Chapter 1411 The end of Ayagos

When Mukuro’s words fell, Sasha naturally smiled and nodded.

Sasha itself is not the kind of cruel, desperate personality. For her, she actually did as much as she could. She didn’t want to fight and kill like this.

If the Underworld Warrior, or even the Cthulhu, is willing to let go of the fight, she is naturally willing.

Now that Mukuro spoke, she nodded naturally. Although Phantasos didn’t speak in person, she also saw Phantasos in fear. And since Mukuro has spoken, it is bound to ensure that Phantom Tassos will no longer be abusive.

She still believes this.

After Sasha nodded, Mukuro looked back at Phantasos.

The soul of Phantom Tassos itself is a woman, but when he was awakened by his father, the god of sleep, Shupunos in this life, Phanthasos was reincarnated into a man’s body.

When the spirits of the gods come back from awakening, they all like to pick the ready-made body for reincarnation, rather than follow the path of reincarnation and experience rebirth and reincarnation like Athena and Seiya.

Because of that, their divinity will be lost, and at the same time, there will be a lot of emotions that shouldn’t be there in the body.

It even affects one’s own judgment, serious, even makes oneself another person.

Like Pegasus, after being reincarnated countless times, does he still remember the first things and memories?

The answer is obviously no, his soul may still be the original soul, but every time he reincarnated, he would forget his original self completely.

So, in a sense, the original Pegasus is already dead.

The rest is just the people who inherited his power.

In this regard, Athena, as the main god, may be better off. But it’s definitely not much better.

Just look at Sasha’s appearance.

Even if she had awakened her divine nature and divine power, hers couldn’t have much side with the goddess of war and wisdom. She is still her, still Sasha.

It’s just a weak girl who has assumed the duties of Athena, but a girl with a strong heart, nothing more.

Unlike this way of reincarnation, mortals can retain their own memories by occupying the flesh of mortals, but the flaw is that the flesh is not their own. It can’t be fully utilized, and it’s even possible to argue with the original soul in the body for longevity. This is like Aaron and Hades now.

And Phantasos occupied the male body this time, which can be said to be quite inconvenient.

But she is an illusionist and has the ability to weave illusions.

Of course, I found a male body, but as long as I put a layer of illusion on the outside, it can be used naturally, at least it looks exactly the same as my previous self. Unfortunately, now her physical body has also been destroyed.

When she and the Morpheus three gods joined forces to cast the guardian oracle and Ashmita to shatter the realm of the law, their bodies were destroyed on the spot under the aftermath of the attack.

Now she is just a spirit.

As for her own physical body, she had already been destroyed long ago.

Sleeping God has more than one hundred children.

Only four of them can wake up now.

As for the others, because of the severe injuries, they are still sleeping in the gods, and God knows when they will wake up.

In ancient myths and legends, Hypnos is the son of Knicks.

Phantom Tasos is the granddaughter of the goddess of the night.

However, whether this is true or not, Phantasos himself wondered, because she had never heard her father Shupnos mention this matter.

“From then on, you don’t have to go back to the Pluton army. Just take care of her.” Mukuro said toward Phantasos.

After the words fell, Mukuro’s gaze turned slightly, but he looked at Ayagos and Byoret in the midair.

“The two of you, are you going to continue the battle now, or…”

Mukuro’s words hadn’t fallen yet. Ayagos looked at Mukuro and said, “What are you kidding me, what right do you have to tell me, I Ayagos, even if it’s dead…”

Ayagos’s words were only general, Mukuro raised his hand, and a ray of light passed through it, directly penetrating Ayagos’s head.


From the headless corpse, blood spurted out and sprayed directly on Byorette’s body. At this moment, Byorette’s expression became extremely miserable.

She hugged Ayagos’s body and fell straight down. As she fell, she cried out in grief:

“Master Ayagos!”

Unfortunately, no matter how she shouted, Ayagos was already dead.

He was arrogant and arrogant, who liked to speak badly, and finally ushered in the disaster of destruction.

Holding Ayagos’s body, Biolet fell to the ground, smashing the ground out of a big pit.

But at this time, looking at Biolet, Mukuro raised his hand again and watched Mukuro’s movements. Unexpectedly, at this time, it was Manigot who shouted loudly, “Wait a moment!”

With that said, Manigot rushed forward and stretched out his hands to block Byolet’s body.

Seeing Baiorette’s actions, the Saint Seiya who didn’t kill him all showed unexpected gazes. Including Cardina too, Cardina looked at Manigott with inexplicable and weird eyes.

At this time, on the steps of the main entrance of Sanctuary, Pope Sage moved his eyes slightly, but he didn’t say anything.

“What’s wrong, Manigote, you want to beg for her?” Mukuro said, looking down at Manigote on the ground.

Mukuro’s words fell, Manigott smiled awkwardly, but he nodded, “Um, we have a good relationship, so that, can she let me handle it.”

In the past two years, since Mukuro moved to Sanctuary, Manigote has really come to visit him often to tease Violet and Eve by the way. As a result, he is often chased by Papa Alikili with a broomstick. beat.

“You are interesting to her? You do this, Eve knows, I’m afraid it will be quite unhappy.” Standing in the sky, Mukuro looked at Manigott on the ground, and said pointedly.

When his words fell, Manigott’s expression became even more embarrassing, “You misunderstood, I didn’t mean that. I just think that they are both real fighters. If possible, I want to use fighters. The way gives them an ending.”

With that said, Manigot looked at Bioret.

However, at this time, Byolet put down Ayagos in his hand, but shook his head, “I don’t want to fight anymore. I’m tired, I surrendered. I want to seal my little universe, or maybe it’s me. The magic stars in the body, please do whatever you like.”

With that said, the corner of Biolet’s mouth showed a self-deprecating look, “We didn’t have a choice, didn’t we? Master Pluton, it’s all yours at all…”

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