Chapter 269 Birdcage


There was a muffled sound.

The thick string column is like a beast rushing at high speed, directly hitting Mukuro’s body!

However, in the next moment, the expression on Doflamingo’s face became stiff, and the cold sweat couldn’t help but pour out of his forehead, swallowed hard and said, and said:

“Go… just kidding… this… how is this possible!?”

Follow Doflamingo’s gaze. I saw that the line pillar that was enough to knock down a tall building hit Mukuro’s body at this moment, but there was no reaction at all.

Mukuro’s upright body didn’t even move slightly!

“Um… It seems that your abilities are not as powerful as you think, Doflamingo.” Mukuro tilted his head slightly and smiled lightly at Doflamingo.

At the same time, Mukuro flicked both hands, Crocodile and Jinbei, like two human shells, blasted towards Doflamingo.

“Spider’s Web!”

Doflamingo raised his right hand and shot countless filaments from his palm, spreading horizontally rapidly, forming a huge spider web in an instant.

Crocodile and Jinbei hit Spider’s Web heavily!

You know, Doflamingo has been taking String-String Fruit for more than 20 years, and the control and development of the fruit has reached a point where it’s free.

Even a slender thread is more than a thousand times tougher than steel wires of the same thickness!

That’s the case, the silk thread in Doflamingo’s hands can’t stand the huge force that they carried when they smashed them over!

“Damn it…”

Doflamingo’s face was a little embarrassed. But it was Mukuro, both the physical strength and the power he blasted far exceeded his expectations!

“Five Color Strings!”

Doflamingo raised his right hand and slammed it violently, creating a thin, almost transparent thread from each of the five fingers, and his right hand also assumed the posture of beast claws.

In Doflamingo’s view, in the face of Mukuro, who has such a terrifying physical fitness, a strong attack will not play any role, so he can only play to the strange characteristics of his String-String Fruit attack!

Five Color Strings is an extremely strange attack!

The thread is dozens of times thinner than the hair, and then attached to the Armament Haki, its sharpness is absolutely not inferior to the sharp knife, plus the violent speed of the attack.

Even the stainless steel will be cut in half by his thread without any hindrance!

“The Shadow Revolution!”

The “Moonlight” Moria on the side naturally wouldn’t be idle, and also activated her fruiting ability again!

The shadow revolution-arguably the most weird trick in the shadow fruit!

Since the shadow and the entity are connected, so the entity changes, so the shadow will also change. On the contrary, if the shadow changes, then theoretically, the entity naturally changes.

Moria uses this to give full play to the ability of her own shadow fruit, sneak her shadow into the opponent’s shadow, and then change the shape of the opponent’s shadow, and then change the shape of the opponent’s body, just like a rubber man like Luffy.

The shadow of Moria, who sneaked into the shadow of Mukuro, was just when the shadow box was broken, when the flying bat transformed by the shadow of Moria got in.

I saw that Mukuro’s shadow twisted on the ground a few times.

At the same moment, Mukuro felt an inexplicable force pulling his body, as if to change according to the shape of the shadow.

“An interesting ability to manipulate shadows, I just don’t know which one is more powerful compared to Lujiu’s shadow manipulation technique!” Mukuro sighed, but he remembered his friend Nara Lujiu from the Naruto World, who is also manipulating Shadow power.

“You…your body, how can there be no change? My shadow…has already sneaked into your shadow.” Moria showed a look of surprise on his face.

Mukuro smiled, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

If only with such strength, he wanted to pull his body to the degree of deformation, then Moria would be too naive.

Even if you don’t talk about yourself, in the world of Pirates, such as Garp, Sengoku, Rayleigh, Shanks… the powerful Armament Haki who has cultivated to the second level will not be afraid of Moria’s shadow revolution. Otherwise, Moria would not lose to Kaido a few years ago.

At this moment, Doflamingo’s Five Color Strings came over.

And, it’s not just these!

I saw that from the top of Mukuro’s head, dozens of silk threads slender to the ultimate limit suddenly fell and attached to Mukuro’s body!

At this moment, Doflamingo raised his left hand. The index finger and ring finger were put away, the middle finger, thumb and little finger were raised, and an exaggerated smile appeared on his face:

“Fufurfuru… Bailong Admiral, now you are being manipulated by my Parasite String. Next, give it to me…”

“What’s wrong with you?” A playful smile appeared on Mukuro’s face.

A trace of panic flashed in Doflamingo’s eyes, and the fingers of his left hand were constantly shaking back and forth. But Mukuro is still standing, without the slightest change.

Like the Shadow Revolution, it is impossible to control Mukuro with a move of the Parasite String level!

“If that’s the case, then it’s my turn…”

“Six-style Finger Pistol·Boom!”

“Six-style Tempest Kick·Demon!”

The fingers blasted towards Doflamingo, and the foot wind hit Moria!

There was no time to dodge, Mukuro’s attack directly hit both of them!

Armament Haki was attached with powerful fingers, directly piercing Doflamingo’s right shoulder, and a fist-sized hole appeared on his shoulder.

And Moria was not much better, extending from the left shoulder to the crotch, there was a bloody wound with deep bones!

Looking down at his wound, Doflamingo’s face showed a look of astonishment, followed by endless anger!

Doflamingo, who was cultivated by Vergo and others since childhood, has been noble since he was a child. Wherever he has been hurt like this, and thinking that Mukuro just revealed his identity as Celestial Dragons, Doflamingo is completely unable to suppress his anger at this moment!

“Marine Admiral… Mitarashi Mukuro… I want you to die!”

“String-String Fruit awakens… Birdcage!”

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