Chapter 192 Mukurovs Six Paths Madara

There is no pause! It directly smashed the black rod that Uchiha Madara was protecting in front of him, and Mukuro’s fist hit Uchiha Madara’s chest heavily!

Bang! A muffled noise came from Uchiha Madara’s body. Uchiha Madara arched her body abruptly, her bloodshot eyes staring out abruptly.

A body art that devours the enemy like a devil! !

Mukuro was like a demon who was born into the world, a crimson air flow ignited all over his body, and the entire space was tumbling! At the next moment, Mukuro’s kick hit the black protective cover formed by the Truth-Seeking Ball, like paper, this layer of protection did not cause any trouble to Mukuro, it cracked directly. .

Inside the black ball, Uchiha Madara, who was originally full of confidence, suddenly noticed the emergence of a ray of light, followed by a creaking and cracking sound, his pupils could not help but dilate, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

How can it be! ? Isn’t Truth-Seeking Ball’s defense insoluble? How could it be broken!

At the same time, Mukuro’s Demon Night Guy also blasted in, directly on Uchiha Madara’s chest! Devil’s Night Guy’s power was too concentrated, Mukuro pierced Uchiha Madara’s chest with a kick!

Uchiha Madara staggered back a few steps, looked down at the hole in his chest, and looked up again at Mukuro. Only fear was left!

Although still at the Six Paths level, Mukuro’s power is not comparable to the Six Paths level!

“Mitarashi Mukuro, I didn’t expect it to be so scary, no! Even so, I must implement Project Tsuki no Me, and eternal peace will surely come to this world!”

A trace of perseverance flashed in Uchiha Madara’s eyes, completely ignoring the injury on his chest, and the whole person slowly rose into the air, and the almost endless Chakra in his body burst out suddenly.

Mukuro certainly knew what Uchiha Madara wanted to do, but he didn’t mean to stop it.

The next moment, the whole land shook! No, it should be said that the whole world of Shinobi was shaking! Immediately afterwards, a giant tree like a sky suddenly rose in the horrified eyes of everyone!

In a corner of the battlefield, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. Although he is old, he is still a Kage-level powerhouse. Of course he will appear on the battlefield. At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen could not help but exclaimed: “This is Master First Generation’s. The tree world is born? How could there be such a terrifying power!?”

“This kind of mighty tree world is born, what the hell is Uchiha Madara going to do?” Ohnoki, the oldest of the Five Shadows, apparently recognized Uchiha Madara’s technique.

“No! This is not Grandpa’s Birth of the Tree World!” Tsunade said categorically.

With everyone’s puzzled eyes, Tsunade continued to speak: “The Birth of the Tree World is a forest, but Uchiha Madara’s technique has only one tree!”

Among the people present, only Mukuro knew best what kind of technique Uchiha Madara was performing!

The birth of the god tree world!

In the time and space of the dragon veins, Mukuro had personally performed the birth of the god tree world, but when he saw the god tree that appeared again, he still sighed for its stalwartness.

Looking at the sacred tree that appeared, Uchiha Madara showed a crazy smile on his face: “Mitarashi Mukuro! Look at it, I Uchiha Madara! I will be the savior of this world soon!!”

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