Chapter 219 Liwei

Since each tree is an island, the regional division of Sabaody Archipelago is also very clear, which is based on the number on the tree. The numbering range:

01-29: There are mainly human trafficking shops, human auctions, and illegal areas;

No. 30 to No. 39: Mainly soap bubble park, etc.;

No. 40 to 49: Mainly include sightseeing areas, specialty shops, etc.;

No. 50 to 59: mainly shipyards, painters, etc.;

No. 60 to 69; Mainly Marine station, government entrance and exit, etc. The Marine branch of Sabaody Archipelago is stationed on island No. 66;

No. 70 to No. 79: There are mainly hotel streets and so on.

There are only two ways to enter the New World from the first half of the Grand Line:

One is to make a request to the World government, and then go directly to Mariejois, the “sacred place” at the top of the Red Line, but obviously this road is not feasible for pirates;

The other one is to wrap the boat with Alqiman mangrove resin and dive for 10,000 meters. Go through the “submarine route” The fish men island to reach New World.

This has led to the Sabaody Archipelago being the only place for pirates to reach the New World!

For Marine, as long as the Sabaody Archipelago is controlled, the number of Pirate Novas entering New World will inevitably decrease, which indirectly weakens New World’s pirate power.

So Sabaody Archipelago is still very important to Marine, but it is not easy for the pirates to travel here through the Grand Line. The general Marine Vice Admiral is difficult to deal with, and dispatching a Marine Admiral to sit in Sabaody Archipelago is obviously not easy. It is unrealistic.

And the emergence of Mukuro, with the power comparable to Admiral, naturally solved Marine’s urgent need, which is why Sengoku will send Mukuro to Sabaody Archipelago non-stop.

In the port of island No. 66, Mukuro’s warship is docked on the shore.

Looking at the deserted pier in front of him, Mukuro frowned and asked Johnson on the side: “Sabaody Archipelago’s Marine branch doesn’t know if I am coming today?”

Although Mukuro doesn’t care about pomp or anything. But this is the first time I have come here. At the very least, the Marine branch here has to send someone to show me the way.

Hearing Mukuro’s question, Johnson hurriedly replied: “My lord, when I was in Naval Headquarters, I had already notified Mr. Sabaody Archipelago’s Vice Admiral of Sabaody Archipelago branch, but for some reason, no one has come yet. It’s difficult. Could it be that Stoby Vice Admiral remembered the wrong time? Would you like me to notify Stoby Vice Admiral again?”

“No, let’s go there by ourselves!” Mukuro stopped the action taken by Johnson who took out the phone worm.

Remember the time wrong? How could it be possible that Mukuro wouldn’t think so naively, squinting his eyes slightly, a gleam of light flashed through Mukuro’s eyes, and muttered:

“It looks like this is going to give me a stab at it, it’s interesting.”

Sabaody Archipelago Marine branch.

“Storbay’s Vice Admiral, Naval Headquarters order has been issued. Today’s new headquarters Commodore Mitarashi Mukuro will arrive. We are now ready to meet him.”

A middle-aged school official said to Vice Admiral, who was unusually tall and wore a cloak of justice.

“It’s just a Commodore, do you want me to meet him personally? When he comes, you can just greet him!” Stobe said with an unhappy wave of his hand.

As the highest person in charge of the Sabaody Archipelago Marine branch, he was originally the boss of Celestial Dragons at Sabaody Archipelago and his second child. Now that I have received an order from Naval Headquarters to send another Commodore, is it not clear that I am fighting for power with myself? How could Stobey be in a good mood.

“But… Master Vice Admiral, he is the Commodore of the headquarter!” The middle-aged colonel hesitated for a moment, and then reminded him aloud.

But the words of the middle-aged colonel instantly ignited Stobey’s anger, and Stobey roared: “What happened to Naval Headquarters Commodore? Even if the generals in the headquarters are one level higher than the generals in the branch, don’t forget me. But the rank of Vice Admiral! His Mitarashi Mukuro must honestly call Master Vice Admiral in front of me!”

“Oh, that’s how it is, Mr. Stobe Vice Admiral!”

Before Stobel’s voice fell completely, a faint voice rang, and then Mukuro walked straight in.

“Mitarashi Mukuro Commodore?” Strobe was taken aback, looking at Mukuro who had walked in and asked.

A trace of disdain flashed in Stope’s eyes. In his opinion, what strength could Mukuro’s age have? At best, it’s just a pirate who offers a reward of less than 100 million.

“Yeah.” Mukuro nodded and replied faintly.

Without noticing the playfulness in Mukuro’s eyes, Stope nodded arrogantly and said, “Mitarashi Mukuro Commodore, you will be responsible for the internal logistics work of the branch in the future. Don’t participate in other related matters. NS.”

Responsible for logistics? Let a Commodore take care of the logistics, even in Naval Headquarters, there is no such extravagance. Looking at this, Stobe made it clear that he wanted to vacate his rights directly.

“Sorry, Lord Stobe, Vice Admiral, Marshal Sengoku’s order is for me to be the supreme commander of the Sabaody Archipelago Marine branch, so.”

Before Mukuro’s words were finished, he was roughly interrupted by Stobey:

“So what! Don’t forget that I am Vice Admiral! And you are just a Commodore. Although this is an order of Marshal Sengoku, you still don’t understand the situation of Sabaody Archipelago. Get familiar with the logistics work first.”

A sharp look in Mukuro’s eyes!

For so many years, there are still people who dared to speak like this in front of him. Mukuro looked at Stope’s eyes more and more coldly, and said, “Oh, that means you want to violate Marshal Sengoku’s order?”

“So what!?” Stobel said directly without any cover.

Mukuro did not look at Stobe again, but turned his eyes to Johnson on the side, and said, “Johnson, what is the first rule of the Marine Code?”

Johnson was taken aback, but then he stood up and said: “Everything is to obey orders first!”

“So violated!?” Mukuro continued to ask.

“According to the Marine Regulations, violating the Marine Code will be regarded as defecting Marine!” Johnson continued.

Mukuro turned his gaze to Stope again, and faintly said: “Shostel Vice Admiral, in that case, don’t blame me a little Commodore.”

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