Chapter 308 One Piece of the Future

Armament Haki overflowed from Mukuro’s fist, and then a huge, pitch-black fist shimmering with metallic luster was formed! The whole fist is bigger than Luffy’s whole body!

Haki fisted heavily towards Luffy!

“Rubber·Rubber Net!”

Luffy’s fingers instantly rubberized, and then they were folded together like pieces of paper. Luffy’s overlapping palms slammed outwards, and the fingers were stretched directly!

In an instant, a huge rubber net appeared in Mukuro’s eyes!

Mukuro just chuckled, because in Mukuro’s eyes, this kind of blocking measure… is equivalent to nothing!

Haki’s fist slammed into the big rubber net condensed from Luffy’s fingers. Under the impact of Haki’s fist, the rubber net was directly collapsed and turned back into long rope-like fingers.

The pitch-black Haki fist also banged on Luffy’s body!

Bang! 15

Luffy was directly hit and flew out, smashing several trees with a diameter of more than half a meter in a row before stopping.

“I…I am going to be the One Piece! How…how can I fall here!”

Although Mukuro has retained almost ninety-nine percent of his strength, the base of Mukuro’s Armament Haki is so huge that even one percent of Haki is not something that Luffy can afford now.

After vomiting blood, Luffy struggled to stand up, looked at Mukuro firmly, and raised his fist again!

“Rubber Hand…”

But the current Luffy is completely relying on his will to support his body, how can he raise his fist again, staggering and just standing still, he fell heavily to the ground again!

Seeing Luffy who was still struggling lying on the ground, Mukuro felt a little helpless, raising his hand and thinking…

Suddenly a squeaky voice sounded: “Mukuro, you are too much, even if Luffy wants to be a pirate? What’s wrong with Luffy? Luffy just wants to venture on the sea. Are you going to kill him?”

A girl with short green hair suddenly stood up and stopped between Mukuro and Luffy, looking at Mukuro with an angry expression, who was the owner of the banquet bar, Makino.

“That’s right, Mukuro boy, if you dare to attack little Luffy again, then I won’t admit that you are from our windmill village in the future!” An old man with a short stature and a flowered hat stood up and watched Mukuro sternly Said.

But it was the village chief of Fengche Village. Although he kept saying that the pirates were heinous, Luffy was a shame to the whole village. But whether it’s allowing the redheads to stay, or Luffy’s secret joy every time the amount of reward increases, it shows that the old man does not have much dislike for the pirates, and he loves Luffy very much, so naturally he stands up and defends. Luffy.

“Yeah, kid Mukuro, you are too much.”

“Even the pirate, but little Luffy did nothing bad!”


Immediately afterwards, villagers stood up to defend Luffy. Because of the existence of Garp, the entire Windmill Village has avoided the threat of pirates for a long time. The villagers are very grateful to Garp, so under the love house and the black, they love Luffy very much.

Mukuro’s face was a little helpless. Why did he attack the pirate by himself, and he was condemned by everyone. This world is really…reversed, but he also understands the thoughts of everyone in front of him.

Mukuro could only explain out loudly: “Don’t worry, I certainly don’t want to continue to shoot at Luffy. After all, the old Garp just told me to teach Luffy a lesson. If it is really killed, it will be blamed if I don’t look for me desperately.”

He pointed to Luffy on the ground, and continued: “If you stop me again, don’t say this kid Luffy is going to sea, maybe I will go to see One Piece in a quarter or three.”


Makino glanced at Luffy on the ground. The breath had gradually dissipated. It was also clear that Mukuro didn’t want to continue to shoot at Luffy. He made a big red face, put his hands and feet away, and stood aside, a little embarrassed.

When the village chief and the remaining villagers heard Mukuro’s words, they all stepped aside.

Mukuro walked to Luffy’s body, pressed a hand on Luffy’s chest, his expression condensed, and a majestic vitality was injected into Luffy’s body. It was originally Luffy of the Xiaoqiang system, plus Mukuro’s vitality. Of perfusion.

In just a few breaths, Luffy was alive and well.

“Huh… it’s great to come back alive, I thought I would be beaten to death by Mukuro’s brother just now.” Luffy said with a rejoicing expression that didn’t care about being beaten to death by Mukuro just now.

Seeing Luffy’s look, Mukuro smiled. It is because of this personality that Luffy can gather so many excellent partners, and then start to become the voyage of One Piece.

Perhaps it should be said… Luffy has the ability to make people around him outstanding!

Like Luffy said, he is inferior to Nami in terms of sailing skills, and he is not as good as Sauron 147 in comparison with swordsmanship. He does not know how to cook or sing… But Luffy has a person and charm that no one can match!

Infect others, and then work hard for their dreams!

Just like Roger back then, this is the temperament that a One Piece should possess! So whether it is the protagonist or not, Luffy is destined to be the existence of One Piece!

“Luffy, how do you feel?” Mukuro looked at Luffy and asked with a smile.

“Feeling!?” Luffy scratched his head with a puzzled look, then grinned and said, “I feel like Mukuro is so strong!”

“Do you feel strong?” Mukuro smiled and continued: “I just used Armament Haki against you just now, and I suppressed my Haki by ninety-nine percent. Even so, you can’t Take it… Luffy!”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Luffy put away the smile on his face and looked serious.

For the first time, he felt the pressure from the sea!

“So, work hard… Luffy, beyond Shichibukai… Beyond Marine Admiral… Beyond Four Emperors… I am very optimistic about you… The future One Piece… Monkey D. Luffy!”

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