Chapter 237 Haki practice

Rayleigh raised an arm, it seemed that a blast of air appeared, and then Rayleigh’s entire arm became extremely dark.

Armament Haki! ! !

“Mukuro boy, you can understand Armament Haki as an application of body energy, perceiving this energy and then releasing it out of the body!”

Rayleigh’s words rang in Mukuro’s ear.

Mukuro gradually fell into contemplation:

Is it an application of body energy? Mukuro immediately thought of the formation principle of Chakra, the energy form of the combination of physical energy and spiritual energy.

But this is an energy form that only appears in the world of Naruto.

In the world of One Piece, the energy form manifested by mental energy is Observation Haki, and the energy form manifested by physical energy is Armament Haki.

Knowing this, Master Armament Haki is a very simple thing for Mukuro.

Mukuro closed his eyes slightly, holding his breath, and hundreds of millions of cells in his body became active, and every cell overflowed with energy.

This is the purest trace of energy in the body. Perhaps the overflowing energy of each cell is very weak, but when billions of these weak body energy are gathered together!

But it was extremely large, surging in Mukuro’s meridians, and finally burst out suddenly!

“Mukuro boy, don’t be impatient, the energy of your body is not easy to be sensed…” Rayleigh stopped abruptly before finishing his words.

The eyes widened, looking at Mukuro in front of him.

I saw Mukuro in front of Rayleigh, and a breath suddenly radiated from his body!

Then, Mukuro’s exposed arms, ankles, neck, and entire face became extremely black, while gleaming with metallic luster.

“This is… the second level of Armament Haki… and… it has reached the level of full body coverage! How is this possible!? Boy Mukuro… You really didn’t know Armament Haki before?”

Rayleigh is not calm. It’s the first time you learn armed colors to reach this level. What’s a joke? You treat me as a fool.

If it weren’t clear, this kind of thing Mukuro didn’t make sense to deceive himself. Rayleigh would definitely think that Mukuro was playing a game of himself, but even so, he still didn’t believe it at all.

Rayleigh still remembers that from the beginning of learning Armament Haki to the extent that he could cover his whole body, he didn’t know how many hard fights and years of training he had to succeed.

Why did it become so simple in front of this kid?

Is there such an enchanting qualification in the world?

“Of course it’s the first time to learn.” Mukuro smiled and said.

Mukuro was not surprised that he could directly enter the second level of Armament Haki and reach the stage of full body coverage.

To put it bluntly, Armament Haki is just an application of human body energy.

The stronger the body, the stronger Armament Haki!

This is also the reason why ordinary Logia capable people will not use Armament Haki. After being transformed by Logia Devil Fruit, the body of the capable person is more inclined to the elemental physique, and it is difficult to improve the physique again. Armament Haki is naturally difficult to use, even the Naval Headquarters III Admiral is no exception.

And how huge is the body energy in Mukuro?

Not even Mukuro himself!

Since consuming the fruit of the sacred tree, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes, and only a small part has been revealed, but more are lurking in the depths of the cells, waiting for Mukuro to discover!

It is a matter of course to be able to directly turn on Armament Haki of this level.

Swallowing hard, suppressing the shock in my heart.

Rayleigh then said, “The level of Armament Haki…you have reached a…um…very good level…then just strengthen your familiarity and control of Armament Haki…about the skills of Armament Haki…Next I will teach you.”


Mukuro nodded, looked at Rayleigh, and suddenly said, “What about Conqueror’s Haki?”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Rayleigh subconsciously said: “Conqueror’s Haki is not something you can learn, but…”

Speaking of this, Rayleigh stopped…

Unlike Observation Haki and Armament Haki, Conqueror’s Haki is an innate ability that cannot be learned through practice. It can only be stimulated when the person reaches a level. It is the spirit of the user and cannot be passed. Only when the person becomes stronger, Conqueror’s Haki’s attack will be more violent!

This is a super power that only one person in a million has! ! !

Even so, Rayleigh couldn’t be sure when it was placed on Mukuro’s body.

The kid in front of him had cultivated Armament Haki to a level comparable to himself in an instant, and he couldn’t treat it according to common sense at all.

Maybe… Can you really cultivate Conqueror’s Haki by yourself?

But how should Conqueror’s Haki teach?

For Rayleigh, this is a big problem. Thinking of this, Rayleigh’s face is a bit awkward.

Seeing Rayleigh who was silent, Mukuro was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of the special nature of Conqueror’s Haki. He had a sense of understanding, smiled and said:

“Senior Rayleigh, let me feel your Conqueror’s Haki first, maybe I will learn it.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Rayleigh was a little dumb, can I learn by feeling Conqueror’s Haki? Are not all users of 3.2 Conqueror’s Haki in New World?

But I don’t know how to refute Mukuro. What if it succeeds?

“Then… Mukuro boy… pay attention!”

Without saying much, Rayleigh’s expression suddenly became very serious, staring at Mukuro!

I can’t feel a trace of oldness anymore!


Rayleigh gave a low voice, his eyes glared fiercely! An aura suddenly radiated out!

Conqueror’s Haki! ! !

In an instant, the entire island was covered by Rayleigh Conqueror’s Haki!

The beasts in every corner of the island were crawling on the ground, and there was a look of horror in their eyes, as if they felt a great horror!

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