Chapter 1451 Another road

As the soul of the goddess of discord was imprisoned by the night goddess Nix, and lost her divine support, the divine domain of discord that had been dilapidated suddenly began to collapse.

And from below the Dispute God’s Domain, a huge Uzumaki appeared. The entire God Realm collapsed, and it seemed that he was about to fall into this Uzumaki.

At the moment when the Conflict God’s Domain collapsed, the Saints and Underworld Warriors who were in the God’s Domain all rose to the sky.

The brilliance belonging to the sacred clothing sheltered them, freed from the traction of the Dispute God’s Domain.

Around Tianma, let Ye and Yeren hang on him, and at the same time, his hands were still holding Ilias firmly.

The wings behind him vibrated, the horrible gods bloomed, and even the small universe above the first-class gods broke out. He roared, wanting to take the three of them out of the realm of disputes.

Let Ye and Yeren, he can easily bring them up, but the Ulysses who were caught by him seem to have a strange force pulling him, wanting to drag him, and fall into hell along with this disputed God’s realm, no Allow him to return to the world again.


Tianma roared, his eyes showed the light of incomparably determined will, and he grabbed Ulysses and kept rising up into the sky, under his amazing small universe, even the law of disputes in the realm of God.

At this moment, it seems that Ulias can’t be restrained.

Finally, with the help of Pegasus, Ulysses also escaped from the Divine Region of Dissension, but at the moment he left the Divine Region of Dissension, Ilias’ whole body was broken like sand.

His body collapsed little by little, as if sand that had lost its moisture, disappearing with the wind.

Watching this scene, the Pegasus holding Ulysses was stunned.

But at this time, Ulyas had a helpless smile on his face. He looked at Tianma and said, “It really is. I’m sorry, I can’t go back with you, Pegasus. Then , Kid Regulus, I beg you…”

When this sentence fell, Ilias had completely turned into dust and dissipated.

But at this moment, Ye suddenly made a move:

“Accumulated corpse qi underworld wave!”

Her words fell, and a pale flame lit up from her fingertips. Soon this flame accurately hit the place where Ulys’s body dissipated, and then this flame seemed to carry something along with it. disappear.

Accumulated corpse energy underworld wave! Belongs to the stunt of Cancer. Strictly speaking, Jean Ye is also a disciple of Gamir.

And the elder of Camille is Bai Li. More than two hundred years ago, the first person to get the golden saint of Cancer was Bai Li. It’s just that Bai Lilian’s golden saint clothes gave it to his younger brother Saiqi.

Both Shi Ang and Rucao are able to use the tricks of the corpse energy underworld wave, and Rucao can naturally.

It’s just that everyone’s talents are different.

Compared with the tricks of the spirit and soul systems, Ye is more adept at using physical skills.

Just like Shion, although Grandmaster’s series of corpse qi tricks can even be used to transform corpse qi into a spiritual wave, he rarely uses it. It is generally used to display the profound meaning that belongs to Aries and is more inclined to the spiritual system.

This corpse energy wave of the underworld accurately hit the soul of Ulysses, but it was his soul, before falling into the depths of the underworld along with the Divine Realm of Dispute, it was alive and well into the Huangquan Biliangzaka.

. After a successful move, Ye immediately asked Ye to speak, “Although I don’t know if it is possible to do this, since Aspros can become a fighter of the underworld, so can Ilias. In this way, perhaps Regulus and his father, still Have a chance to meet again.”

There was some uncertainty in Ye’s voice.

Dark fighter. Originally the mortal enemy of Sanctuary and Saint Seiya.

But after getting acquainted with Tianma and Yeren, from them, I learned about Aaron.

I have also seen the changes in the Pluton Army, especially Aspros and Tossa. Although since they met, until now, she and Tokusa have basically not said a word.

However, this feeling of being able to see his younger brother again made Ye feel somewhat happy.

“Pluto Fighter…!”

Let Ye’s words fall, Tianma was stunned for a moment.

In the propaganda of the sanctuary, the underworld fighters were originally heinous existences, but as far as Tianma is concerned, he is actually not so absolute about the views of the underworld fighters. No matter what, no one is absolute…

Things have to be viewed from two sides. The Underworld Warrior is vainly trying to encroach on the world and slaughter the living beings. This is naturally wrong. The underworld fighter is naturally correct to maintain the order of the underworld.

Just like this time, Sanctuary and the Pluton army joined forces to defeat Alice, the goddess of strife.

If Aaron can really take the seat of Pluton, from then on, maintain the order of the underworld, guarding justice like a sanctuary. Then let Ulyas become a fighter of the underworld, naturally, it is not a wrong choice.

When Ilias’s soul was sent by Ye Yiji’s corpse qi underworld wave to Huangquan Biliangzaka, the Dispute God Realm below collapsed and collapsed, and was directly drawn by an invisible force, and completely plunged into the depths of hell.

This divine realm of strife was originally summoned from the depths of the underworld when the goddess of strife Alice was awakening, and because of her divine power, it was maintained, and it existed between the earth and the underworld.

Now she was sealed and lost the support of her divine power. Naturally, this disputed God’s realm could no longer be supported and crashed into the depths of the underworld again. The underworld is very huge, even larger than the realm of the world.

Although Pluton Hades is nominally the master of the underworld, the area of ​​the underworld he can truly control is actually very limited.

What he can manage is only the souls of mortals on the earth after death.

Among the underworld, those ancient underworld gods basically didn’t follow his orders. 3.2

Even the Gemini God who is loyal to him on the face is actually just a running dog sent by the dark god Erepos. And instead of saying that he is the supreme ruler of the Hades, it is better to say that he guards the place of eternal sleep under the Hades for Zeus.

The real master of the underworld is Erepos, the god of darkness.

This god-tier, born since the beginning of the world, is the true ruler of the Hades.

His status is at the same level as the First Generation God King Uranus.

Cronus was able to kill Uranus, still relying on the earth god Gaia.

And Zeus may not have won Erepos, he can only be jealous of him.

Alice, the goddess of strife, after invading the earth and being killed by Athena, she fell into the depths of the underworld. In fact, it was just tantamount to fleeing back to her hometown and recuperating in secret.

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