Chapter 302 Chakra cannon reproduction

“Well, tell Dr. Vegapunk, I will see him soon.” Mukuro replied.

“Yes! White Dragon Admiral!” The guard outside immediately replied, not daring to neglect, and hurriedly ran to the station of the scientific unit.

“I really don’t know how much Vegapunk can reproduce the power of that object. Don’t ask for more. Even if it has only three points of power, it will definitely not be inferior to the legendary “Pluton” battleship.”

Mukuro muttered to himself, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Scientific force station.

“White Dragon Admiral!” Zhan Momomaru saw Mukuro approaching, and stood up straight and respectfully opened his mouth.

“Yeah.” Mukuro nodded and asked, “Where is Dr. Vegapunk?”

“Back to Bailong Admiral, the doctor is now in Laboratory 7, and was originally going to test in Laboratory 1. However, the doctor was afraid that the weapon might get out of control and cause damage to the laboratory, so he changed the final test location to Laboratory No. 7,” Zhan Tao Wan hurriedly replied.

Hearing the words of Zhan Tao Maru, Mukuro was a little bit dumbfounded, fearing that the laboratory might cause damage, he chose another place for testing. Isn’t Vegapunk not clear that if that thing goes out of control, it is estimated that the entire G-1 will not be left except for himself. One piece.

“Well, then go to Lab 7.” Mukuro said helplessly.

After that, he followed Zhan Tao Wan to the No. 7 laboratory very quickly.

The entire No. 7 laboratory is not so much a laboratory as it is a large square, but in this square, it is indeed full of various experimental equipment.

The most conspicuous thing is a large fort tens of meters high in the middle of the square!

Chakra cannon! ! !

Do not! It should be said that it was a Chakra cannon re-engraved by Vegapunk!

Although Mukuro after Ryūjin Jakka’s dissolution is powerful enough to threaten the entire world, the growth of one party’s power does not depend on the strength of one person alone.

So five years ago, Mukuro threw the Chakra cannon he snatched from Cloud Shinobi Village to Vegapunk to study the remake.

Because of the use of Chakra cannons, thirty ninjas above the level of Jōnin must simultaneously input Chakra, but in the world of One Piece, where do you ask Mukuro to find so many ninjas! ?

So Mukuro threw the Chakra cannon to Vegapunk, hoping that he could research out weapons that can be used in the world of One Piece.

You know, even the current Mukuro can’t say that it can completely take it all in one shot!

It’s horrible Ultimate! Up to now, Mukuro still can’t figure out how Cloud Shinobi’s group of guys full of muscles developed this level of killer.

Beside the Chakra cannon, stood a thin middle-aged man, Vegapunk.

Seeing Mukuro’s arrival, Vegapunk’s eyes lit up, and he said with excitement: “White Dragon Admiral, you are coming! Look! This is the Chakra gun I developed!”

The whole body of the gun body is made of pitch-black ink steel, which can be said to be the hard material second only to seastone in the Pirate World. If it were not made with seastone, the cost would be too great, even Mukuro would not be able to bear it. Mukuro still I really want to use seastone to build it. But Mogang is already very good, you must know that the supreme sharp knife in Hawkeye’s hand-Black Knife·Ye is made of Mogang!

The same as the Chakra cannon, with the same three barrels. Compared with the original Chakra cannon, the entire giant cannon looks more ferocious and has a metallic modern feel!

“Well, doctor, how much power does this Chakra gun have about the original version?”

Mukuro is still very satisfied with the appearance of the Chakra gun in front of him, but since it is a weapon, what is more important to it is the power of the weapon.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Vegapunk’s face was a little embarrassed, it seemed that it was a little difficult to speak.

Seeing the look of Vegapunk, Mukuro was a little disappointed and couldn’t help but think: It seems that the progress of research is not great. After all, such a powerful weapon is understandable.

Patting Vegapunk on the shoulder, Mukuro said, “Don’t mind, Doctor, no matter what the progress is, I will still support your research…”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Vegapunk seemed to be even more embarrassed, and said a little ashamed, “I am really ashamed of my trust in White Dragon Admiral, but please rest assured that White Dragon Admiral, I will reproduce the full version of the powerful Chakra gun as soon as possible. , Not only 70% power.”

“Well, Doctor.” Mukuro nodded and said.

However, Mukuro suddenly realized something was wrong. He looked at Vegapunk with a weird look and asked, “Doctor, you said it is 70% power!? Not 7%!?”

“Yeah.” Vegapunk nodded and continued: “It is only 70% of the power, because I have not studied the different time and space very thoroughly, so the progress of the Chakra gun, the main time and space Chakra gun, has been very slow. There is no way to cause that kind of damage. I can only increase the power of the diffusion Chakra cannon to make up for it. Theoretically, the full power Chakra diffusion cannon is more powerful than the original, but considering the lack of time and space Chakra cannons, so at most Only 70% power.”

Seeing Vegapunk’s dissatisfied expression, Mukuro’s mouth twitched, and even Mukuro would feel a little tricky with the more powerful Chakra diffuser. Sure enough, scientists are a bunch of lunatics.

“Haha…” Mukuro laughed dryly and said, “Doctor, let’s test the power of Chakra first with 2.7.”

“Yeah! Okay, what about our goal?” Vegapunk asked.

“Target!?” Mukuro was taken aback, thought for a moment, and faded out: “For the target…locate in the sea area next to the Red Line!”

“Yeah, good.” Vegapunk nodded.

For him, as long as he is not allowed to bomb Mariejois, everything else is the same.

The two barrels on the left and right sides of the Chakra cannon began to emit a light blue halo. From this halo, even Mukuro could feel a hint of danger!

Without any noise, a half-meter-thick laser lased out!

The goal-the sea next to the Red Line!

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