Chapter 1409 Four Gods in One

The golden brilliance and the purple radiance are paired together, and the guardian oracle is shattered!

The two great conflicts, the force of terror raged, the square and steps of the main entrance of the sanctuary shattered on the spot, and under the aftermath of the conflict between Ashmeda and the four dream gods, the surrounding Pluto fighters and Sisyphus were all smashed. Spread.

These two secrets are no longer mere tactics that mortals can imagine.

Guardian Oracle, this is a trick used by gods to judge humans.

The power equivalent to the full blow of the second-level god. It is only one of the four dream gods, perhaps only a third-level god, and can only reach the fighting power of the golden saint at the peak of the seventh sense.

But the four dream gods are united, and they have the fighting power equivalent to the second-level god, which is enough to surpass the general eighth sense, reaching the level of the eighth sense high stage, or even the peak.

Such strength is already very amazing, but Ashmita has already broken through the ninth sense!

Even Ah Zha Poju was defeated in the hands of the former Ashmita, not to mention that now, he has gone further and reached the ninth sense Ashmita. The power of the destruction of the law world suppressed the guardian oracle, and then under the screams of the four gods, their figures were directly engulfed by the light.

When the light dissipated, the four dream gods in the sky had fallen.

It is unbelievable that after such a blow, they are not dead yet, but at this level, the Four Dream Gods are obviously already extremely weak. But even so, the Four Dream Gods were still unwilling to say, “No, impossible, how can a mortal have the power to defeat us! The four gods are one, we will not lose unless you combine the power of the four of us, We defeated them all at once, otherwise, we would never fall.”

“Kill the four gods all at once? For me, it’s just a very simple thing.” Ashmita said. Then he raised his hand, and the small universe on his body was burning, as if he wanted to beat the Dharma Realm once again and directly buried the four gods.

But at this moment, abruptly, from the mountains opposite the sanctuary, the twin gods who were fighting intuition finally set off, and the terrifying small universe was suddenly suppressed like a downpour.

Shrouded the main entrance of the entire sanctuary. Then the space broke open, and the figure of the twin gods appeared directly above the main entrance of the sanctuary.

They looked down at everything on the earth. The cold eyes seemed to be looking down at all the ants, but when he saw Ashmita, the Gemini God still frowned.

This generation of Sanctuary really has too many monsters, especially Ulysses and Ashmita.

These two people, even they are not sure of victory at all. Ulysses was dead, and his soul was thrown into the hell and buried with the ancient gods. But Ashmita stood in front of them at this moment.

“Morpheus, Phantasos, Ikeros, and Oneiros, the four of you, I’m so disappointed.” Standing in the sky, looking down at everything on the earth, sleeping among the Gemini Gods God Xiu Punos said coldly.

Facing the words of Supnos, the extremely weak four gods on the earth were full of horror. Their bodies split automatically and transformed into four independent individuals again. The four gods and souls knelt on the ground and trembled.

“My father, it is our fault and our incompetence…”

“Enough, shut up!”

Facing the words of the Four Dream Gods, Shupnos shouted coldly.

Although he was dissatisfied with the four gods, he was different from those underworld warriors. Si Mengshen is his biological child after all. And Ashmita is indeed a little monster. With their own strength, they can comprehend the consciousness of Abina, this kind of combat power, even if they make a shot in person, will not necessarily win, let alone the four dream gods who are the third-level gods.

It’s like feeling the eighth sense from the seventh.

The eighth sense Alaya Consciousness, in the sanctuary, is already legendary.

It is basically difficult to achieve from the seventh sense to the eighth sense.

But this year’s golden saints are more monsters than one.

Hasgart, Sisyphus, El Cid, Cardina, Dijel, and the seemingly young Regulus, who understood the eye, the magic sword, and the sword of Godslayer, did not understand the eighth feel!

In previous holy wars, an eighth sense saint can often hold up the beam of the sanctuary.

And this time, the saint who comprehended the eighth sense became turnip cabbage. Even in the legend, the impossible ninth sense, there are actually two people who have reached this level.

In the ancient mythology, the god-king Zeus, it was after comprehending the ninth sense, that he launched a rebellion against the god-king Cronus.

And what makes Gemini God unacceptable is that there are two monsters in this holy war, one is Aaron.

With a mortal soul, Pluton Hades can be suppressed.

There is also Mukuro, who has a mysterious origin, but possesses a terrifying power that they can’t see clearly.

No, in other words, the source of everything is this Mukuro who claims to be an outer god and traveler! His arrival triggered the mutation of this sanctuary! Caused everything, deviated from the trajectory of fate!

At this moment, Shupnos’ expression was filled with cold killing intent.

He coldly looked down at the main entrance of the sanctuary below, and with his current mood, he really wished that he would fight with Tanathus once again to kill all the saints in the sanctuary like the bloodbath sanctuary more than two hundred years ago.

It’s just a pity that now is destined to be different from the situation more than two hundred years ago.

Just as Supnos descended at the main gate of the sanctuary, a majestic small universe emerged from behind Ashmita and the others, and Athena Sasha, who was holding the scepter of the goddess of victory, had also walked out.

It is not Baili, Saiqi, Tianma and Ye people who are beside Sasha. Tianma stared at Supnos fiercely, with hostility in his eyes.

Being watched by Tianma’s gaze, Supunos felt an uncomfortable feeling all over his body.

In the last holy war, Pegasus was not reincarnated.

But this time, Pegasus, the biggest blade of Athena, was reincarnated again. Although Shupnos’ heart, he didn’t want to admit it very much. But the fact is that in this holy war, the power that Sanctuary possesses has surpassed his imagination.

And to make matters worse, on the side of the Pluton army, the soul of Pluton Hades was suppressed by Aaron.

So much so that the power of the Pluton army is all controlled by Aaron, just like this time, let them attack the sanctuary, I’m afraid it is completely, let them go to the sanctuary to die!

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