Chapter 315 Arlong

Before Arlong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mukuro:

“Misunderstanding? Sorry, interrupt, can it be that I, as Marine, kill the pirate, what else can I misunderstand!?” After speaking, he looked at Arlong with a playful look.

“Damn it!”

Arlong sank, knowing that Mukuro hadn’t let go of his plan.

As soon as the steel teeth bite, he attacked Mukuro with the big saw blade at his feet. It was not that Arlong wanted to attack first. Arlong just wanted to hit Mukuro by surprise, and then chose the right time to escape.

As long as you can jump into the sea, you can take advantage of the murloc and dive into the sea quickly!

In this case, even if Mukuro is Marine Admiral, there is absolutely nothing to do with him!

Seeing Arlong coming, Mukuro just raised one hand and gently squeezed his thumb and index finger. The big saw blade that Arlong used all his strength to cut out suddenly stopped the castration and stopped in front of Mukuro.

“It’s… what a weak power!” Mukuro said lightly, contemptuously.

Then, after throwing his backhand, including the big saw blade, Arlong was thrown out by Mukuro.

And Arlong193, who was thrown out by Mukuro, had no irritation on his face, and a hint of joy, because exactly the same as his own guess, Mukuro threw himself in the direction of…the sea.

Approaching… the sea!

As long as you can enter the sea, no one can stop yourself!

Ahahaha… What if you are Marine Admiral! ? I still have nothing to do with me! ? really! Fish talent is the most noble race in the world! !

Arlong could already smell the smell of the sea, and his sawtooth nose had touched the sea water hit by the waves, and his eyes also showed a look of ecstasy!

I’m going to run away soon!

And it’s in the hands of Marine’s strongest Admiral White Dragon!

This is too many big pirates of New World, I can’t even think of it! I will do it soon!

But… suddenly!

The smile on Arlong’s face stiffened, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes!

Because he found… his body was fixed in the air, and the sea, which was only a few centimeters away from him, seemed to have become the farthest distance in the world!

At this time, Mukuro’s abusive voice sounded in Arlong’s ear: “It turns out… you did this with the idea… Did jumping into the ocean make you think you can escape to heaven?”

After a pause, Mukuro continued: “If this is the case, then you can try it. Three minutes should be enough…”

As Mukuro’s voice fell, Arlong only felt relieved.

With a plop, it fell into the water.

Arlong was taken aback first, then he was ecstatic!

Ahahaha…What an idiot, murlocs are the darling of the sea! Ordinary murlocs are more than five times faster in water than on land!

What’s more, I am a saw shark man, and he is also a superior race among the murlocs. The speed in the water is definitely ten times that on land! Not to mention three minutes, in one minute, you can dive to a depth of thousands of meters!

There was a jitter around his waist, and three shark fins from the sides of his waist and the depths of his back, Arlong dived deep into the sea at great speed.

On the shore, Nami, who was still immersed in the shock of defeating Arlong in the face of Mukuro.

When I saw Mukuro let Arlong go, he exploded his hair instantly and said impatiently: “You…what are you doing! How…how can you let Arlong go!”

Looking at Nami with an anxious face, Mukuro smiled faintly, “Why… don’t you think I can’t beat Arlong?”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Nami hurriedly said, “I don’t think…I don’t think…You hold on to Arlong, but don’t let him run away!”

“Don’t worry, as long as he can’t get out of East Blue, then…I can catch him instantly!” Mukuro looked at Nami and said confidently.

With Mukuro’s current strength, Kagura’s heart’s eyes have an expansion radius of 2,000 kilometers, that is, all of the 4,000 kilometers in diameter are within their own perception range. At the same time, Observation Haki can extend along the Kagura’s heart to enhance it. The ability to perceive!

Although still very worried.

But for Mukuro’s words, for some reason, Nami was so convinced in his heart that he didn’t say anything.

Arlong dived rapidly in the sea. Under the pressure of Mukuro, Arlong burst out at an unprecedented speed. In just three minutes, he dived to a depth of more than 6,000 meters!

Looking at the surrounding sea without a trace of light, Arlong breathed a sigh of relief:

“Hmph, arrogant Marine Admiral, at such a deep seabed, I see how you come to catch me! However, after such a trouble, East Blue can no longer stay, let’s go back to The fish men island.”

While Arlong was thinking, the surrounding sea suddenly sounded like a nightmare sound for Arlong:

“Three minutes is up, it seems you haven’t escaped too far… Arlong! The opportunity has been given to you, it is you… you didn’t grasp it, so you don’t blame me!”

“How is it possible!? How could there be his voice here!? I must have heard it wrong…” Arlong shook his head, a look of horror flashed in his eyes, and murmured in his mouth, comforting himself.

It was at this time that Arlong found his body stiffened again, exactly the same as the feeling on the sea just now.

How… how is it possible! ?

This…this is the depth of six kilometers under the sea!

However, there was no time for Arlong to think about this. He only felt a tingling pain in his body, and then the whole person rushed to the sea under the restraint of Mukuro’s repulsive force!

Just breathing time, Arlong was dragged out of the sea by the powerful repulsion!

Even if the murloc’s skin can reduce the friction with the sea, such high-speed friction has exceeded the maximum limit that Arlong can bear!

Most of the skin on his body has been peeled off, and Arlong, bloody, looked at Mukuro with endless fear in his eyes, and trembled:

“Are you… still not a human being!?”

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