Chapter 1399 Desperate fight

At this time, it is very likely that he fell into a disadvantage. If it goes on like this, he is very likely to lose in the hands of this underworld warrior.

“It can’t go on like this anymore. It’s not the right way to fight him purely with mental power.”

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, without the slightest hesitation, the small universe on Shion’s body burned directly, he roared, and hit the enemy in front of him with a punch…

“Ouyi·Stardust Rotation Work!”

His words fell, and fist beams rose, rushing out toward the underworld fighter in front.

And at the moment Shion took the shot, the underworld warrior finally spoke, “You have already lost.”

When this sentence fell, the scene in front of Shi Ang disappeared.

Instead, it was a starry sky with nothingness and darkness. In this starry sky, a huge worm egg.

The worm’s egg moves in rhythm, slowly becoming a reptile, and then the reptile spins silk and turns into a cocoon, and then the cocoon splits, and one by one, black butterflies fly out from it!

Seeing such a scene, Shion burst out screams abruptly.

Then the illusion in front of him disappeared.

Instead, from his body, the golden saint clothing was torn apart, and one butterfly after another flew out of Shi Ang’s body.

I don’t know when, in his body, a large number of worm eggs have been parasitized, and then these worm eggs broke the pupae and turned into butterflies!

With these butterflies flying out, Shi Ang screamed, and his body crashed down.

Seeing the fallen Shion, this butterfly just slid up, and finally landed on the underworld fighter.

She looked at the butterfly on her hand and said in a calm voice, “You have already lost, the Golden Saint Seiya of Aries, and, at the last moment when you go to hell, remember my name, I am the Demon Star The Muse of the Butterfly.”

During the previous jihad, with the help of Pope Itia, the earth demon star Babylon brainwashed most of the golden saints in the sanctuary.

Until the end, he was killed by the two brothers Baili and Saiqi.

She is the Earth Demon Star of the human generation, although the Underworld Warrior is immortal.

However, there is also competition between the Underworld Warriors. In the underworld, those who fail the competition will lose the position of the magic star. She just defeated Babylon and became the existence of the new Earth Demon Star.

Using butterflies to parasitize, this trick can be regarded as a stunt created by her herself.

These butterflies are not real butterflies.

It was her mental power idea, the seed that was born.

When fighting Shi Ang, these seeds had already parasitized Shi Ang’s body. Then these spiritual power seeds grew by absorbing Shion’s spiritual power and vitality. Before Shion knew it, these butterflies had completely grown and emerged from the cocoon.

“No…” The words of the Earth Demon Star Muse fell. At this time, Shi Ang, who fell on the ground, was struggling. He stood up from the ground again.

However, at this moment, Shion’s appearance was extremely miserable.

The saint clothing on his body was broken, and there were wounds all over his body.

In these wounds, blood is constantly gushing out, which looks very tragic.

However, even so, Shion’s eyes were filled with extremely firm gazes. He looked at the Earth Demon Star Muse, and just said, “It’s you who lost.”

Shi Ang’s words fell. At this moment, the Earth Demon Star Muse was unbelievable. The butterflies in her hand that had absorbed Shi Ang’s spiritual power and vitality and grew up suddenly suddenly flew by themselves, and they flew up. At the moment, the expression of the Earth Demon Star Muse stagnated.

Her eyes were dull, turned into blankness and silence.

Because at this moment, without her noticing it, these dark discs have eaten up her mental power and vitality. Her body collapsed in vain!

She used her mental power as a seed to nurture the eggs.

However, in fact, Shi Ang had already noticed when she planted these worm eggs on Shion.

The reason why he still deliberately let these worm eggs suck his spiritual power and vitality is because he wants to use these worm eggs to transform them so that they can become his own killer.

And now, Shion succeeded.

These meditation discs that had absorbed his mental power and vitality, and were fed by him, were actually controlled by him in turn.

As a result, without noticing the Muse of the Earth Demon Star, the moment when these dark discs fell on her, it was her death date. Looking at the body of the Earth Demon Star Muse, she was already fluttering butterflies around her body.

Shi Ang just frowned his brow, “It’s such a disgusting creature.”

With that said, the small universe on Shion’s body was burning, and he swiped a punch at these butterflies, and the light of the fist that burned the light of the small universe directly crushed all these dark discs.

After Shion killed the Muse of the Earth Demon Star, he subconsciously looked at Yapafika, who was fighting fiercely with Minos of the Heavenly Star.

After getting rid of Minos’ star puppet line, the battle between Japafica and Minos has just begun.

Between them, the small universe was burning, and the fists continued to fight, and the two people fought fiercely.

On the small universe, the small universe of Minos is indeed superior to Japafica.

Moreover, his strength and his fists are above Japafika, but Japafika’s shots are all roses with poison. This makes Minos also jealous. He can only act carefully to prevent accidentally being attacked by Japafika.

In the original plot, he was shot into the heart by a white rose by Japafika and died.

Watching the fierce fight between Japafica and Minos.

Shi Ang looked at Tonghu again. Tong Hu was alone, fighting fiercely with the three magic stars with the name of the sky.

At this moment, his battle can be said to be very difficult.

Even in such a one-to-three situation, it was as if he was being beaten upside down.

The profound meaning of the three underworld warriors kept hitting him, slamming Tonghu flying around like a ball.

But they knocked him down again and again, but Tong Hu could still stand up again and again.

He is like a super tenacious cockroach, who can’t kill it.

No matter what tricks you have, you can stand up again!

Moreover, as he stood up, from his body, a small universe that was more amazing than the original was continuously emitted. It seemed that with his injury, his combat effectiveness was constantly rising!

This scene is simply shocking. “Tonghu…!”

Seeing Tong Hu’s figure, Shi Ang’s mouth curled up, “You really are a man who can’t be underestimated!”

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