Chapter 139 Wave country

Mukuro didn’t say anything else, just quietly waiting for the answer from Sage of Six Paths.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Sage of Six Paths was silent. He knew better than Mukuro that if no one could stop Ōtsutsuki Kaguya after his resurrection, what the consequences would be.

The sacred tree will be rooted in the entire world, and then the entire Ninja world will no longer exist.

For the current Sage of Six Paths, there is indeed no choice. With a slight sigh, Sage of Six Paths looked at Mukuro and said, “I can give you the power of yin descent. I hope you can use this power to bring peace to the Ninja World.”

“Of course.” Seeing Sage of Six Paths make a choice, Mukuro breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Extend your hand.” Sage of Six Paths said faintly.

Without hesitation, Mukuro directly stretched out his left hand and placed it in front of Sage of Six Paths.

Sage of Six Paths’s face gradually became dignified, more than a dozen Truth-Seeking Balls also appeared behind him, and all of his aura suddenly exploded.

Feeling this momentum, Mukuro couldn’t help being a little bit stunned, just a ray of remnant soul, with such power, not much worse than himself, if it was Sage of Six Paths in its heyday, it would be worth it, worthy of a seal. The powerhouse of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Sage of Six Paths’ skinny palm slowly covered Mukuro’s outstretched palm.

A sense of coldness spread from Mukuro’s palm to the whole body, and finally gathered in Mukuro’s sea of ​​consciousness.

There was no other strange feeling, Mukuro only felt that a shackle on his body was broken, and the mental power that was originally scattered in the sea of ​​consciousness was instantly under his own control, like an arm’s finger.

At the same time, the majestic vitality in the body seems to be inexplicably attracted and more active.

Raising his arm, Mukuro’s five fingers slammed open, and a mass of black matter appeared in Mukuro’s palm, and then extended to both sides.

In an instant, a fairy tin rod appeared in Mukuro’s hand, and nine Truth-Seeking Balls also appeared behind him.

“Is this… the power of yin and yang escape.”

Feeling the Truth-Seeking Ball behind you, you can change the shape of the Truth-Seeking Ball at will with a slight movement of your own thoughts, and you can manipulate it with your mind within a certain distance.

Seeing such a scene, the eyes of Sage of Six Paths on the side showed horror, and he couldn’t help but secretly said: Is the “yin and yang escape” combination completed just at the moment when the yin escape is turned on?

Mukuro put away the fairy tin rod in his hand, and the Truth-Seeking Ball behind it gradually disappeared.

Sage of Six Paths, who had lost the power of yin escape, looked even older: “Well, descendants of Hamura and I, you have already gained the power of yin. Remember, you will protect the peace of the Ninja world from now on. ”

As he said, the figure of Sage of Six Paths slowly faded. The whole body also gradually collapsed into dots of starlight.

Until the last Rinnegan also disappeared in the entire space.

Looking at the disappearing Sage of Six Paths, Mukuro had a hint of understanding in his eyes: “Without the support of the power of yin, the power of yang in the soul is instantly imbalanced, causing the soul to collapse directly?”

Sage of Six Paths is gone, and it’s no use thinking about it.

“Since I have gained the power of Yin Escape, it doesn’t make any sense to stay here anymore.”

Mukuro’s thoughts turned, and the next moment, he appeared in the magma space of the Heavenly Lord, and then in a trance, he appeared on the overseas desert island where Shinigami was summoned.

Looking around the surroundings, Mukuro couldn’t help frowning and murmured:

“The leaves have turned yellow. Is it because the flow of time in the two spaces is not the same? Or is it caused by the inability to perceive the passage of time in that space?”

“I just don’t know how much time has passed now.” Mukuro frowned, and Kagura’s eyes opened.

After turning on Yin Escape, the range of Mukuro Kagura’s mind and eyes has also been greatly improved. With Mukuro’s full display, even a small part of the Ninja World can be vaguely perceived by Mukuro.

“Huh!? The breath of this Chakra is.” A smile appeared on the corner of Mukuro’s mouth, and he instantly knew the time he was in.

The country of wave is located on an island between the country of fire and the country of water.

In such a small country, there is no Ninja Village, and even ninjas are very rare. The underground forces control the entire country…

One of the largest gangs is the Cardo gang, which controls the shipping and transportation of the entire country of Poland. For an island country, it simply controls everything about the country’s wealth, politics, and people.

However, Cardo sold and smuggled drugs and contraband in private, which can be said to arouse the anger of the people of the whole country.

In order to resist Cardo, the people of Poland paid for the construction of a bridge, no longer being threatened by Cardo.

“Ms. Kakashi!”

Naruto looked at Hatake Kakashi, who was trapped in the dungeon by Momoji, and couldn’t help shouting.

“Damn it! Unexpectedly, I was trapped in the water jail. Now Naruto and the three of them are in danger!” Kakashi, who was trapped in the water jail, showed anxious expression on his face.

“Lei Ya! Go, kill these three little ghosts!” Taodi said, looking at a black-haired ninja on the side without showing a fierce look.

Black Hoe Raytooth-one of Kirigakure’s previous “Seven Ninja Swords”, the first owner of Raytooth Sword, is known as the ninja of “Mist Shinobi”, with a cruel and cold-blooded character.

Hearing the words not to cut, Lei Ya’s face showed an unpleasant look: “Junior, but it’s not your turn to order me.” Turning the conversation, he looked at the three Naruto in front of him, Lei Ya’s teeth were 3.7. Cruelty and excitement flashed in his eyes: “However, it would be nice to hold a grand funeral for these three little ghosts.”

Mist Shinobi Technique!

In an instant, heavy fog filled the entire area.

“Sasuke! Little Sakura! Where are you!?” In the thick fog, even five meters away, Naruto couldn’t help but panic.

“Idiot! Don’t make a noise!” Kaka shouted loudly, trapped in the water prison.

“Haha, kid, I found you!”

The sound of Lei Ya’s abuse sounded in the thick fog. Suddenly he thrust the Thunder Knife Teeth into the ground, and shouted in his mouth:

“Lightning Style Raimon!”

Kakashi in the dungeon was frightened and desperate. Kakashi knew very well that with the current strength of the Naruto trio, he could not resist the attack of falling thunder at all.

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