Chapter 1391 Suspicion and worry


Inside the pagoda, Bai Li was sitting upright.

In front of Bai Li, there was a man with long golden hair wearing a golden saint clothes.

His expression is pious, his hands clasped together and his eyes closed.

It’s like being caught in the deepest level of meditation anytime, anywhere.

He is Ashmita.

Among the sanctuary, it is closest to the existence of God.

He is also the strongest golden saint, even the small universe surpasses Baili and Saiqi.

“They have been to the underworld for a long time, and they don’t know what the situation is now.” Sitting on the ground, Bai Li said.

A knife lay across his leg. This knife is what the previous generation of Athena left for Baili and Saiqi.

At the last moment, it was precisely because of this one that was stained with the blood of Athena, that it was able to shelter Baili and Saiqi and let them survive the hands of the Gemini.

And in this era, since Sasha returned to the sanctuary, this knife was filled with Sasha’s longing.

This one can be said to have become a special artifact.

Originally, Bai Li planned to bring this knife to the Ye people.

Take it to the underworld for body protection. It was only because of Mukuro’s following that Bai Li’s plan was disrupted, and finally Bai Li did not give the knife to the Yeren. He worried that after he gave the sword to the Yeren, the Yeren could not bring it back, but lost it in the underworld.

And once this knife was lost, Bai Li had lost an important method he had expected and was going to use to deal with the sleep god Xiupunos.

Over the past two hundred years, Bai Li has been practicing continuously, and his small universe has reached the peak of the eighth sense.

However, even so, it is still extremely difficult to match the gods, especially the outstanding one among the second-level gods like Shupunos, the sleeping god.

Therefore, if he wants to defeat the sleep god Xiu Punos, he must use external force.

And this knife, for him, is an extremely important help.

But now, inexplicably, Bai Li didn’t know if his actions were correct.

As Bai Li’s words fell, Ashmita, who was sitting in front of him, said, “It is useless to think too much. Since there is someone who will follow, it is meaningless to bring this knife or not. ”

“If that person has strange intentions, let alone bring this knife, even if the goddess Athena comes in person, it may not be useful.

And if that person is not dissident, then if there is his follower, Pegasus must be safe. It doesn’t matter whether there is this knife or not. Therefore, I did not go to the underworld. “Ashmita said.

Ashmita can travel anywhere in this world at will, whether it’s going to the heavens or going to the underworld.

Even if it is a light-year journey to the end of the universe, as long as he wants to, he can do it with his own small universe.

His cultivation base has reached such an incredible realm, that’s why he can be called the existence closest to the gods.

This god does not refer to a god in the general sense.

The gods in the general sense, except for the main gods such as Pluton Hades and the goddess Athena, even second-level gods like the Gemini gods may not necessarily be the opponents of Ashmita.

As for the general three-level gods, in front of Ashmita, they were simply a flash of mercy.

How can this kind of god be said to be superior to Ashmeda? The god that Ashmeda is close to refers to the sense of God’s consciousness.

The Ninth Sense, Abinah!

In this term of Saint Seiya, in fact, before Ashmita, one person had already reached this state. That person was Elias, the father of Leo Golden Saint Regulus!

He is indeed true, has reached such a state, but it is a pity, maybe it really is because he is so good.

It was as if the heavens were jealous of him, and eventually made him terminally ill and died young!

And now, Ashmita is also about to reach such a realm.

If he is not dead, probably, he is only a little bit worse.

This time, he was already prepared to sacrifice himself, but because of Mukuro’s intervention, the situation changed, so Ahmeda had to come to Gamil and wait for the development of things.

Ashmita’s words fell, Bai Li sighed, and finally he nodded slightly.

And at this moment, the abrupt, in the pagoda, the void broke open, and the screams of Yeren and Tianma and their screams sounded, and then three figures fell from the void, and fell to the ground fiercely.

After falling on the ground, Ashmita moved her lips slightly and said, “Ah!”

His words fell, from his body, a small golden universe burned, and then pulled by an invisible force, the souls of all three people returned to the ground, lying in the flesh.

The soul returned to the body, and soon the three of Tianma woke up.

It’s just that at this time, the three of them were panting, and the expressions on their faces were quite solemn.

Seeing the appearance of the three of Tianma, Bai Li’s expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously said, “What is going on, why are you so embarrassed, Mr. Mukuro who is with you?”

Bai Li’s words fell. At this time, the Yeren panted and said with lingering fears: “Come out… a terrifying underworld came out. The two of them fought and are in the seventh hell. Then Mr. Mukuro took us. Send it back first!”

Yeren’s words fell. At this moment, Bai Li looked at Jean Ye as if he wanted Ye to answer.

Yeren’s words are inverted, and they are not clear at all.

Facing Bai Li’s gaze, Ye Guoran quickly calmed himself down.

Then she said, “That’s right, Mr. Mukuro brought us back and found Muluanzi. Then he asked us to echo the Muluanzi tree with our souls, and then the Muluanzi tree disappeared, and it should have been taken away by Mr. Mukuro. Taken away. After Luanzishu, we were planning to return, but at this moment, suddenly a god of underworld appeared. Mr. Mukuro called her the goddess of night Nix.”


Let Ye’s words fall, at this moment, the face of Ashmita sitting on the ground changed drastically on the spot.

“Night Goddess Nix?!”

Like Ashmita, Bai Li took a deep breath.

They are different from the Ye people, as one of the leaders of the sanctuary.

Baili and Ashmita naturally knew a lot about the secrets of this world. At least, Nix, the goddess of the night, had heard of the name.

Sure enough, Ye’s words fell. At this time, Ashmita couldn’t help taking a deep breath, “Nicks, the goddess of the night, in the legend, one of the first gods born after the creation of the world, Koronos. .”

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