Chapter 234 Marine executives’ reaction

Rayleigh was a little confused about Mukuro’s intentions. As Marine Rear Admiral, after learning his identity, he didn’t immediately report to Marine headquarters. He must have other ideas.

“Nothing, just want to meet the legendary big pirate. Of course, it would be great if I could take the time to teach me the use of Armament Haki and Conqueror’s Haki.”

Mukuro didn’t hide anything, and said straightforwardly.


Rayleigh was a little stunned. He couldn’t believe his ears. Is a Marine going to learn from a pirate?

“Any questions?”

Looking at Rayleigh who was stunned, Mukuro asked.

“It’s nothing? It’s just…you are a magnificent Marine Rear Admiral. You want to learn from a pirate. Are you afraid that Sengoku will trouble you? And there are a lot of Haki masters in Marine.” Rayleigh asked with some confusion. .

Indeed, as Rayleigh said, there are many Haki masters in Marine, and most generals above Vice Admiral use Haki.

But not many are qualified enough to teach Mukuro.

Garp, Sengoku, and Zephyr are just three.

Let me talk about Sengoku. As Marshal Marine, he can’t even care about his own practice, let alone teach Mukuro. Besides Zephyr, when Mukuro agreed with the plan of “Seven Warlords of the Sea”, it was the opposite of Zephyr. Even if Mukuro wanted to learn, whether Zephyr would teach or not was still a question.

In the end, only Garp was left, but he didn’t stay for a long time even during the Mukuro award ceremony. It can be seen that Garp didn’t have any idle time.

And he was in Sabaody Archipelago again, thinking about it, Mukuro hit Rayleigh’s idea.

Moreover, Rayleigh is more suitable than Marine.

First of all, Rayleigh is not capable of Devil Fruit, only relying on swordsmanship and Haki to cross the sea, it can be seen that Rayleigh’s Haki is definitely very good.

Secondly, it can be understood from the original book that Rayleigh is very good at teaching his disciples. Whether it is Shanks or Luffy, it is all taught by Rayleigh.

Looking at Rayleigh, Mukuro suddenly smiled and said:

“Trouble me? I dare to fight Celestial Dragons? Am I afraid of this trouble? And, I didn’t learn from the pirates, obviously it is the coater of Sabaody Archipelago, Lao Lei.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Rayleigh was a little dumb. The kid in front of him was the one who even dared to beat Celestial Dragons, so he was afraid of this trouble?

This kind of casual character is more like a Marine than Marine, Rayleigh is a pity.

But then I think about it, Marine has such a bold character. Isn’t the sea going to be more interesting in the future?

“No problem!” Rayleigh did not refuse, and replied readily.

Rayleigh just witnessed the battle between Mukuro and Kizaru with his own eyes. During the whole battle, Kizaru, who is Marine Admiral, was actually beaten by Mukuro!

This kind of enchanting aptitude definitely possesses Conqueror’s Haki!

Even if he doesn’t teach himself, it is not difficult for Mukuro to learn these two colors of Haki. And if you teach it by yourself, you will be a little bit affectionate in the future.

Which is the disadvantage and which is the advantage, Rayleigh is not stupid, so he can distinguish clearly.

Hearing Rayleigh’s answer, a smile appeared on Mukuro’s face.

At this moment, Kizaru, who uses the eight-foot mirror, has rushed back to Naval Headquarters Marineford.

Marshal Marine’s office.

Looking at the embarrassed Kizaru, Sengoku was confused on his face and asked, “Um… Kizaru, why are you so embarrassed? Where is Mukuro? Where is he?”

Hearing Sengoku’s words, Rao made Kizaru’s face a little red, “Ahem… Um… Sengoku Marshal, Mukuro’s strength is beyond my estimation, so…”

“So, you failed to bring Mukuro back?”

Sengoku also understood why Kizaru was embarrassed. It seemed that he had a battle with Mukuro, and he was a little shocked.

In the hands of Marshal Marine’s office, Mukuro and Akainu are indeed evenly matched. But Sengoku did not regard Mukuro as a Marine Admiral-level combat power. After all, in a small space battle, it is not conducive to the use of Logia’s ability.

Sengoku believes that Mukuro’s combat power can only be said to be infinitely close to the Admiral level.

So Sengoku was thinking about sending Kizaru back to catch Mukuro. It was basically a sure thing. Know that Kizaru is a veteran Admiral, and his combat power is definitely the pinnacle of Admiral.

However, Kizaru’s next words directly caused Sengoku’s eyes to fall off.

“Marshal Sengoku, um… I was defeated by Mukuro…” Although I don’t want to admit it, I can’t help it. I dare not hide anything from Sengoku Kizaru.

“What? You said…you were defeated!?”

Sengoku’s voice can’t help being raised by two pitches. Kizaru can’t help but step forward and cover Sengoku’s mouth. Aokiji and Akainu’s offices are all downstairs!

But it’s too late…

Aokiji, Akainu, Garp, and Tsuru came in one after another!

Kizaru was a little dumbfounded. Now that the situation on the sea is so tense, why are these people staying at Naval Headquarters?

“Today is the Marine high-level meeting once every six months, Kizaru, don’t you forget it.” Garp laughed while holding his nose.

Kizaru was taken aback, and he really forgot about it.

“By the way, Sengoku just said that you were defeated? Who? Whitebeard is still “red-haired”?” Garp asked directly and carelessly.

Aokiji, Akainu, and Tsuru also pricked their ears.

The three of them didn’t hear Sengoku’s voice just now. Even if I didn’t hear it, I can guess one or two by seeing Kizaru’s current appearance.

But they were all concerned about Kizaru’s face, so I was embarrassed to ask. Only Garp doesn’t care about these things, and his qualifications are old enough.


Kizaru looked a little helpless, knowing that this matter could not be covered, sighed and said, “It’s not Whitebeard or “red hair”, but Mitarashi Mukuro Rear Admiral.”


“Mitarashi Mukuro!?”


“How can it be!?”

The four people reacted differently, but they all had expressions of horror!

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