed a sigh of relief, but was demoted. It was fortunate not to be thrown into the prison ship.

“Okay, go back to Naval Headquarters and receive the penalty yourself.”

After waving Hobodi away, Mukuro looked at Sanji, smiled faintly, and asked aloud: “Mr. Assistant Chef, can I continue ordering now?”

“Yes… it’s okay.” Sanji was taken aback and replied.

At the same time, I wondered: Who is he… on earth! ?

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