Chapter 1425 Dark Change

He grabbed the Pluton sword in his hand and slashed it fiercely into the void. Accompanied by the movements of Radhamandis, the purple small universe burned, attached to the dark Pluton sword

. Then a sword light slashed out and directly slashed the weird Uzumaki in the void with a sword.

The moment Uzumaki was split, without the power of this weird Uzumaki sucking, the small universe burst out of the three of Radamandis, but they flew toward the original passage of the gods.

However, at this moment, abruptly, from the big Uzumaki that was split, suddenly a huge, pitch-black palm stretched out.

This palm seemed to be condensed from darkness, and the moment he stretched it out, he grabbed Pluton’s true body on the back of Huihuo.

The big black hand was so fast that he grabbed it, and then caught Pluton’s body, then grabbed Pluton’s body, and withdrew directly into Uzumaki.

“Pluton’s real body!”

Seeing Pluton’s real body on his back being robbed, Huihuo subconsciously shouted loudly.

Soon he didn’t hesitate at all, the wings on his back flicked, and he gave up escape, instead rushing towards the dark Uzumaki.

“Asshole, return Pluton to me!”

Huihuo roared furiously, his whole body seemed to burn, and under the raging flames, he seemed to transform into a flaming phoenix.

And this blazing phoenix rushed in toward the dark and deep Uzumaki like this, it seems that Huihuo wanted to rush in and regain the robbed Pluton body.

Seeing Huihuo’s movements, Radha Mantis frowned.

The wings behind him vibrated, and he also rushed towards the dark Uzumaki. While rushing over, he grabbed the Pluton sword in his hand, ready to slash it out again anytime and anywhere.

Seeing the movements of Huihuo and Radhamandis, Aspros frowned slightly, but in the end, he also followed, and for a while, Radhamandis followed and rushed into the deep dark Uzumaki.

This deep and dark Uzumaki seems like a special space passage, I don’t know where it leads to.

But at this time, the three of them could no longer take care of the others. Just to catch up and take Pluton’s real body.

After they rushed into Uzumaki, they seemed to have crossed an extremely long distance from this passage. When they came to the end of this passage, what awaited them was darkness.

A piece of pure darkness includes everything.

It makes everything seem to be transformed into something meaningless.

In such darkness, even the three of Qiang Ruo La Da Mandis, their faces were filled with a look of uncertainty.

They looked around subconsciously, but there was nothing around them except darkness. Even the flames on Huihuo’s body were unable to emit any light at this time. It seems that the light, here, has been deprived.

“Here, where is it?!” Huihuo roared lowly.

And when his words fell, from the darkness, a voice that seemed to be ancient, cold and arrogant, “You are the subordinates sent by the little demon named Aaron? Want to take Hades’s body,” madness!”

As this word fell, from the darkness, there seemed to be an unimaginable force pouring from all directions.

Under the suppression of this force, at this time, Radamandis almost all of them were crushed on the spot.

This force is huge, almost reaching a realm that they can’t even imagine.

“This power! Who are you?!”

Holding the Pluton sword in his hand, Radamandis snarled.

However, at this moment, even the Pluton sword in his hand was suppressed by this terrifying force.

“Who am I? You don’t need to know. All you need to know now is one thing.”

This ancient and distant voice sounded, “And this thing is, surrender, or die!”

Facing the question of this terrifying voice, Huihuo roared, “Want me to surrender to you, dream!”

As he said, the small universe all over Huihuo’s body was burning, and then he tried his best to hit the surrounding darkness, “Dark Sunshine!”

Accompanied by the roar of Huihuo, at this moment, the flame he shot out was pitch black.

The pitch-black flames burned, seeming to ignite the surrounding darkness.

The terrifying dark flame burned, trying to engulf everything, turning this darkness into a hell of flames.

Facing Huihuo’s move, at this time, in the darkness, the terrifying voice seemed to be surprised by Huihuo, “It’s really surprising that it can actually ignite the darkness. However, this kind of strength attempts to try to reach the gods. , It’s still just a frog at the bottom of the well.”

The words fell, and in the darkness, an icy breath surged, directly engulfing the pitch-black flames shot out by the flames.

Then the terrifying voice said again, “Since you don’t want to surrender, then all die for me!”

The icy words fell, and immediately an indescribable terrifying force in the darkness crushed and seemed to want to engulf them in an instant.

Before this power, even Radhamandis, who had the blood of God and was infinitely close to the realm of the ninth sense universe, felt that he had no power to fight back.

But at such a critical moment, suddenly, this piece of darkness broke, and from the void, a hand stretched out, this hand was slightly bent, as if it was firmly locked in the void, and then unexpectedly, this piece of void They were all pulled out, and under the influence of this pulling force, the three of Lada Mandis were directly pulled out.

The three of them fell into the shattered void and kept falling. I don’t know how long it took before the three of them fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, the Radamandis trio subconsciously looked around, and it was Mukuro’s figure that appeared in front of them.

Mukuro stood in front of them with an inexplicable smile on his face.

On the other side, there is a shelf with a drawing board. Aaron, who is Pluton, is dressed in a dark robe. It is not that he is holding a paintbrush in his hand, as if he is painting seriously. And it was not Pandora who was sitting there for Aaron as a model.

Seeing everything around, the three people who were still undecided quickly knelt towards Pluton Aaron on one knee.

“Master Pluton, Mr. Mukuro, we failed! We were not able to bring back the body of Pluton Hades,” said Radamandis. In addition to the name Aaron, Radamandis used Lord Pluton, which is clearly distinguished from the name Pluton Hades.

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