Chapter 1403 Singled out

As one of the three giants of the underworld, Ayagos still has such a vision and conceit.

The four golden saints in front of them were all too young, and they were all newly promoted golden saints. And the small universe that radiated, although it made him feel some sharpness, it was nothing more than that.

Sanctuary and the Golden Saint Seiya are the greatest enemies of the Pluton Army, and Ayagos certainly would not naively think that they are weak.

Of course, among the Golden Saints, there are also strong ones.

For example, Ulysses, such as Ashmita who has killed Azhabaku, and Xisufus, and the famous Hasgat! These are ruthless people.

Especially among them, Ashmita, this is definitely a cruel person that Ayagos is ashamed of.

Ayagos was still convinced by the existence of being able to kill Azhapo, so that even the Gemini God could not rescue Azhapo.

However, just the four young golden saints in front of him, Ayagos was still quite insignificant.


Even his heart was a little irritated.

With so much combat power on his side, Sanctuary actually only sent some little ghosts to deal with him. Is this simply looking down on him Ayagos? !

In Ayagos’s opinion, let him face Ashmeda alone, he may not be an opponent, but if he is asked to go on with his wife Baiorette, even if he is faced with the death of Ah Zha. Ashmita, he is absolutely worthy.

But now, Sanctuary actually sent such a bunch of little ghosts to deal with him? !

In Ayagos’s eyes, this is simply a humiliation.

Since Sanctuary humiliated him in this way, he was naturally rude, and wanted to use this kind of trifling method to solve the Saint Seiyas of Sanctuary.

Byolet’s words fell. At this time, Regulus didn’t say anything at Sanctuary, so he walked straight forward, but at this moment, Manigot grabbed Regulus. S.

He smiled and said, “Hey, don’t worry! Everything is in order. I am older than you, so I will go first.” Manigott’s words were quite unrefined, but his words fell. The honest Regulus finally nodded.

Manigott’s words, if he changed Hasgart, he would definitely go up with a fist.

For other people, I definitely won’t buy his account.

But for Regulus, such a good obedient boy, Xiao Ma’s words are still very useful.

Seeing Regulus nodded, at this moment, Cardina made a cut, while El Cid, his face sinking like water, did not say anything, his eyes fixedly looked at Ayagos.

Obviously, his goal has been decided, and that is Ayagos. If he wants to fight, he must fight hardest.

With a casual expression of laughter, Manigott walked forward casually and walked to the center of the training ground.

Then he stretched his waist and looked at Byolet and said, “Hey, beauty, is my opponent you?! Hey, I declare in advance that I am different from other people, whether it is a man or a woman, as long as it is My enemy, I will act mercilessly, because I am like this, a true feminist.”

Manigote said with a cool face.

His words fell, and Bioret also smiled.

There was a friendly smile on his face, as if it were the big sister next door.

Smiling like this, she subconsciously walked towards the front.

But just at this moment, from behind Ayagos, a voice also sounded, “Master Byoret, Master Ayagos, please wait a moment. Master Byoret is honorable, I see this first battle. , Let me do it.”

Hearing this voice, Ayagos raised his brows, and Byolet also subconsciously stopped and turned his head.

It was the ugly star Steander who spoke.

His words fell, and Biolet subconsciously wanted to refute it, but at this time, it was Ayagos who said:

“Hehe, it’s okay. Just let you be the first to weigh the Saint Seiya’s fineness.”

Obviously, Stander’s words of Lord Byoret are distinguished, and Ayagos is very useful.

Ayagos is the three giants of the underworld, and its status is indeed higher than that of many underworld fighters.

But Byolet himself, like Steander, is a magic star with the name of the sky.

Among the magic stars of Tianzi, although there are high and low strengths, there is actually no difference in status.

It’s just that Steander actually lowered his status and status, calling Baiorette an adult, and he was willing to be a pawn. This is simply too much for Ayagos.

As the saying goes, flattering must be accurate.

Ayagos is arrogant, and a lot of underground people are flattering. He is basically used to it. But today, Stander slapped Biaolet with flattery, which made Ayagos quite happy.

After Ayagos spoke, Bioret naturally would not violate his words.

So Baiori nodded, and looked at Manigote with some regret, “It seems that you can’t take your life by me.”


Manigott raised his brows, “Actually, if you are a beautiful woman, you might still have a bit of perspective. If this is a trash, I’m afraid it won’t be enough to give me the best.”

Manigote said so. His words fell. At this time, the ugly star Stander furiously said 400, “The arrogant Saint Seiya, your uncle Stander, will soon let you know what it’s like to die!”

With that said, the ugly star Steinde jumped up and rushed out.

He suddenly jumped in front of Manigote, stepped on the huge body, and crushed the earth.

His body is burly, two heads taller than Manigott. He looked down at Manigot in this way, his eyes filled with contempt, and that expression didn’t seem to put Manigot in his eyes at all.

Not only that, while looking down at Manigott, he said coldly, “Stupid Golden Saint, I forgot to tell you, my Uncle Stander, the power is second to none among all the underworld fighters. , Only inferior to Lord Ayagos and Lord Bioret. Now, I will soon crush your bones little by little. Grit your teeth and get ready.”

When his words fell, Manigott’s mouth showed a sneer arc. He lifted his head slightly and said, “Stupid things, in your worldview, strength is strength? What a stupid cognition. Let me see how small your soul is under your ugly body.”

Manigote said this, from his body, there was no golden universe burning, but a pale ghost fire burning!

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