Chapter 1407 Above god

With the explosion of this small universe, Ayagos, Byorette and the Underworld Warriors, as well as the Golden Saints of El Cid and Cardina, couldn’t help but look towards the main entrance of the sanctuary. .

“This small universe, this is the golden saint of Virgo, Ashmita!” Regulus said in surprise.

At this moment, he felt an incredible breath from this small universe.

Even in the dark, he had a feeling that this small universe seemed to have reached a point far above them. But there was a familiar feeling in him, as if he had felt it somewhere.

“Is this the only realm where my father said it can be integrated with nature?!”

Unexpectedly, as if he had understood something, Regulus showed his original expression, “This is, in the legend, the ninth sense Abina consciousness that is even higher than the eighth sense Alaya consciousness. Ahmeda of Virgo, he has reached such a realm?!”

Compared to Regulus’ shock, Ayagos’s expression was ugly to the extreme.

In a small universe of this level, in the Pluton Army, who can match. Ayagos doesn’t think he has such a fighting power.

“Ashmita!” El Cid also looked towards the main entrance of the sanctuary with a solemn gaze. At this time, unexpectedly, Ayagos suddenly shouted at Baiorette, “Let’s go!”

Hearing Ayagos’s words, Biolet was stunned for a moment, and then she jumped to Ayagos’s side.

Immediately, Ayagos grabbed the small universe of Bioret’s body and burst out, and the purple small universe burned, setting him off like a demon god.

Immediately he looked at El Cid’s golden saints coldly.


He snorted and said nothing, but the small universe on his body was burning, and he blasted forward with a blow. The terrifying fist burst out, crushed it out, tearing everything apart like a tornado storm. Under this blow, the earth was directly torn apart. The entire training ground was smashed by a single move by him, and on the training ground, the corpses of those underworld fighters were also crushed to ashes.

As soon as the move went down, Ayagos didn’t even look at it again.

He just took two people from Byolet to the sky and went straight to the main gate of the sanctuary.

In the storm and in the dust, Manigott roared:

“Don’t run!”

But it was of no use at all. Ayagos took Bioret and the two people quickly soared away, and the rest were only a group of ghost fighters who had been stunned.

The atmosphere of the small universe burned, Cardina waved his palm, and a storm directly suppressed the dust, and immediately his eyes looked coldly at the remaining underworld fighters, and then he didn’t say a word, and directly directed at these underworld fighters. Rushed up.

After he rushed up, the small universe on his body was burning, and his scarlet nails flicked.

A scarlet light was shot out, and these rays of light penetrated, leaving blood-red blood holes in the hearts of the underworld warriors!

This is not the profound meaning of the sky Sasori-the scarlet poison needle.

It’s just Cardina’s casual attack. It’s just that he is far above the small universe above these underworld fighters, so his original attacks have such amazing destructive power.


These underworld fighters screamed, they wanted to resist, but where Cardina’s opponent was, their attack could not even be touched by Cardina’s side.

Even if it hits occasionally, under Cardina’s small universe defense, they can’t break Cardina’s defense at all.

Can only be easily tortured by Cardina.

The fighting power of these underworld fighters is actually not weak. If it is against Tonghu and Shi Ang, they can play back and forth.

Even if it is against Hasgat and Sisyphus.

Under their upright character, they will inevitably leave others with the opportunity to act first. So that these underworld fighters can also threaten both of them.

But in the face of Cardina, Cardina doesn’t pay attention to these at all.

He came up to be a massacre.

And from the moment Ayagos left with Byolet, the military spirit and morale of these underworld fighters had completely collapsed.

For the small universe, the ultimate goal is will.

Without the will to fight, how can one exert enough combat power? ! So the battle has been decided from the beginning.

The blood is gurgling on the ground…

Cardina withdrew his hand, his face showed a dispirited expression:


With that said, his gaze also looked at the main entrance of Sanctuary, but there was a faint sneer on his face:

“I don’t know what’s interesting there, can I find a suitable prey?” With that, he had already rushed towards the main entrance of the sanctuary.

Watching Cardina leave, the rest of the holy warriors all looked dumbfounded.

At this time, Manigote yelled, “Hey! Wait for me!”

With that said, he also caught up. At this time, among the four Golden Saints, El Cid said, “Sweep the battlefield. Pay attention, there may be enemies coming.”

With that said, El Cid walked to the training ground, took a clean corner, sat down and meditated cross-legged.

Looking at El Cid’s appearance, Regulus smiled slightly, showing a gentle smile.

Although the battle here is over. But like El Cid said, there may be enemies coming, so someone has to guard this side.

Besides, the tasks and orders they received were to guard this side, so naturally they could not leave their posts without authorization.

As for the main entrance of the sanctuary, that is the responsibility of Sisphus, Hasgat, and Ashmita.

With the combat power of the three of them, most of the main entrance of the sanctuary should be lost.

Especially the 4.3 small universe of Ashmita, with such a small universe, even if you face the gods, it is absolutely impossible to lose.

The main entrance of Sanctuary. On the steps of the main entrance square, the main entrance of Sanctuary is up. After the main entrance, Aries is the first house of the Zodiac.

On the steps in front of the main entrance square, Sisyphus and Hasgat stood on the left and right, and between them was a golden saint with closed eyes sitting cross-legged.

With long golden hair fluttering, he was not wearing a helmet.

On the center of his eyebrows, there is a red mole. It is not Ashmita.

He sat cross-legged, pinched the lotus seal in his hand, and from his body, a faint golden atmosphere of small universe exuded. Under the atmosphere of this small universe, it was like Ashmita, and the whole person turned into a golden sun.

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